Arius vs athanasius. # 53, Athanasius vs. Arius 2022-12-30

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Arius and Athanasius were two influential figures in the early Christian Church who played a significant role in shaping the doctrine of the Trinity. Arius was a presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt, who taught that Jesus was not equal to God the Father, but rather a created being. Athanasius, on the other hand, was the bishop of Alexandria and a leading defender of the doctrine that Jesus is fully God, equal to the Father.

The conflict between Arius and Athanasius, known as the Arian controversy, lasted for over 50 years and had significant consequences for the early Church. Arius' teachings were seen as a threat to the traditional understanding of the nature of Jesus, and Athanasius fought tirelessly to defend the doctrine of the Trinity.

Arius' teachings were based on the idea that God the Father is the only true God, and that Jesus is a created being who is inferior to the Father. He argued that if Jesus was fully God, then there would be two equal gods, which he believed was impossible. Arius also taught that the Holy Spirit was a created being, rather than being fully God.

Athanasius, on the other hand, argued that Jesus is fully God and equal to the Father. He based his argument on passages from the Bible, such as John 1:1, which states that "the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Athanasius also argued that if Jesus was not fully God, then his death on the cross could not have had the power to atone for the sins of humanity.

The Arian controversy had significant consequences for the early Church. It led to the first ecumenical council, known as the Council of Nicaea, in 325 AD, which was called to resolve the controversy. At the council, Athanasius and his allies were able to convince the majority of the bishops to adopt the doctrine of the Trinity, which states that Jesus is fully God, equal to the Father. The council also adopted the Nicene Creed, which is still used in churches today and affirms the doctrine of the Trinity.

Although Arius' teachings were ultimately rejected by the Church, they continued to be a source of controversy for many years. Arius and his followers, known as Arians, were considered heretics by the Church, and Athanasius spent much of his life fighting against them. Despite this, the Arian controversy played a significant role in shaping the doctrine of the Trinity, which remains a central belief in Christianity today.

Arius Vs Athanasius Paper 12

arius vs athanasius

Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood. For as the Father is ever Father and never could become Son, so the Son is ever Son and never could become Father. The majority at Seleucia accepted the " similar substance" view and deposed the opposing party. Add to this the fact that the Bible has been translated and revised hundreds of times over the last 1700 years and any strong credibility about Jesus is lost. Such was the anxiety of Constantine, whose citizens had, at least for a time, given up business for the sake of addressing these economically less productive questions.



arius vs athanasius

I don’t see much of a meaningful distinction between Arias and Athanasius – same substance, similar substance, different substance, it all revolves around adjectives to the word substance. Along their track, have I been walking, with like opinions. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. In response to Origen's view of an eternal generation from the Father, Arius steadfastly asserted "there was when he was not. . Those works which have survived are quoted in the works of churchmen who denounced him as a His father's name is given as Ammonius. A slightly different edition of the fragment of the Thalia from De Synodis is given by G.


Arius vs. Athanasius

arius vs athanasius

He had a ready wit, was quick in intuition easy and affable in manner, pleasant in conversation, keen, and, perhaps, somewhat too unsparing in debate Education Trained in the Lucian School, Arius was called one of the heretical fathers of Arianism. This shortcomings not withstanding, Arius was a persuasive speaker, with a good outward appearance, social grace and a pleasing voice that gained him many followers. In the Hebrew scriptures son of God was used of anyone who was doing, reflecting the will of God as King Solomon or prophets like Ezekiel. Nor is answer needful to their other very simple and foolish inquiry, which they put to silly 27. You may but it is not absolutely required. The Arians, moreover, engaged the public in a. A personal relationship with one of Gods pure representatives is essetial for perfection of our Human life, and the tremendous offenses committed sytemically by the Christian church are a direct result of explicit suppression of basic spiritual knowledge by the organization.


Arius vs Bishop Athanasius

arius vs athanasius

It immediately follows that, although the Son did not exist, the Father was still God. Johannes Quasten, Pathology, 10-13. Understand every section and then know. Because nothing that this article, or any of the comments that either of us has written, says has anything to do with anyone involved being or not being humble. He who is without beginning made the Son a beginning of created things He produced him as a son for himself by begetting him. However with all humility I must remember that not absolutely correspond to the wishes, orders and will of the Master is not unique to disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. But even after the council of Nicea in which Arius is officially condemned, Arianism remained and continued to grow in the empire.


Athanasius vs. Arius and a Mormon in the Whitehouse?

arius vs athanasius

Though the rest of society is wayward and wanton, Arius posited that Jesus and the rest of humanity were created in the same capacity. It goes much deeper. One legend says that Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, accosted and slapped Arius during the council. This subreddit exists for discussion of topics related to the Eastern Orthodox Church and the edification of its members. YOU ARE ADVISED TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Vol.


Arius and Athanasius

arius vs athanasius

The translation above was adopted by the CRC Synod of 1988. It is during his second exile ca. Athanasius in Controversy with the Arians. But in the fourth century a large part of the church did not believe Jesus was divine. But Athanasius contradicted Jesus. But if they carry on the contest, it will be proper upon their rash daring to close with them, and to oppose to them those similar expressions which are used concerning the Father Himself.


Arius vs Athanasius

arius vs athanasius

For the Son himself does not even know his own essence, For being Son, his existence is most certainly at the will of the Father. What has been already said ought to shame those 62. History of the Arians. Arius and Alexander clashed over the nature of Christ. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten.


Arius vs. St. Athanasius : OrthodoxChristianity

arius vs athanasius

Retrieved 2 May 2012. If moreover, baffled so far, they should still violently insist that the language is that of comparison, and that comparison in consequence implies oneness of kind, so that the Son is of the 57. Retrieved 2 May 2012. I thought one of them was assassinated by the other group. Accessed, October 18, 2009. Documents of the Christian Church 2nded. The second quotation is found on page 15 of the document On the Councils of Arminum and Seleucia, also known as De Synodis.
