Aims of education in philosophy. AIMS OF EDUCATION IN PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION 2022-12-23

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Education has long been a central concern in philosophy, with philosophers throughout history debating the nature, aims, and methods of education. In this essay, we will explore some of the different philosophical approaches to education and the aims that have been proposed by philosophers.

One of the earliest and most influential philosophical perspectives on education is that of Plato, who argued that the aim of education is to produce individuals who are capable of living a virtuous life. According to Plato, this requires the cultivation of the soul, which can be achieved through a program of philosophical study that focuses on the contemplation of eternal truths and the development of reason. Plato believed that education should be based on the Socratic method, which involves asking questions and engaging in dialogue in order to arrive at knowledge and understanding.

Aristotle, another ancient Greek philosopher, also placed a strong emphasis on virtue in his approach to education. However, he argued that the aim of education was not just to cultivate virtue in individuals, but also to enable them to live a good and fulfilling life. Aristotle believed that this required the development of both the body and the mind, and he proposed a program of education that included physical exercise, music, and the study of literature, science, and mathematics.

Another important philosophical perspective on education is that of John Locke, who argued that the aim of education is to prepare individuals to be productive members of society. According to Locke, education should focus on practical skills and knowledge that are necessary for participating in the economy and contributing to the common good. Locke also believed that education should be based on reason and evidence, and that individuals should be free to choose their own path in life.

In contrast to these more traditional approaches, more recent philosophers have argued for alternative aims of education. For example, Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that the aim of education should be to preserve the natural goodness and innocence of children, rather than to mold them into a particular form. Similarly, John Dewey argued that the aim of education should be to enable individuals to adapt to and shape their environment, rather than simply to conform to it.

Overall, the aims of education in philosophy have varied widely throughout history, reflecting the diverse perspectives and values of different philosophers. While some have argued for the cultivation of virtue or the development of practical skills, others have emphasized the importance of preserving natural innocence or enabling individuals to adapt to and shape their environment. Ultimately, the aim of education will depend on the values and goals of the society in which it occurs, and may change over time as those values and goals evolve.

Educational Philosophy, Its Aims, Ideals, Values

aims of education in philosophy

Life does not stand still and there is a constant need for improvement. The child lives in the present. Factors associated with Political ideology : Political ideologies also help in determining the aims of education. Those who cannot bear this pressure may fall out of school. It establishes the validity of educational facts.


Philosophy and Aims of Education Essay Example

aims of education in philosophy

An aim must be capable of translation into a method of cooperation with the activities of those undergoing instruction. How does learning such principles affect moral behavior? It is not surprising that scholars who work in this broad genre also find a home in the field of philosophy of education. Conclusion: The foundations have been laid to rethink the philosophy of education. Hence it is unthinkable without aims. This does not preclude teachers from understanding what they do as providing a means to previously-known ends. On Education and Education and the Social Order. He believed that imagination drives thinking and learning forward.


What is a Philosophy of Education?

aims of education in philosophy

All our methods of teaching, our curriculum and our system of evaluation are shaped and molded according to our aim of education. . In India although there is no state religion, yet different religious view points influence the aims of education. Oliva and Gordon 2012 stated that the development of a statement of aims of education and a school philosophy is seen as the first phase of a comprehensive model for curriculum development. The term "classical education" has been used in English for several centuries, with each era modifying the definition and adding its own selection of topics.


Philosophy Associate Degree

aims of education in philosophy

One does not aim at appreciating something as valuable unless one already thinks of it as worth something. Another criticism of the economic relation of education is that, in a market-led education system, there are grounds for suspecting that some parents would fail to educate their children. The value of philosophy and the benefit of philosophical thinking in human life are also explained in this paper. Such an approach naturally runs the risk of degenerating into reactionary evolution, where a civilization is constantly shifting ground in reaction to changes in the functional environment of a society. Does White, who focuses on the moral aspect, have a concept that is different from that of Peters, who emphasises the cognitive aspect? The most lively contemporary debates about education research, however, were set in motion around the turn of the millennium when the US Federal Government moved in the direction of funding only rigorously scientific educational research—the kind that could establish causal factors which could then guide the development of practically effective policies. The promotion and spread of atheism in Communist lands and throughout the world.


Philosophy of Education (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

aims of education in philosophy

Does a proper education tend to instill certain virtues—such as honesty and patience—or to reveal important moral standards and principles? He believed in learning by doing, which is still a prevalent belief. Review of Research in Education. Thus, truth may be accessed by studying the world of ideas, entry into which is gained by reasoning, rather than by studying the world of experience, which is entered by sense experience. For achieving success in activity of life, clear and well defined aim is essential. He said that abstract ideas should be followed by concrete applications.


Why the Aims of Education Cannot Be Settled

aims of education in philosophy

One influential line of argument was developed by Paul Hirst, who argued that knowledge is essential for developing and then pursuing a conception of the good life, and because logical analysis shows, he argued, that there are seven basic forms of knowledge, the case can be made that the function of the curriculum is to introduce students to each of these forms Hirst 1965; see Phillips 1987: ch. Arguments against Individual Aim The following arguments are generally advanced against individual aim of education:— 1. G German word which is translated as Garden of children for 3 to 4-year-old children. But this could be said for any form of social polity. They are the development of the intellectual and spiritual capabilities of the individual to their highest level. Hence ,it is the prime duty of the individual to pay back this debt of society by working his best for the welfare of society.


Philosophy of education

aims of education in philosophy

Should parents or their children have the right to opt out of such material? Disregard of Social obligations : Maximum freedom may go against the society. Philosophy provides critical thinking tools that help question tradition and authority. Retrieved 22 December 2008. Then, if it is claimed that it is in the public interest for society to be democratic, it will be in the public interest too to provide whatever is necessary, education included, to sustain democracy. If Aim k is admitted, we expect our students to find something better to do than merely work towards the aims on our list, and thus the list is not definitive. Discover learning and new ways of educating based on the individuality of each subject. .


What are the philosophical aims of education in the Philippines?

aims of education in philosophy

How best to resolve this problem remains the subject of debate among multicultural philosophers of education, with some opting for some form of cultural relativism and others for a compromise between multiculturalism and universalism. Issues such as the proper ordering or sequencing of topics in the chosen subject, the time to be allocated to each topic, the lab work or excursions or projects that are appropriate for particular topics, can all be regarded as technical issues best resolved either by educationists who have a depth of experience with the target age group or by experts in the psychology of learning and the like. Idealistic philosophy lays down different aims like education for self-realization. In The Aims of Education Restated, published in It may be tempting to conclude from this diversity of views that different authors have different concepts of education. Ennis edited the volume Language and Concepts in Education 1961 ; and R. Understood in all its magnitude and with all its implications socio-historical, political, and economic contextual.
