Article on dowry death. A Detailed Study On Dowry Death In India 2022-12-15

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Dowry death is a serious and disturbing social issue that continues to plague many parts of the world, particularly in South Asian countries like India. Dowry death refers to the killing of a young woman or bride due to the failure of her husband or in-laws to receive a satisfactory dowry. A dowry is a payment made by a bride's family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage. In many traditional societies, the dowry is seen as a way for the bride's family to demonstrate their wealth and social status, and it can include gifts, money, and other valuable items.

However, in some cases, the dowry can become a source of greed and abuse, leading to tragic consequences for the bride and her family. When the dowry is not deemed satisfactory by the groom or his family, the bride may face harassment, abuse, and even death. This can take the form of physical abuse, emotional abuse, or even murder. In some cases, the bride may be subjected to torture or other forms of violence in order to extract more dowry from her family.

Dowry death is a serious problem because it reflects a deeply rooted cultural and social patriarchy that values women as nothing more than commodities to be bought and sold. The pressure to provide a large and impressive dowry can be overwhelming for families, leading to financial strain and even bankruptcy. In some cases, the dowry may be used as a tool to control the bride and her family, with the threat of violence or death hanging over her head if she or her family fail to meet the demands of the groom and his family.

Despite the fact that dowry has been banned in India since 1961, the practice remains prevalent in many parts of the country. Dowry death is often underreported, as families may be ashamed to admit that their daughter was killed for not bringing a sufficient dowry. This makes it difficult to accurately gauge the scale of the problem. However, it is clear that dowry death is a serious and ongoing issue that needs to be addressed.

One way to combat dowry death is to educate people about the dangers and consequences of this harmful practice. This can include educating young people about the importance of gender equality and the value of women as individuals, rather than as objects to be traded for financial gain. It is also important to raise awareness about the legal consequences of dowry death and other forms of dowry-related abuse, and to provide support and resources for victims and their families.

Ultimately, the fight against dowry death requires a collective effort from society as a whole. It is important for communities, governments, and individuals to speak out against this harmful practice and to work together to create a more equal and just society where women are valued and respected. Only by working together can we hope to eradicate this terrible social problem and create a better future for all.

Dowry death : understanding the basics

article on dowry death

Therefore, to that effect, the Act further inserted certain entries in the First Schedule of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and section 113B was introduced in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Some publications suggest Pakistan officials do not record dowry deaths, and that the death rates are culturally under-reported and may be significantly higher. The Cruelty to a woman by a husband or family member-Section 498A, IPC: — When her spouse or a member of his family treats her cruelly or harasses her. Dowry is an evil that still exists in India. The Dowry system is not only limited to a particular religion or region. The univariate regression revealed that occurrence of dowry deaths has significant association with three individual-level variables namely, age at marriage, literacy rate and women's exposure to mass media, and with two family-level variables namely, per capita income and spousal violence Details of multivariate regression analysis for association of dowry deaths and dowry-related suicides with selected socio-economic and demographic variables.


Dowry death

article on dowry death

The statute has a variety of preventative and penal elements, but the objectives have not been met, as one might expect. However, her pain does not end here, the continuous cruelty and torture force her to end her life. In the case of Sushil Kumar Sharma vs. Apart from this, both givers and takers of dowry are subject to criminal liability and so even if the bride is harassed by her in laws this will rarely be reported. But on the other hand, it is a big curse to the bride and her family who have to bear the enormous cost to satisfy the unreasonable demands of the grooms family. The victims often face cruelty, domestic violence. State NCT of Delhi - The apex court held that a conjoint reading of Section 113-B of the Evidence Act and Section 304-B IPC shows that there must be material to show that soon before her death the victim was subjected to cruelty or harassment.


Dowry Death

article on dowry death

Her in-laws were not satisfied with the dowry so she was ill-treated. Summary This paper appraises the public health burden of mortality in India caused by the practice of dowry and examines the association of some demographic and socio-economic factors with dowry deaths and dowry-related suicides. Death Under Unnatural Circumstances- The significant aspect in establishing the dowry death is that death should be an unnatural death. GRB is guarantor of the paper. Retrieved 21 January 2019. Only 15 states Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Tamil Nadu , which possessed all the data have been considered for this analysis. Published by Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999.


DOWRY DEATH: Presumption in Dowry Death to be backed by Cruelty

article on dowry death

Dowry is considered as one of the means to get rid of poverty, within the same class structure. Hence, her dream of having a new happy family gets ended. So, the abuse for the demand for dowry can be in the form of verbal and the most serious can take the shape of death of the victim or dowry death. BVB developed the data analysis plan, interpreted the results and refined the manuscript. To counteract and reduce the growing threat of dowry death, all steps must be done. Another limitation is data of cross-sectional type from different sources, which do not allow us to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Sushil Kumar Sharma v Union of India and Ors In this case, the petitioner under Article 32 of the Constitution challenged the validity of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code to be Unconstitutional.



article on dowry death

The issue, in this case, is what preventive measures should be taken if a woman misuses this provision. The news is displayed with a headline. Due to the nature of dowry offenses, which are typically conducted in the seclusion and obscurity of residential houses, obtaining independent and direct evidence essential for conviction is difficult. It limits women's opportunities in education, occupational training and employment. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were conducted to examine the association of the independent variables. Laws in relation to dowry death In view of the increasing range of dowry deaths, tips are ordered down by the govt of the Republic of India for the examination of such cases, and also the law in respect therefrom has been appropriately amended.



article on dowry death

The offense under section 304-B is known as dowry death, whereas section 498-A is known as husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty. The Article written by Lavanaya Anee, Student of Kirit P Mehta, NMIMS, Navi Mumbai. Marriage is always considered the purest way to unite two souls without any terms and conditions. This is the requirement of the offense of cruelty defined under Section 498 A of IPC. Hosmer and Lemeshow recommended a P value of 0.


Dowry Articles /‘Stridhan’ of Deceased wife

article on dowry death

Such aconfessionmust be corroborated by some other proof of the corpus delicti the facts and circumstances constituting a crime , or else it is insufficient to warrant a conviction. In 2012, 8,233 dowry death cases were reported across India. Those variables with a minimum P value of 0. The paper is based on the data available on the public domains of the National Crime Records Bureau NCRB , third National Family Health and Survey-2005-06, Planning Commission of India and Census of India 2001. WHY DO WE NEED 498-A? This greediness makes them evil criminals. Despite these limitations, this analysis had methodological strengths including the use of nation-level data from well-established surveys and from fifteen varied states to generalise the results to the country. Mental cruelty is also of different shades.


Dowry cruelty and Dowry Death

article on dowry death

Even if the laws turn out to be stringent they would not take effect for sure as long as the people are not aware of it. If a woman dies within seven years of marriage in suicide or other suspicious circumstance, the amendment statute of 1983 makes it essential for police to transfer the body for post-mortem investigation. Despite all of the promises made at various stages of the marriage the ceremony that individual incompatibilities and attitudinal differences for non-adjustment or refusal to adjust would end, certain circumstances arose where the husbands and their families demanded i. To stop this practice, the demand for it should be understood properly by society so that it can prevent its practice. The extent of the evil has been commented upon by the Joint Committee of the Houses to examine the work of theDowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
