5 types of forests in india. Types of Forests in India 2022-12-07

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India is home to a diverse range of forests, ranging from tropical rainforests to coniferous forests. Here are five types of forests found in India:

  1. Tropical Rainforests: These forests are found in the western ghats and the northeastern states of India, such as Assam and Meghalaya. They are characterized by high rainfall and a humid climate, and are home to a rich diversity of plant and animal life. Some of the trees found in tropical rainforests include teak, mahogany, and sandalwood.

  2. Deciduous Forests: These forests are found throughout India, especially in the central and eastern parts of the country. They are characterized by a dry and hot climate, and the trees shed their leaves during the dry season. Some of the trees found in deciduous forests include sal, teak, and bamboo.

  3. Coniferous Forests: These forests are found in the higher altitudes of the Himalayan mountain range, such as in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. They are characterized by cold and dry winters, and the trees are adapted to withstand the harsh conditions. Some of the trees found in coniferous forests include pine, fir, and spruce.

  4. Mangrove Forests: These forests are found along the coastal regions of India, such as in the states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. They are characterized by a saline and muddy soil, and the trees have adapted to withstand the harsh conditions. Some of the trees found in mangrove forests include sundari and karipatta.

  5. Montane Forests: These forests are found at high altitudes, such as in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. They are characterized by a cool and moist climate, and the trees are adapted to withstand the cold temperatures. Some of the trees found in montane forests include oak, rhododendron, and fir.

Overall, India's forests play a vital role in the country's ecosystem, providing a home for a wide variety of plant and animal life and serving as a source of timber and other resources. They also help to regulate the climate and protect against soil erosion. It is important to protect and preserve these forests for the benefit of future generations.

Types of Forests in India

5 types of forests in india

These forests occupy a much larger area than the evergreen forests but the large areas under these forests are cleared for cultivation. They grow luxuriantly in muddy areas covered with silt that the rivers have brought down. Montane Forests Below we have tabulated the characteristic features of Montane forests along with its types and species. Alpine Forests Moist Tropical Forest Where the amount of annual rainfall ranges between 200 and 250 cm, the mean annual temperature lies between 24 and 27 and humidity percentage is 80, the evergreen forests degenerate into semi evergreen forests; such forests are found along the Western Coast, in Upper Assam, lower slopes of the eastern Himalaya, Orissa coast and neighbouring hills. The Forest Department works tirelessly by disease controlling, protecting forests against wildfires, deforestation etc. Chir or chil are the most dominant trees.


Types of Forests in India (2022)

5 types of forests in india

About half of the forests are exploitable and one-fourth of the forest is potentially exploitable. This secretariat works with the Government of leading nations in introducing various norms to regulate climate change and save nature. These are closed evergreen forests. These forests have closed rather uneven canopies. If you want to visit a boreal, coniferous forest, visiting northern Ontario parts will be the best place for you to travel. Some of these trees have small leaves, while other species have thick, waxy leaves to reduce water losses during transpiration.


5 Types of Forests Found in India

5 types of forests in india

The barks of the trees are covered in moss. Coffee, bananas, and chocolates come from tropical rainforests. The alluvial sediment of various rivers like Ganga, the Krishana, the Mahanadi, the Godavari and the Kaveri is densely enclosed by this vegetation growth. The common trees are Betula utilis, Quercus semecarpifolia, many species of Rhododendron Pyrus spp. Chir Pine tree is mostly found in these forests. Carolinian Forest See also What You Need to Know About Tropical Rainforests Although this is a protected and beautiful area, the land is largely under attack due to logging and invasive farmland and vineyards.


What are the different types of forests found in India?

5 types of forests in india

The plants are typical halophytes which are characterised by presence of prop roots with well developed knees for support and pneumatophores and viviparous germination of seeds. Commercially significant tree species that are found there are Bamboos, sal, kusum, arjun, shisham, sandalwood, khair, mulberry. This article is written by; Mr. Montane Temperate Forest These types of forests are mainly generated in Northern middle Himalayas ranges 1801 to 3001 m and Southern Niligiri higher Mountain ranges. Fie, kail, source, etc are the main species. Epiphytes are in abundance.


Types of Forest in India: Types of Vegetation, Location, Species & Climatic Conditions

5 types of forests in india

The forests in the northern region are denser than in the South. It also includes orchards, bamboo and palm. In the past when wildlife was plentiful, people could hunt and kill animals for food. No public entity is allowed for good gathering, grazing of the cattle, or collection of timber. Cover about 94% of the TFA of the country.


Types of Forests in India

5 types of forests in india

Evergreen forests are dense and temperature-sensitive. Although different geographers divide the forests into many other categories, these are supposed to remain uniform throughout the country. Legal or Administrative Classification: This classification has been done to protect the forests against indiscriminate destruction. The trees often reach 45m in height individually, However, they can grow up to 60m. Champion 1938 named the natural vegetation of desert as tropical thorny forest. The average height for such forests are 25to 60m. The exotic Bengal Tiger is prominent in this vegetation type along with Turtles, crocodiles and snakes.


Different Types Of Forests In India

5 types of forests in india

India also has temperate deciduous forests but they are very less in number. These forests constitute about 82% of the total forest area of the country. Tropical evergreen forests are also known as Rain Forest. Even though this idea has been there since 1971, the event was first globally celebrated in 2012. Forests in India India is an enormous country. They are common in both the main Himalayan regions as well as the barren cold deserts of the Tran Himalaya.


5 Types of Forests in Ontario

5 types of forests in india

These types of plants are known as Xerophytes. These forests are mainly confined to deltas of Ganga, the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna River. Himalayan Forests These types of forests are divided into 2 types, which are Himalayan Moist Forests and Himalayan Dry Temperate, both found in different regions of India and having unique characteristics. The vegetation is composed of tall, stately trees having needle-like leaves that jut out from downward sloping branches. During the summer season, short dwarf conifers and lush green nutritious grasses grow in these areas. Moderately Dense Forest MDF : All lands with forest cover having a canopy density between 40 — 70% 2. The types of forests found in India are Moist tropical forests, Dry tropical forests, Montane subtropical forests, Montane temperate forests and Alpine forests.



5 types of forests in india

Annual rainfall is less than 65 cm. These forests are found in West coast region, Lower slopes of Eastern Himalayas and the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Now that populations of most wildlife species have diminished, continued hunting would lead to extinction. Mainly in the Higher Hills of Tamil Nadu and Kerala and also north-eastern hills. The trees that grow here are Rhizophora, Sundri, Palms, etc.


What are the Different Types of Forests in India?\n\n

5 types of forests in india

Throughout Ontario, there are four distinct forest types: the Lowlands near Hudson Bay, the boreal forest in northern Ontario, the Great Lakes region with the Lawrence forest, and the deciduous forests in southern Ontario that are known as the Carolinian forest. It is located in the Ganges delta of West Bengal and Bangladesh. The soil in these forests lacks essential nutrients. The trees in this type of forest stay green throughout the year because in these regions monsoon lasts for a long time. They are named as Tropical evergreen forests, Tropical deciduous forests, Tropical thorn forests, Montane forests, and Swamp forests. These are Montane wet temperate forests, Montane moist temperate forests and Montane dry temperate forests. These are also known as tidal forests.
