Argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons. Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing 2022-12-20

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Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of animals in scientific research, product development, and education. It has been a controversial issue for decades, with both supporters and opponents presenting valid arguments for their respective positions. In this essay, we will explore both the pros and cons of animal testing in order to provide a balanced perspective on this complex issue.

One of the main arguments in favor of animal testing is that it is necessary for scientific advancement and the development of new medical treatments. Researchers argue that animal testing is necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of new drugs and other products before they are tested on humans. For example, animal testing has been used to develop treatments for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, and has led to many significant medical breakthroughs.

Another argument in favor of animal testing is that it can be used to improve animal welfare. For example, animal testing can be used to develop new methods of preventing and treating diseases in animals, such as vaccines and medications. Additionally, animal testing can be used to test the safety of products that may be harmful to animals, such as pesticides and household chemicals, which can help protect both animals and humans.

However, there are also several arguments against animal testing. One of the main arguments is that it is unethical to use animals for scientific research, as they are sentient beings that can experience pain and suffering. Opponents of animal testing argue that it is wrong to subject animals to potentially harmful procedures and conditions, especially when there are alternative methods available.

Another argument against animal testing is that it may not be necessary or even reliable. Some researchers argue that animal testing may not accurately predict the effects of a substance on humans, as the physiology and metabolism of different species can differ significantly. In addition, the use of animals in research may not always be necessary, as there are alternative methods such as in vitro testing, computer modeling, and microdosing studies that can be used to study the safety and efficacy of substances.

In conclusion, the debate over animal testing is complex and multifaceted, with valid arguments on both sides. While animal testing has played a critical role in scientific advancement and the development of new medical treatments, it is also important to consider the ethical implications and the potential for alternative methods. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use animals in research should be based on a careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks, as well as the availability of alternative methods.

Animal Testing Pros and Cons Free Essay Example

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

Still, guinea pigs are not affected by strychnine — which can adversely affect the rat. Studying cell cultures in a petri dish, while sometimes useful, does not provide the opportunity to study interrelated processes occurring in the the central nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. The use of animal testing has increased, due to its many necessary benefits, such as: helping form vaccinations and uncovering new diseases in the specific species being tested on AALAS. When an animal is put through malnutrition, they have a lack of body fat, and their muscles shrink. Out of the many medical advancements that have resulted from animal testing, there are ten that strike me as very important to the survival of mankind.


Argumentative essay about animal testing: Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

Others will argue that animal testing helped save lives. Animals should not be experimented on because the testing is somewhat like torture and they are innocent. Those animals are used for research in the field of commercial products and various scientific advancements. However, there is another side to this Defense too. Animal testing is important because it helps scientists figure out what animals are at risk for different diseases or illnesses that can then be tested on humans. Animal and humans differ significantly in their biological entities making it hard to extrapolate results seen in animals to humans.


Animal Testing Cons Facts Essay

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

Also the scientists and engineers at Harvard's Ways Institute have created "organs-on-a-chip," including the lung-on-a-chip" and "gut-on-a-chip. To name a few that are present in laboratories are monkeys, mice, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. Animal Testing Unethical 563 Words 3 Pages Animal testing has become a double-edged sword topic all around the world. Eating meat is a part of nature and every carnivore eats an animal that is lower on the food chain. Aside from what anyone thinks animal testing does has positives, although some might argue that they don't outweigh the negatives. Living systems like human beings are extremely complex. It also gave us a much better understanding of our own anatomy considering before we tested on animals we thought our lungs pumped our blood throughout our body Animal Experimentation.


Animal Testing Pros & Cons Argumentative Essay on

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

For instance, if you make up your mind to look at the animal testing from the angle of supporting position, it is recommended to use the following arguments or similar ones. Although opponents argue that the drawbacks of animal testing outweigh the benefits because animal testing is cruel, in actuality, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks because it saves human lives and is an affordable option. There are numerous pros and cons of using animals in experiments for humans for our everyday needs. Typically, rats are the first animals used for research. As a result babies were born with shortened or no limbs at all This states that animal testings can lead to terrible results.


free essay on Animal Testing: Pros and Cons

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

. Besides, animals are used to test the latest medical treatment, check on the toxicity of drugs, and verify the level of safety that the products aimed at people will have. There are numerous myths surrounding animal testing, and the unfortunate result is that people may form opinions based on uneducated facts. The effect of that particular substance has been studied to produce countless helpful products. There are numerous pros and cons of using animals in experiments for humans for our everyday needs. Dogs that are used for animal testing for instance, consist of young beagles who are frequently used for conducting research in cardiovascular issues. Animal experimentation still can be practiced, and the laws should be strictly enforced so that it is not violated by irresponsible people.


Animal Testing Cons Essay

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

Without animal testing this medicine would not have been discovered. Concurrently, proponents of animal experimentation are able to revoke their arguments and claim that in a larger sense, enhancing human lives should be prioritized over those of animals. Also animal testing is used for a wide range of things, such as items in houses and medicines. Saying all those reasons no one can argue that using animals to aid us in experiments has helped us learn valuable information. There is no alternative to testing on a living, whole body system. However, it is impossible to ban the practice of animal experimentation due to the benefits brought by animal research towards mankind. The practice of animal testing is a very debatable topic.


Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing Pros And Cons

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

So animal testing should be legalized in order to save more human lives. A few hours later, you begin to go blind: something grabs you, another needle is pierced into you once again, and you start to fade away. Ethics in Animal Testing If the essay is written in support of animal testing, this is one of the easiest points. This is happening, and these innocent creatures are dying, because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies. Some cons are that animals are killed or kept in captivity, some substances tested , may never be used for anything useful, it is very expensive, and animals and humans are never exactly the same.


Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing Pros And Cons

argumentative essay animal testing pros and cons

There is different pros for animal testing including helping researchers to find drugs and treatments help ensure the safety of drugs there are no other testing alternatives and it provides an opportunity to examine a complete life cycle. The progress cannot be stopped in the present-day world. On the other hand, it is proven that the beneficial outcome outweighs its drawbacks, so it is rational to legalize the activity of animal testing. Animal testing denotes the use of animals in medical experiments to unveil the potency safety toxicity and viability of developed drugs. Human cells used in testing have been considered superior and more accurate. In fact, if someone flipped a coin to decide if a new medicine or product would be safe for them, their results would be just as accurate as animal testing would be and is Limitations and Dangers. They die so that people can live, but since most medicines do not work on humans, both end up dying.
