3 stages of french revolution. The 3 Stages Of The French Revolution 2022-12-29

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Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development outlines eight stages that individuals go through as they develop and mature. The first stage, trust versus mistrust, occurs during the first year of life and is characterized by the development of trust or mistrust in others.

During this stage, infants are dependent on their caregivers for basic needs such as food, warmth, and comfort. If these needs are consistently met in a reliable and predictable manner, the infant will develop a sense of trust in their environment and the people around them. On the other hand, if their needs are not consistently met, or if they are subjected to neglect or abuse, the infant may develop a sense of mistrust and insecurity in their environment and the people around them.

The development of trust versus mistrust is important because it lays the foundation for future relationships and emotional development. Trust allows individuals to feel safe and secure in their relationships, and to be open to new experiences and challenges. Mistrust, on the other hand, can lead to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and an inability to form close relationships with others.

It is important for caregivers to be attentive and responsive to the needs of infants in order to foster a sense of trust. This can involve providing a consistent and predictable routine, responding to the infant's cries and needs in a timely manner, and being emotionally attuned and supportive.

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that the development of trust versus mistrust in the first year of life has a lasting impact on an individual's emotional development and relationships. By providing a secure and supportive environment for infants, caregivers can help lay the foundation for a lifetime of trust and healthy relationships.

3 Stages of the French Revolution Between 1789 to 1799.

3 stages of french revolution

The 3rd estate is 97% of the population, and they were more of the commoners. Due to the King's indecisiveness the escape was delayed many times. I am a peasant in France under the reign of King Louis XVI during the years of 1774-1792. Many aspects of the revolutions from the causes to aftermath in the Middle East can resemble those that happened in France. The Directory rules through a series of coups, but it brings a form of peace and a form of accepted corruption, while the armies of France have great success abroad. I am so poor that I don't own any land and have to work on other people's land. Many governmental changes were made in that short time period.


Three Estates of the French Revolution Explained.

3 stages of french revolution

First stage of the French Revolution 1789-1791 States-General: The States-General of 1789 was the last gathered by the Old Regime. The French Revolution lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799. Instead of bowing to the king the Estates General takes radical action, declaring itself a Legislative Assembly and seizing sovereignty. Pros And Cons Of The French Revolution 758 Words 4 Pages The French revolution is considered to be the most significant and effective event in the history. It was thus that the nobility and the clergy lost their privileges. Down the road a man named Maximilian Robespierre introduced the guillotine and thus started The Reign Of Terror.


Three Stages Of The French Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

This was the first splash of fuel for the revolution, but another was the miserable condition in which the people of the lower class lived. They were about to cross the border when someone recognized Louis from a coin and from of their extravagant form of transport. Therefore, th ey had nothing to lose during the revolution, so this was a great spark for the French revolution to break out later. During the French Revolution society was made up of three separate phases. I was supposed to go to the commoners when they were working and to encourage them.


3 Stages of the French Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

The clergy also takes part of what I make daily that they call tithes. Using the guillotine the peasants committed about 50,000 executions they also unveiled all sorts of terror. On that note, the French American Revolution And French Revolution Essay 725 Words 3 Pages Compare and contrast of The French Revolution and The American Revolution The American revolution and the French Revolution are two major incidents happened in the 1700s, which had intense social impacts on both French and American societies. The Legislative Assembly is replaced by the new National Convention. I have to work really hard everyday and I get very high taxes on everything that I collect daily.


The Three Stages of the French Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

In addition, they did not live in Versailles but were in different provinces, which gave them closer contact with the people. They were a small group but influential because they had money. On August 4, 1789, the National Constituent Assembly approved eliminating the levy, the abolition of feudalism, among other agreements, to make way for social equality regarding the payment of taxes and access to public office and penalties. Likewise, everyday tensions were more marked between political clubs, such as the Jacobins, the rope makers, and Girondists, even with the conservative bourgeoisie. Marie Antoinette's execution; the dead? Robespierre is sentenced to death by the guillotine. This timeline is designed to accompany your reading on the French Revolution from pre-1789 to 1802. They executed many people using the guillotine Shown in lower right , including the king.


The three stages of the French Revolution timeline

3 stages of french revolution

Most wealth benefited only the High Clergy, basically the bishops and abbots. It began on July 14, 1789 when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille. With the country in such dire need of government reform the third estate proposed that they receive more power to more accurately represent the people of France. Shortly after the monarchy had been abolished, the church became victimized at the hands of the revolutionaries who recognized the institution as a chunk of the Ancien Regime that needed to be destroyed. There were many easy fixes the government could have done, if they had fixed them, it could have prevented the revolution. A number of commoners took to the streets of Paris to protest against the monarchy after years of alienation and paying abundance of tax and fees. Over time the the 3rd Estate developed we call the Estates General.


Stages of The French Revolution : Western Civilization II Guides

3 stages of french revolution

Another reason it was a failure was because during the revolts and reforms more than 40,000 men and women died. The citizens put in charge Maximilien Francois Marie or Robespierre. This class system was complex, marked by inequalities and hierarchical relationships, so it is not surprising that one of the greatest revolutions in history has arisen. The peasants were the largest group; they represented more than 80% of the population but had little power or money. The lower Clergy was composed of priests and vicars. Their oldest son died under mysterious circumstances while in the care of the radicals. The Jacobins ,or the radical republic, were a ruthless political group that was formed during the french revolution.


Society: The Three Phases Of The French Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

This social class had a subdivision within it. Louis died 9 months before Marie. Amid such social upheaval, the Assembly ceased the executive functions of King Louis XVI on August 10, 1792, when the Tuileries Palace was invaded. In France, the people were divided into three separate social estates, clergy, nobility, and the commoner as the lowest and the highest above all of course would be the king. French Revolution Timeline: 6 Phases of Revolution. The nobility the second estate The nobility was the second most powerful social class in France.


French Revolution Timeline: 6 Phases of Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

On January 17, 1793, King Louis XVI was sentenced to death for conspiring against the people, and on the 21st, he was beheaded in public. In the days before the start of the French Revolution in 1789, France had a very rigid system of social stratification being made up of the Three Estates. Of course, some people had a more leading role than others, but all had a determining role for or against in the French Revolution. On July 9, the Assembly has renamed the National Constituent Assembly, where the first French Constitution was approved on September 3, 1791. In response, to the three years of terror, a reactionary phase recaptured France and disbanded the Committee of Public Safety. This only angered the Third Estate and instead of weakening their power it sparked the beginning of the After researching informational texts on modern and historical revolutions, write an essay that After researching informational texts on modern and historical revolutions, write an essay that compares a modern revolution to the French revolution and argues the significance of each. When did it take place? While the financial situation was partly caused by bad handling, poor revenue management and royal over spending, the decisive French contribution to the American Revolutionary War made a huge financial dent too.


Unit 3: The 3 Stages of The French Revolution

3 stages of french revolution

One revolution ended up triggering another, and both changed the world. The 3rd estate was literally starving to death. Robespierre wanted the same thing that the people of France did, a formation of a democratic republic, however he did it with a new idea. The national convention was an assembly that was held in a single-chamber. Following the Second French Revolution Essay Why was there a French Revolution? B 1793 , as suspects who could be arrested and executed. To make it easier to understand, I will give you a brief insider on each of the estates.
