Article on gentleness. Gentleness in the Workplace 2023-01-01

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Gentleness is a virtue that is often overlooked in today's fast-paced and competitive society. It is a quality that is not flashy or attention-seeking, but it is a trait that is essential for building healthy relationships and creating a more compassionate world.

Gentleness can be defined as the act of being kind, considerate, and understanding towards others. It involves being patient and thoughtful in our words and actions, and not letting our emotions or ego dictate our behavior. When we are gentle with others, we are showing them respect and consideration, and we are more likely to foster positive and meaningful connections.

One of the benefits of gentleness is that it helps us to communicate more effectively with others. When we are gentle in our tone and manner, we are more likely to be listened to and understood. This is particularly important in conflicts or difficult conversations, where gentleness can help to de-escalate the situation and create a more constructive dialogue.

Gentleness is also important for building trust and creating a sense of safety and security in our relationships. When we are gentle with others, we are letting them know that we care about them and that we are willing to be vulnerable with them. This can create a deeper level of intimacy and connection in our relationships, which is essential for long-term happiness and fulfillment.

One of the challenges of being gentle is that it can be difficult to maintain this quality in the face of adversity or conflict. It is easy to become reactive or defensive when we feel threatened or misunderstood, but gentleness requires us to take a step back and approach the situation with a sense of calm and compassion. It takes practice and patience to cultivate gentleness, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

In conclusion, gentleness is a valuable virtue that is essential for building healthy and meaningful relationships. It involves being kind, considerate, and understanding towards others, and it can help us to communicate more effectively, build trust, and create a sense of safety and connection in our relationships. While it can be challenging to maintain gentleness in the face of adversity, the rewards of this virtue are immeasurable.

Where Did Gentleness Go as a Pastoral Virtue?

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This understanding of His sovereignty, doctrine and control will move us from the hurriedness of life and the cruelty that goes with it to take the time with relationships, growth because we are at peace with God. How does Jesus feel about his people amid all their sins and failures? It should not be seen as a weakness, but rather as a strength. It demonstrated how a gentle approach stopped a potential conflict from erupting and escalating — all in less than a minute! The Apostle John records the event: As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. . And why would a person even want to be gentle? So Jesus is gentle not because he makes no demands, but because he makes proper demands.


The Fruit of the Spirit Series ~ GENTLENESS

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They reference Matthew 11:29 where Jesus uses gentleness as a characteristic to describe himself, and when we examine this passage in Matthew, we find great insight about the nature of a gentle leader. We get impatient and harsh and raise our voices because, deep down, we think we are superior. Instead of simmering in angry discontentment, would you express gentleness and lead the way to a solution? Jess Ford is a writer and preacher that desires to equip and inspire Christians to live the abundant life available to them through surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Author Robert Fulghum addressed the problem of a general lack of courtesy and politeness this way: "All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Social media platforms have created an opportunity for connection and collaboration like never before. The sudden eruption of space, time, galaxies and intelligent beings into being out of nothing is a concept which, however familiar to the devout Bible reader, must never be allowed to lose its wonder and its fascination.


What is the Gift of Gentleness and Learning to be a Gentle Person

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Such conduct is entirely out of character with all that the Gospels tell us of Christ in any case. When it comes to gentleness and strength, might they be two sides of the same coin? In an evangelical sense, humility; resignation; submission to the divine will, without murmuring or peevishness; opposed to pride, arrogance and refractoriness. Again, gentleness is not a matter of style—doling out hugs and cupcakes or speaking softly. I understand that every challenge God placed in my path has been for my benefit. God Is Gentle Sin deserves instant death, but God is so merciful and gentle with sinners. The subtext of gentleness, on the other hand, is: You matter. This article has been read 1979 times Read more articles by Search for articles on: e.


The Strength of Gentleness: How to Actually Influence People

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Sometimes gentleness comes with great difficulty and through harrowing circumstances. Accountability is often associated with a place to be helped with some kind of problem or addiction such as drinking, drugs, smoking, pornography, or some other recovery issue. He spoke out bluntly and boldly on many occasions when he saw a carnal wisdom and hypocrisy in religious leaders. She told her mother she would be back later. How about a gentleman a gentle man opening the door for his wife, or a heart surgeon finishing his work on a patient? This he did both at the beginning and at the end of his ministry John 2:15; Mark 11:15. How many sins does he alone know? As a group of people pursuing the goal of making abortion an unthinkable option for women, we must have one thing at the forefront of our mind: love. Together with this distortion of God was a distortion of Jesus.


The Gentleness of Christ

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It does not come naturally. Gentleness is something Christians must learn. On this occasion, though, God uses a quite different medium. In His message to His disciples in Matthew 5, commonly called the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus honors pacific people: "Blessed are the poor in spirit. From God all beings receive their existence and we, as intelligent beings, should try to live daily in the consciousness that the God whose all-powerful word called us into existence is 'over all and blessed forever'.


On Answering with Gentleness and Respect

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Sometimes Judy indicated she wanted to hug me. But, hard on the heels of this impressive victory against pagan religion, God allowed another type of experience to befall Elijah and teach him something about godly character. Take a careful look at this Fruit of Gentleness from God's most precious Word by examining the passages below. We offer Christian articles, Christian fiction, Christian non-fiction, Christian Bible studies, Christian poems, Christian articles for sale, free use Christian articles, Christian living articles, New Covenant Christian Bible Studies, Christian magazine articles and new Christian articles. We can ask Him to reveal ways we can show gentleness to others so that we may reflect His character.


This Christmas Day, let's spread gentleness in an ever

article on gentleness

Against such things there is no law. Yes, he discussed her sins at a later point, but in a tender way. Jess is passionate about the pro-love movement and is the son of Embrace Grace President, Amy Ford. Say you're sorry when you hit somebody" All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten, Villard Books, New York, 1989, p. Here is a chart that lists two sets of Fruit and ways of living. I would not search for quotations or stories about gentleness, since the first assumes my culture has a valid concept of gentleness and the second assumes I do. We should be able to separate public stances from those who utter them.


Are You Gentle Like Jesus?

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He was sent into our world with all the power that is inherently his as the eternal Son of God. Does His care affect the way you care with humility and gentleness being tender in spite of people treating you like a doormat? These words help show that gentleness requires humility, because along with pride and feelings of superiority come rough reactions and stubborn, know-it-all answers. It helps us stay calm and not escalate problems or push people's buttons! God wants us to show the same gentleness that Christ showed to the woman caught in adultery John 8:1-11. He knew what it was like to experience the effects of a sinful world, though he never sinned, and he was approachable because he could relate to those who were hurting around him. Gentle and fair minded, we must be, so as we live life, all shall see, This as we testify for Jesus Christ, His gentleness, must fill our life, As we deal with our brothers, when for Christ, we encourage others, Helping brothers that fall to stand, this with a gentle heart and hand. That word is gentleness.
