A sentence for variety. 7.1 Sentence Variety 2022-12-08

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A sentence for variety is a phrase that suggests the use of different words or structures in order to make language more interesting and engaging. This can be especially important in written communication, where the use of repetition can quickly become monotonous and lose the reader's attention. By incorporating a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary, writers can keep their audience engaged and convey their message more effectively.

There are several ways in which a writer can add variety to their sentences. One method is to use a mix of short and long sentences. Short sentences can be used for emphasis or to create a sense of momentum, while longer sentences can be used to provide more detail or to add complexity to an argument. Using a variety of sentence lengths can help to keep the reader's attention and make the writing more dynamic.

Another way to add variety to sentences is through the use of figurative language. Figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, can help to paint a more vivid picture in the reader's mind and make the writing more engaging. Additionally, using a variety of vocabulary can also help to add interest and depth to a piece of writing. This can be achieved through the use of synonyms or by introducing new and uncommon words.

In conclusion, a sentence for variety is an important tool for writers to keep their audience engaged and make their writing more effective. By using a mix of sentence lengths and incorporating figurative language and varied vocabulary, writers can add interest and depth to their work and better convey their message.

How to Use Variety with Example Sentences

a sentence for variety

Types of prewriting include outlining, brainstorming, and idea mapping. They published a wide variety of opinions in the Economic Weekly. World Water Day is celebrated around the world with a variety of events. In its place, there is a rich variety of paths that include self-employment, entrepreneurship, and midlife career changes. Starting a Sentence with a Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase is a group of words that behaves as an adjective or an adverb, modifying a noun or a verb. It is a relatively poor flier, preyed upon by cicada killer wasps and a wide variety of birds, and can succumb to a cicada-specific fungal disease. Adverb clause- While playing baseball, he realized he was allergic to grass.


Chapter 07

a sentence for variety

Imperative sentences are useful for persuasion and exhortation; manifestos and political propaganda make generous use of this type of sentence. Today, I can say that my wardrobe consists of a variety of tab, spread, point, and button-down collars. Its bloom anticipates that of the other asters of a big week. Adverb- Patiently, she read her first draft without judgement. Four types of sentence structure. In fact, if you were to write such a sentence in academic prose, your instructor would probably call you in for a conference.


9.1 Sentence Variety

a sentence for variety

Notice that different beginnings can alter not only the structure but also the emphasis of the sentence. The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses. Other states are likely to follow their example. With the new technology, companies can demassify and offer a wider variety of products, as well as operate on a global scale. Appositive before noun: A poorly trained athlete, Scott was not expected to win the race. Do you have more colours in this variety? A sentence is not necessarily effective just because it is long and complex. Collaboration Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.


Use "variety" in a sentence

a sentence for variety

Explorers might find a highly developed and intelligent variety of worm which would not need oxygen to live. Compound Sentences Coordination Compound sentences are composed of two independent clauses joined with a coordinating conjunction: FANBOYS. Radiation thinking has its synthesis, variety in aspects, changeability and focuses. And also Jenny drives an old Ford truck , and her brother drives a tiny Kia. This policy continues this year with a wide variety of local acts covering ballads, folk, trad, country and rock. I also like googling long sentence examples to see how they work out of context.


Sentence Variety Examples: Different Types & Structures

a sentence for variety

The forest at Weston is over 30 acres and contains a whole variety of species but John's favourites are the hard woods like the elm and the yew. If not, no comma is used. Complex sentences: I like writing because it is fulfilling. To coax a tulip to break, early growers used a variety of entirely useless nostrums, including plaster from old walls, pigeon dung, or water from dung hills. You can also ask a colleague to paraphrase your main points to ensure that the meaning is clear. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences.


Sentence Variety

a sentence for variety

The storm came without notice, and the people scrambled to avoid getting wet. Connecting Ideas to Increase Sentence Variety Reviewing and rewriting the beginning of sentences is a good way of introducing sentence variety into your writing. A yellow variety which stains water and has a faint odor is adulterated with the horned-poppy. And the button-down variety always felt like they'd been dipped in starch, stiff and scratchy. I suppose John never was nervous in his life. Learning English Faster Through Complete Sentences with "variety" Sentences are everywhere. Examples of Sentences using Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS FANBOYS sentence For because I brought an umbrella , for the news report said it would rain.


Variety in a Sentence

a sentence for variety

Books are written on a variety of subjects. He started several airfields in the Los Angeles area and operated a variety of aircraft. You can add an — ing modifier to the beginning or the end of a sentence, depending on which fits best. However, the second part of the sentence is not independent. Typically, he is said to be hiding under the bed, although the details of his story is adapted by the parents in a variety of ways. If you can substitute the word because, it is a coordinating conjunction.


Understanding Sentence Variety (Definition, Examples, Varying Sentences)

a sentence for variety

LeGuin in her book Steering the Craft discusses the length of sentences beautifully, pg. Now, I know, my complete lack of sentence variety! I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, which will protect the beauty of our natural environment, which will preserve the great old American houses and squares and parks of our national past, and which will build handsome and balanced cities for our future. A variety of subjects is taught in this school. After it rains, bunnies hop in the meadow. Members can take lessons at a variety of levels at little or no cost or just hang out and jive to big band music. Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive.


Variety In A Sentence

a sentence for variety

This is not one of your garden- variety cases of fraud. If you reelect me this year, I promise to continue to serve this community. The variety of kente cloth that adorns every outfit he wears is legendary. The promise of endless variety savours of sameness, and we blame ourselves for being spoilt or ignorant, unimaginative, ungrateful and unfulfilled. Do they have a good variety of things to choose from? Use of a semicolon should be limited to short independent clauses that are so closely related that they seem to belong in one sentence. Here are some other ways you can start sentences: The simple: Noun- Susan needs to learn new ways to start her sentences. Vietnam's minority population consists of Chinese, Khmers, and a variety of highland ethnic groups.
