Argumentative articles on homework. Argumentative Essays About Homework 2022-12-28

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Homework has long been a controversial topic in education. On one hand, some argue that homework is necessary for students to reinforce the concepts they learn in school and to develop important skills such as time management and self-discipline. On the other hand, others argue that homework places an unnecessary burden on students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and that it can lead to increased stress and a lack of time for other activities.

Proponents of homework argue that it serves several important purposes. First, homework helps students to review and reinforce the concepts they have learned in class. This can be especially important for subjects such as math and science, where a strong foundation is necessary for success in later coursework. Homework can also help students to develop important skills such as time management and self-discipline, as they must prioritize their tasks and complete assignments on time.

Additionally, some argue that homework can promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as students must apply what they have learned to new situations and problems. This can be particularly beneficial for students who may not have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences outside of the classroom.

However, there are also valid arguments against the use of homework. One concern is that homework can place an unnecessary burden on students, particularly those who may already have other responsibilities or commitments outside of school. This can lead to increased stress and a lack of time for other activities, such as sports, hobbies, or time with family and friends.

Furthermore, some argue that homework disproportionately affects disadvantaged students, who may not have the same resources or support at home as their more privileged peers. This can result in a further widening of the achievement gap between students of different socio-economic backgrounds.

Overall, the debate over homework is complex and multifaceted. While it is clear that homework can be beneficial for certain students in certain situations, it is also important to consider the potential negative impacts and to strike a balance that is appropriate for each individual student.

Argumentative Essay On Homework

argumentative articles on homework

The poetic devices used are sufficient and enough. With homework you learn life skills, and finally it helps you master a skill. And then, with all of their attention focused on Bobby's homework, she and her husband started sending their youngest to his room so that Bobby could focus. A New York City elementary school's decision to ban homework in favour of play has infuriated some parents. Given what we know about kids' sedentary lifestyles, of course we should ditch homework for play. Homework helps make concepts more clear, and gives students more opportunities when 2. It is unfair, and unjust to make children work around-the-clock, similar to lawyers and doctors, from such an early age.


Argumentative Essay on No Homework!

argumentative articles on homework

Students spend more than half of their day on school and homework, without time for any other activities. It can also be a chance to connect together. Coming home after a long day of school, then having responsibilities to do at home, not to mention some students have after school activities which take up around 2 hours if not more. I can connect with them because it gets hard having homework in up to six subjects! The public thinks that children need more sleep. Kids Should Not Have Homework 443 Words 2 Pages No students should not have homework. What this means is that a first grader should be given a maximum of 10 minutes of homework, while a second grader receives 20 minutes, etc.


Argumentative Essay: Is Homework Helpful Or Harmful To...

argumentative articles on homework

Finally, sometimes there is just too much homework to ever comprehend with. Furthermore, homework becomes terrible if no one can help you. Doctors believed — I'm not joking here — that children needed six to seven hours a day of fresh air and sunshine, as Etta Kralovec, author of The End of Homework, has pointed out. The water will rush in and fill the boat with cold, dark water. What many do not know is that teenagers need more sleep as children.


The growing argument against homework

argumentative articles on homework

People also think that homework helps parents to understand that the school holds high goals for students. We already have enough things to worry about, and homework just makes it a lot harder for us. I was exhausted at school, fell asleep in the classroom, and when I woke up, I was utterly lost in what we were learning. This is important to all students and teachers because teachers give students a large amount of homework for no reason. Homework should build on what happens in class, consolidating skills and helping students to answer new questions. We get two days off a week to rest but guess what again, we have homework for our free days.


Argumentative Essay: Homework

argumentative articles on homework

Sometimes a student has many upcoming tests they have to study for, or even projects, and that is something really stressful to deal with. Download Pdf of Argumentative Essay on Homework If you want to Download the Pdf of Argumentative Essay on Homework then click on the given link it is free of cost. Then after dinner, I would have to clean up the kitchen once again, help my mom with whatever she needed and go do my homework. My older brother still has to ask for help sometimes from my dad but even he can't figure out what the answer is. When this becomes a daily duty, I'm sure I'll be at the same level of hair-pulling frustration as Moran and so many other parents. The student will have heaps of stress, while not really learning from their homework. Yes, I believe that homework can be good in some cases, but reading is more stressful than helpful when you look at the features and the results.


Argumentative Essay on Homework in 1200

argumentative articles on homework

Some parents do not provide any kind of support or homework help, and even if they would like to, due to personal barriers, they sometimes cannot. He was a teacher who thought that students needed more practice at home. Additionally homework is harmful, because it is not proven to help students improve their knowledge of a topic. However many studies have proven that homework can unmotivate students, this can cause them not to complete the homework or not complete it to the best of their ability. Robert Nevilis founded homework in 1905.


Why Is Homework Harmful Argumentative Essay

argumentative articles on homework

If you do not understand something, taking it home and working on it may help you know. Department of Education website called Homework Tips for Parents. Does it actually help the students get smarter and be more educated? In both poems the existing mode is seen. Source of frustration and daily stress. Schools should understand how students are feeling, and how they need regular breaks from the non-stop workload. After sitting in a classroom for around 7 hours, many students want to hang out with friends, participate in a club, or play sports. Homework has been around for as long as there have been tax paying schools.


Argumentative Essay: Should Teachers Give Student Homework? Essay

argumentative articles on homework

In other words, it's hard to tease out how homework is really affecting test scores and grades. From then on, reading was essential to all teachers and schools. On the other hand, I understand why homework is so important. Math students usually only get one homework assignment per day. Importance Of Homework Essay 712 Words 3 Pages Above all, homework allows the students to gain responsibility, time-management, perseverance, and self-esteem. More about Argumentative Essay: Is Homework Helpful Or Harmful To Students? Clayton, South Vic: Learning Essentials, 2003.


Argumentative Essay on Should Homework Be Banned From School?

argumentative articles on homework

Since most of their week consists of school, it is unfair for homework to take up even more time. As a result, children tend to fight or argue about having to do this overwhelming task. As a teenager, all you want to do is have fun, explore this adventurous world, but homework and grades are always there to stop you. Uses the style of the rhetoric question asking questions that are obvious, the rhyming scheme as well is irregular this show how the poem flows. It has been there for far too long and it has been almost the natural thing to do after you get home. A student could come home and take a break take a nap, eat a snack, watch an episode of their favorite show before beginning his or her homework. That is due to the fact that students are put under great pressure from teachers and parents.


Argumentative Essays About Homework

argumentative articles on homework

In the end the two poems bring out the essence of the war as both poems despises war in resolving disputes. It can make a person feel stupid when he does not fully understand a subject. Educators needs to understand that students have a life outside of school. They believe that homework does more harm than good. It also shows that their test scores or grades won't improve. I would go to bed at 2 am early to finish all my work, and I did not procrastinate, so think how late I would have gone to bed if I had postponed. Persuasive Essay: Why Homework Should Not Be Necessary? Introduction The two poems are depicted and written differently though they carry the same message as it concerns war.
