Article on monsoon season. Vietnam Monsoon Season: Best Guide to Travel 2023-01-03

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The monsoon season is a time of year when a region experiences a dramatic shift in weather patterns, marked by an increase in rainfall and often accompanied by strong winds. This seasonal weather phenomenon occurs in many parts of the world, but is most famously associated with South and Southeast Asia, where it plays a crucial role in the region's agriculture and economy.

The monsoon season is caused by the shifting position of the Earth in relation to the sun, which causes changes in the temperature and pressure of the air. During the summer months, the sun's rays are more direct and the land heats up more quickly than the ocean. This causes the air above the land to rise and cool, creating low pressure. At the same time, the ocean remains cooler, causing the air above it to be denser and create high pressure.

As the land and ocean temperatures continue to diverge, the pressure difference between the two becomes more pronounced, leading to the formation of wind patterns that bring moist air from the ocean onto the land. This moist air then rises and cools, causing the water vapor it contains to condense and fall as rain.

The monsoon season is vital for the agriculture of many countries in South and Southeast Asia, as it provides the necessary water for crops to grow. In these regions, the monsoon season is often the only source of water for irrigation, and a good monsoon can mean the difference between a bountiful harvest and a year of drought.

However, the monsoon season can also bring negative consequences, such as floods and landslides. These natural disasters can cause significant damage to infrastructure and disrupt daily life for the people living in affected areas.

Despite the challenges it can bring, the monsoon season is an important part of life in many parts of the world. It brings much-needed rain to parched lands and supports the agriculture that is essential to the economies of many countries. Understanding the science behind the monsoon season and being prepared for its potential impacts can help communities and governments mitigate the negative effects and take advantage of the benefits it brings.

Monsoon season is back

article on monsoon season

On the contrary monsoon rain is continuous rain spread over days and its intensity is not as high as that of convective rain. Still, moisture from the Gulf of Mexico does play a part. We suggest that you should apply lotion regularly. The people who were sweating throughout the nights and having sleepless nights enjoy a sound sleep. More than 11 inches of rain resulted in 11 deaths in Carlsbad, according to the National Weather Service.


Essay on Monsoon

article on monsoon season

Sometimes the atmospheric pressure falls much below than what is observed in depression. Dry ginger can be used with an equal quantity of turmeric not more than two gms after meals to relieve joint pain and inflammation. In addition, it contains essential minerals like zinc, iron etc. These surges often led to several days of thunderstorms in southern Arizona, and occasionally in far southeastern California and southern Nevada. Starting from the end of June, the North Pacific high and the Okhotsk high collide and form a monsoonal front, which goes directly through South Korea, bringing rain.


The Monsoon Season as a blessing and curse Essays Articles Projects Ebooks

article on monsoon season

Rainfall amounts from mid-June through August were 430 percent of normal in Baluchistan and 460 percent of normal in Sindh. For example, the dry, or winter, monsoon of Asia is largely the result of an area of high pressure that develops over S Siberia. Another reason for the formation of monsoons is the uneven warming and cooling of the sea and of large land masses. The heat wave will start to cover the whole Korea Peninsula. In the spring and autumn, the North has scattered drizzle, a little cold wind. Limit your intake of foods and drinks that are too cold.


Monsoon Season

article on monsoon season

This water is used throughout the year for the purpose of drinking and other household activities. Students are seen scurrying to school with the colourful raincoats and umbrellas and seem very excited at times to have a shower in the rain. Overflowing of rivers causes floods that damages property, fields and crops largely and loss of life. Certain diseases may increase due to changes in the internal atmosphere due to changes in the external atmosphere. In the winter, monsoon blows from the Asian continent. Physical activity is often compensated, and energy needs are slightly reduced during the season.


Expert Article: Joint Care In Monsoon Season; Medicinal And Non

article on monsoon season

The change of wind direction is caused by the differences in temperatures of landmasses in contrast to that of oceans. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, get vitiated during this season. Therefore, it is used in diseases originating from Vata. Sometimes it is beautiful to watch children floating paper boats in the flooded waters. Meanwhile, summers are rainy, hot, and humid; the average temperature is 35 degrees. Meaning of Monsoon: The word Monsoon is derived from an Arabic word which means season. Statutory instructions: The article is presented to increase the awareness about Ayurveda on the traditional knowledge of Ayurveda from old Ayurveda texts and applicable as per interpreting the ancient Ayurveda text.


Southwest monsoon: Progress and mysteries in forecasting

article on monsoon season

All these factors change the body's internal atmosphere and tissue homeostasis. Monsoon season in Vietnam can affect the quality of your trip. Voeikov i sovremennye problemy klimatologii Leningrad, 1956. For example, the Southwestern provinces are a good destination for you Mekong Delta region. Monsoons cause an abrupt change in the weather dry and relatively clear to humid and rainy, and vice versa. Hing asafoetida - Asafoetida is best known for its carminative action. Due to heavy rains, all the rivers would be flooded with water.


When is New Mexico's monsoon season?

article on monsoon season

Monsoon is also very useful to all the peoples. Vietnam monsoon season The monsoon season in Vietnam Monsoon is a kind of seasonal wind changing direction. However, it will leave you with many memorable memories of Vietnam. In the last months of the year, the Central weather is a bit cooler, and there is a rainy season at this time. The last three are referred to as Visarga Kala, i.


Pakistan is experiencing a record monsoon season. Here's why

article on monsoon season

Turmeric - This herb is the source of curcumin. As per Ashtanga Hridya, the body humour gets vitiated during the rainy season; Vata vitiates prominently in the season, but all the three humours, i. First, southwesterly winds from the Bay of Bengal travel along the foothills of the Himalayas and enter Pakistan. Thus we can say monsoon season plays a very important role in our lifeline. Therefore, food suitable for individual and digestive strength may be used.


Vietnam Monsoon Season: Best Guide to Travel

article on monsoon season

Landslides during the monsoons in hilly areas cause many to lose their lives, houses and their livelihood. In Southeast Asia, summer monsoon winds blow from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Weaker monsoons are encountered over limited territories in subtropical latitudes in particular, in the southern Mediterranean Sea, in northern Africa, near the Gulf of Mexico, along East Asia, in South America, in southern Africa, and in Australia. Glavnoi geofizicheskoi observatorii, 1961, fasc. The wet months and the largest rainfall are July and August. Monsoon Weather Systems : Over 70 per cent of annual rainfall over India is recorded during southwest monsoon from June to September.


Essay on Monsoon Season For Students and Children

article on monsoon season

The monsoons associated with other continental masses are not so marked as the Indian monsoons. Especially in Hoi An, this is a place often flooded with water. This year, the monsoon season came in earnest starting in July. However, Soldiers need to be more careful during training for the 'Fight Tonight' by checking the weather. Cumulonimbus: They are heavy and dense shower clouds with tops spread out in the form of an anvil.
