Alcohol combustion experiment. Combustion of Alcohols, Lab Report Example 2022-12-20

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Alcohol combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen to produce heat and light energy. Alcohols, such as ethanol and methanol, are common fuels that can undergo combustion when ignited. In this essay, we will discuss the process of alcohol combustion, its applications, and the safety precautions that should be taken when conducting an alcohol combustion experiment.

The process of alcohol combustion involves the reaction of an alcohol molecule with oxygen molecules in the air. The chemical formula for the combustion of ethanol, a common type of alcohol, is:

C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O + heat

In this equation, the ethanol molecule (C2H5OH) reacts with three oxygen molecules (3O2) to form two molecules of carbon dioxide (2CO2), three molecules of water (3H2O), and a large amount of heat energy. The heat energy is released as a result of the bond formation and bond breaking that occurs during the reaction.

There are several factors that can affect the rate of alcohol combustion, including the type of alcohol being used, the presence of a catalyst, and the temperature of the reaction. Different types of alcohols have different chemical structures and react at different rates. Methanol, for example, has a lower flash point (the temperature at which it can ignite) than ethanol, making it more flammable. Catalysts, such as platinum or palladium, can speed up the reaction by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur. Increasing the temperature of the reaction can also increase the rate of combustion, as the increased energy allows the molecules to collide more frequently and react more readily.

Alcohol combustion has a wide range of applications, including its use as a fuel for heating and cooking. Alcohol stoves, for example, are portable stoves that use alcohol as a fuel to cook food and boil water. Alcohol is also used as a fuel in some types of racing vehicles, such as dragsters and go-karts.

It is important to take safety precautions when conducting an alcohol combustion experiment. Alcohol is a flammable liquid and should be handled with care. It should be stored in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat and flame. When conducting the experiment, it is important to use appropriate protective equipment, such as goggles and gloves, and to follow all safety guidelines provided by the laboratory or instructor.

In conclusion, alcohol combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when an alcohol molecule reacts with oxygen to produce heat and light energy. It has a wide range of applications, including its use as a fuel for heating and cooking. It is important to take safety precautions when conducting an alcohol combustion experiment to prevent accidents and injuries.

Temperature and the combustion of alcohols

alcohol combustion experiment

One position may have more heat than the other. This is not observed in the values based on BE where the five energy values are perfectly aligned. Results: Mass at start Average Mass at Start Mass at End Average Mass at End Temp of water at the beginning Average temp of water at beginning Mass of water Temp of water at the End. In the future the temperature of the calorimeter should be recorded and included in the error propagation calculations. Most of the errors and inaccuracies are preventable and can be easily fixed by doing the following things: Use a plastic cup which accurately closes the calorimeter therefore preventing the heat from escaping and preventing the exterior environment from affecting the experiment, such as temperature and the wind. Also make sure that the thermometer does no touch the bottom of the calorimeter to avoid the false measurements. It may also be difficult to transfer our results to the real world.


Combustion of Alcohols, Lab Report Example

alcohol combustion experiment

Repeat with the second clip so that it protrudes about 5 mm apart from the first to form the electrodes for a spark gap which will ignite the mixture. This affects as the metal can will not receive the maximum or enough heat for it to start combusting. Since O—H bonds in alcohol molecules are not broken during combustion, mass of oxygen atom s 16. After removing the top and drying the opening of the jug, place the jug on its side under the protection of a small three-sided safety shield1 that is lying on its side on the bench top. When it has risen between about 8 to 10? Apparatus and Materials: Safety glasses 8 spirit burners containing different alcohols A copper calorimeter Clamp and stand Thermometer 1? As combustion is an exothermic reaction, a negative sign is added to give the final enthalpy change of combustion.


How to Dramatically Demonstrate a Combustion Reaction (Whoosh Bottle Experiment)

alcohol combustion experiment

Record any change in the temperature of the water. Extracts from this document. Perform all the trials at approximately the same time so that the temperature can be assumed to be the same. Extinguish the spirit lamp and halt the stopwatch as soon as the temperature has risen 30°C. This level of energy is called a quantum. . Conclusion Other weaknesses during this experiment could be the measuring of certain variables.


Combustion of ethanol

alcohol combustion experiment

Do NOT touch any wiring or make adjustment if the voltmeter is still registering a voltage. Temperature Alcohol At start At end Change Methanol 18°C 59°C Ethanol Propanol Butanol Mass Alcohol At start At end Change Methanol 248. Based on our experiment, Propanol has the highest heat of combustion followed by ethanol and methanol. This was the main reason of error. Sometimes these reactions occur spontaneously, but generally some energy must be supplied to initiate the reaction; in other word an energy barrier exists between the reactants and the products. Calculate the temperature rise per gram of methanol burnt. In this experiment you will determine the molar heat of combustion of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol; and 1-pentanol.


Alcohol Combustion Experiment

alcohol combustion experiment

I Explain The Possible Sources Of Error For Combustion Of Alcohols that we did for the combustion of alcohols in Unit 1 , one of the main possible sources of error could have been the flame from the spirit burner meaning that the flame would have easily affected the combustion of the alcohol because it was not always touching the bottom of the metal can. HYPOTHESIS I predict that octanol will release the most heat energy. Repeat steps for Ethanol and Propanol. Solder a pair of insulated leads onto each terminal of the lighter. The lid was constructed from cardboard and attached to the calorimeter with adhesive tape. .


Alcohol Combustion Experiment Evaluation

alcohol combustion experiment

This meant heat could be lost in this manner as well. Published Results Published results are used to compare the results with the literature results which have been proven. Safety Alcohols are flammable. Incomplete combustions have a lower heat of combustion than complete combustions. The calorific value is the total thermal energy released when a substance goes through complete combustion with oxygen. It needs careful pre-lesson preparation, but only takes five minutes to perform. Conclusion: The results which were obtained were unexpected as the theoretical results show a linear relationship between the increasing number of carbons in the alcohol and increasing standard enthalpy of combustion.


Experiment to investigate the heat of combustion of alcohols.

alcohol combustion experiment

This does away with the need for leads, but leaves the teacher closer to the explosion. Preliminary Results My preliminary results enabled me to decide on 30 degrees as a suitable water temperature change, as this allowed a large enough change in mass of the alcohol, but was not too time consuming. This should have been added onto the heat energy absorbed by the water. In designing your procedure, you must use the following quantities: Procedures: 1, Put 100ml of water into the calorimeter or beaker. Eye protection must be worn. Then, we will determine our room temperature, measure about 100 mL of chilled water, and then pour the water into the given empty soda can. The heat of reaction is determined by the difference in the enthalpy between the reactants and products.


Alcohol Combustion

alcohol combustion experiment

Processing data The summarised data was processed to determine the molar heat of the three alcohols shown in Table 4. Next, test for hydrogen and oxygen gas produced at each end of the tube. This was undoubtedly, the main source of experimental error. Attach the retort stand to the bench with a G-clamp, and surround the bottle with safety screens on three sides. After calculating the results from the experiment it was found that the hypothesis was partially supported. Calculate the mass of the fuel again, immediately before any fuel is lost by evaporation. A thick cotton wool could have been added.


Combustion of alcohols lab report

alcohol combustion experiment

Since these “Whoosh Bottle” demonstrations have caused a variety of accidents, it is imperative to protect against shattering when the ignition of the vapor in the jug occurs. Methanol has the lowest combustion energy, but it also needs the least oxygen to burn see page 6. Ledin, Author s : H. Divide the total KJ of heat by the amount of fuel used in grams which gives the amount of kilo jewels per gram. However, what makes a good fuel? The demonstration can provide a useful illustration of the principle behind the internal combustion engine.
