10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan. [PDF] National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan in Light of Teaching of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) 2022-12-29

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Teaching is a profession that requires a high level of knowledge, skill, and professionalism. In Pakistan, there are several national professional standards for teachers that outline the expectations and requirements for those working in the education sector. These standards are designed to ensure that teachers have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to provide high-quality education to their students.

  1. Knowledge of the subject matter: Teachers in Pakistan are expected to have a thorough understanding of the subject matter they are teaching. This includes the content, concepts, and theories related to the subject, as well as the skills and techniques needed to teach it effectively.

  2. Planning and preparation: Teachers are expected to plan and prepare their lessons carefully, taking into account the needs, interests, and abilities of their students. This includes designing lesson plans, selecting appropriate materials and resources, and assessing student learning.

  3. Classroom management: Teachers are expected to create a positive and safe learning environment for their students. This includes setting clear rules and expectations, managing classroom behavior, and promoting a culture of respect and responsibility.

  4. Instructional delivery: Teachers are expected to deliver lessons in a clear, engaging, and effective manner, using a variety of teaching strategies and techniques. They should also be able to adjust their instruction to meet the needs of individual students or groups of students.

  5. Assessment and evaluation: Teachers are expected to use a variety of assessment techniques to evaluate student learning and progress. This includes formative and summative assessment, as well as the use of traditional and innovative methods of assessment.

  6. Professional development: Teachers are expected to engage in ongoing professional development in order to improve their knowledge, skills, and practices. This includes participating in workshops, seminars, and other professional learning opportunities.

  7. Collaboration and teamwork: Teachers are expected to work collaboratively with their colleagues, as well as with other professionals in the education sector. This includes sharing resources and ideas, and participating in professional learning communities.

  8. Ethical conduct: Teachers are expected to adhere to high ethical standards in their professional practice, including maintaining confidentiality, acting with integrity, and treating all students with respect and fairness.

  9. Cultural competency: Teachers are expected to be culturally competent, meaning that they have the ability to understand and respect the diverse cultures and backgrounds of their students. This includes being sensitive to cultural differences and promoting inclusivity in the classroom.

  10. Leadership: Teachers are expected to serve as leaders in their classrooms and schools, and to take on leadership roles in the wider education community. This includes advocating for students, collaborating with colleagues, and taking an active role in school and district decision-making processes.

Overall, these national professional standards for teachers in Pakistan reflect the high level of professionalism and expertise that is expected of those working in the education sector. By adhering to these standards, teachers can ensure that they are providing the best possible education to their students and making a positive contribution to the future of Pakistan.

The 10 Professional Standards All Effective Teachers Must Meet

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

In the middle of 2007 Pakistan experienced intense storms and a major cyclone causing severe flooding, displacing over 300,000 people and affecting more than 2. Promoting school safety is of strategic importance to overall community safety as activities related to school safety trickle down to the larger community through various means such as training of masons, interests of parents, and conveyance of information by children to the entire household. The inter-departmental Policy and Coordination Group would be chaired by Secretary, Secondary Education, Government of the Sindh. These standards are necessary for every teacher to improve his teaching style and strategy. Co-chair the Joint Working Group of the Donors.


National Professional Standards for Teachers in blog.sigma-systems.com

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

The province of Sindh was quite affected, with a larger number of dead and missing. Provide jobs through Employment Exchanges. ABSTRACT Teacher education can take place in multiple spaces besides the school environment university and basic education schools , following different paths and in a decolonial way. Tsunami, Cyclone and Earthquakes are identified as some of the key hazards in the National Disaster Risk Management Framework. Initiating measures for giving suitable publicity to the Development Plans and educating the public on the results achieved from time to time. As schools have a major role in the development, transferring knowledge and acting as safety messengers, teaching risk safety to children is a good investment as children often have a high capacity of learning.


[PDF] National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan in Light of Teaching of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

Review, amend, approve and disseminate the revised standard project formulation forms of all donors to integrate DRR 6. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. Providing descriptive feedback on student progress encourages students to focus on areas of difficulty where appropriate. Issues and practices related to programmatic and operational requirements of designing, designating, and operations of community infrastructure as safe haven within local communities, to provide continuity-of-service in post disaster scenarios is integral to this element of school safety. With the addition of five new sectors, i. Secondary of four public sector universities of Azad Kashmir session 2015-19 was the population of the study. It is expected that incorporation of risk reduction considerations in the Planning Commission formats and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms would encourage all ministries and subsidiary departments, provincial and regional governments to be cognizant of the disaster risk reduction aspects during the design, planning and implementation of their projects in hazard prone areas.


National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan [PDF]

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

Lack of information and ambiguous rules and regulation on the nature and status of the ADE and B. Pending formulation of 1. The key elements, and their underlying indicative actions contained in the action plan matrix, as a comprehensive approach to school safety was also explained to participants. Yaseen Tunio Project Manager Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum 10. On the basis of the Plan of Action authorities will be able to develop strategy and mobilize the resources required to make educational institutions safe. In second phase, starting Jan 2010, five more Ministries have been included in the DRR mainstreaming assistance keeping in view their mandate and role in development of physical infrastructure in the country, impact of past disasters, and objectives of the initiative.


(PDF) National Professional Standards for Teachers: Awareness, Perspective & Implementation in Pakistan

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

The decision making and implementation mechanism flow is from the national level policy making to local level implementation, with local implementation experience information flowing back to the national level representation in the national working group. The new sectors include Communication, Environment UNHABITAT , Education UNESCO and UNICEF , Health WHO and UNFPA , and Food and Agriculture FAO and WFP. The composition of this policy and coordination group, as well as its proposed tasks, have been derived of in light of Education ministrys functions as well as the education ministrys technical and operational interface with other provincial departments and key stakeholders in provision of Education in province of Sindh. Undertake Capacity building of Teachers Training 6. Monitoring the progress and evaluation of development schemes and writing their critical appraisal. Destruction caused by major earthquakes in the South-East Asian region of the past few years remind us of insufficient progress towards safe schools.


National Professional Standards for Teachers: Awareness, Perspective & Implementation in Pakistan

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

According to the opinions and suggestions of the experts, statements were changed. Equally contributing to such factors is lack of preparedness in schools in terms of evacuation plans, designated evacuation areas, and safety awareness. It is an exploratory investigation applying survey method and semi-structured interview to collect data from PTs and CTs to answer the investigation inquiries about the role of Feedback practices in bridging the theory-practice gap. The session duration will be 3 hours. Muhammad Mukhtar Khan, Civil Defence 7. Lead the development and implementation of initiatives for mainstreaming DRR in the seven donor organizations 9. Shift from post disaster relief and reconstruction RR to pre-disaster prevention and preparedness PP investment in disaster reduction and its integration within the development planning process is included.


National Professional Standards For Teachers in Pakistan

10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

Formulation of public policy and its promulgation; updating of laws, rules and providing guidelines for the working of Local Governments. Bashir Ahmed Education Department 8. Some of the key functions include 1. Development practice of various ministries, departments and donors is not fully considerate about risks posed by natural and human induced hazards. Training of members of Ministerial Working Group and other ministry officials to implement mainstreaming DRR into development 3. Where all actions need to be undertaken simultaneously for all school safety elements, this bifurcation simply provides a different time horizon for resource allocations.


10 national professional standards for teachers in pakistan

Over 17,000 school-age children perished in these collapsed schools approximately 23% of the total deaths , and over 20,000 children suffered serious injuries. Approval of budgets of Local Governments 7. What we envisage may not be the most straightforward or the most conventional ideas. The teacher understands how to develop and provide supportive learning environments for his or her students. Provide the basic right of education for all citizens of Sindh, irrespective of sex, caste, creed or race.
