Alternation of generation in pteridophytes. Pteridophyta 2023-01-02

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Animal testing is the use of animals in scientific and medical research to develop new products or to test the safety and effectiveness of existing ones. It is a controversial practice that has been the subject of much debate and controversy for many years. While proponents of animal testing argue that it is necessary for the advancement of medical science and the development of new treatments and therapies, opponents argue that it is unethical, unnecessary, and inhumane.

One of the main arguments against animal testing is that it is unethical. Many people believe that animals have the same rights as humans and that it is wrong to use them for experimentation. They argue that animals are sentient beings with the ability to feel pain and suffering, and that it is therefore wrong to subject them to procedures that may cause them harm.

Another argument against animal testing is that it is unnecessary. Many opponents of animal testing argue that there are alternative methods of testing that are just as effective and more humane. For example, researchers can use cell cultures, computer models, and human volunteers to test the safety and effectiveness of new products. These methods are not only more humane, but they also offer more accurate and reliable results, since they more closely mimic human biology and behavior.

Finally, opponents of animal testing argue that it is inhumane. Many animals used in research are subjected to harsh conditions, including confinement, deprivation, and physical and psychological stress. They may also be subjected to painful and invasive procedures, such as surgery and injection. These conditions can cause animals to suffer, and many people believe that it is wrong to subject animals to such treatment.

In conclusion, animal testing is wrong because it is unethical, unnecessary, and inhumane. While it may be tempting to use animals in scientific research to advance medical science and develop new treatments and therapies, there are more humane and effective alternatives available. We should strive to find ways to test new products and treatments that do not rely on animal suffering, and instead focus on methods that are more ethical, accurate, and reliable.


alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Pteridophyta Classification The four classes of Pteridophyta are as follows: 1. The rhizome is subterranean, and it has an aerial shoot. It is, therefore, subject to various restraints and other influences. Therefore, different generations are dominant in different plants. READ: Who would win Godzilla or kaiju? The haploid generation gives birth to plants with diploid cells. The first thing that catches our eyes is the green ferns which are in ample.



alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Some grow well in open, dry areas like Selaginella lepidophylla resurrection plant grow well in xerophytic conditions. The supporters of this theory further believe that the free living sporophyte later became attached to the gametophyte and partially dependent upon it. Asexual reproduction in Fern Plant body is sporophyte. Tree fern stem showing vascular bundles in black. . Why pteridophytes are known as non complete land plants? Term alternation of generation was used by Hofneister 1851. Equisetum can grow in wide variety of habitats.


Pteridophytes: Useful Notes on Alternation of Generations of Pteridophytes

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

They are pinnately compound and are called a frond. Lang considered that the different conditions during early development of the two pioneer structures of the alternating generations may be sufficient to account for the differences between them. In the gametophyte generation, mitosis creates gametes. Marsilea, Azollaare an example of aquatic pteridophytes. Whittier 1962 and Whittier and Steeves 1960,1962 could induce the apogamous production of sporophytes from a number of othwerwise normal fern gametophytes by the incorporation of suitable sugar concentrations in the culture medium. These include Pteridophytes Are Vascular Plants Pteridophytes are part of a large group of plants called tracheophytes. Vascular tissue is absent.



alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Fertilization takes place in the presence of water. They are shade and moisture loving plants; grow abundantly in cool, shady and moist places of both in the hills and plains. Zygote is the pioneer structure of the sporophytic generation. Although ferns and fern allies have vascular tissue, they exhibit a vastly different form of reproduction as other vascular plants, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Image will be uploaded soon Classification of Pteridophytes Plant kingdom was first divided into Cryptogams and Phanerogamae by Eichler. They contain two kinds of vascular tissue — xylem and phloem. Some species are also occurs in arid regions of the world.


Pteridophyta: Characteristics of Pteridophyta, Types

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Sporophyte The main generation is the sporophyte, which is the dominant phase. They often creep along the ground and rarely exceed one meter in height. These experiments reveal the importance of nutritional factors in determining the morphological differences between the two alternating generations of the vascular cryptogams. Unlike the sporophyte, a gametophyte reproduces sexually. B The second hypothesis concerns the phenomenon of alternation of generations. Stebbins 1960 has also supported it. They contain small, scaly leaves, which are arranged at nodes in whorls.


Why seed is not formed in pteridophytes?

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

The plant body has roots, stems, and leaves. A haploid cell has only one set of chromosomes. The spores are produced inside unique structures called sporangia. Modern Concept The studies on tissue culture and the effect of sugar or lack of sugar on the development of sporophytic or gametophytic structures from calli lead us to postulate two hypotheses: A The Gene Block Hypothesis which postulates the presence of 4 gene blocks in fern systems and any one of them can be stimulated into action. Some forms have dichotomously branched stem, while some forms have a monopodial stem. The sporangium consists of multicellular stalk and a biconvex capsule.


Life Cycle of a Plant and Alteration of Generations: Examples and Videos

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

It is a source of food for animals. The development of sporangia may be eusporangiate or leptosporangiate. Stem: In most cases, the branches are herbaceous, and some are woody. The female prothallus is well developed and larger in size. After fertilization, a diploid cell or zygote is formed, which germinates to form embryo and finally embryo develops into sporophyte.


Pteridophyta Life Cycle

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Both male and female prothalli are endosporic and are enclosed inside a spore wall, e. More than 12,000 species of Pteridophytes are found on Earth. Roots Roots are small and sprout along the rhizomes by mistake. What is the difference between bryophytes and pteridophytes? Their sporangia are characteristic yellow balls located directly on the stems. Pteridophytes were the first group of plants to develop vascular tissue when they diverged from bryophytes millions of years ago.


Alternation of generation in Pteridophytes

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

Pteridophytes have a life cycle that is similar to that of seed-bearing plants; however, unlike mosses and seed plants, they have distinct and free-living generations of haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte. It germinates to form a new haploid gametophytic individual. Do pteridophytes Ferns reproduce with spores or seeds? The megaspores and microspores germinate and give rise to female and male gametophytes, respectively. The heterosporous land plants, surprisingly enough, display a considerable reduction in their gametophytes. These are the most primitive pteridophytes.


Pteridophytes (Spore Producing Plants: Ferns and More)

alternation of generation in pteridophytes

The dominant sporophyte uses meiosis to produce spores. Thus two generations regularly alternate with each other in the life cycle of fern known as alternation of generation. The zygote divides and redivides to produce a pre-formed baby plant called embryo. Because they have vascular tissue, xylem, and phloem, they can be considered the first terrestrial vascular plants. The prothallus is of two types monoecious and dioecious.
