Article on noise pollution. 13. Article Writing on: Essay on Noise Pollution 2023-01-02

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Noise pollution is a growing concern in modern society as it can have serious negative impacts on both the environment and human health. The term noise pollution refers to any unwanted or excessive sound that disturbs the normal functioning of an ecosystem or negatively impacts the health and well-being of humans. Noise pollution can come from a variety of sources including traffic, construction, aircraft, and industrial activities, as well as from events such as concerts and fireworks displays.

One of the main effects of noise pollution is the disruption of communication and the disruption of natural behaviors in animals. For example, birds may stop singing or change the pitch of their songs in response to noise pollution, which can interfere with their ability to communicate and find mates. Noise pollution can also disrupt the migration patterns of certain species and affect their breeding and nesting habits. In addition, noise pollution can cause stress and behavioral changes in animals, which can lead to reduced fertility and survival rates.

In humans, noise pollution can have a range of negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Chronic exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss and other ear problems, as well as increased blood pressure, sleep disturbance, and stress. Noise pollution can also interfere with cognitive development in children and negatively impact their learning and academic performance.

There are several ways in which society can address the issue of noise pollution. One approach is to implement noise reduction measures at the source, such as soundproofing buildings or using quieter equipment and vehicles. Another option is to regulate noise levels through the use of zoning laws and noise ordinances. Additionally, individuals can take steps to reduce their own contributions to noise pollution, such as turning down the volume on their music and avoiding disturbing their neighbors with loud noises.

Overall, noise pollution is a serious issue that requires attention and action. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate noise pollution, there are steps that can be taken to reduce its negative impacts on both the environment and human health. By working together to address this issue, we can create a more peaceful and healthy world for all.

article on noise pollution

article on noise pollution

These measures include banning noisy trucks and motorbikes, silencing zones near schools and hospitals, and constructing sound-proof rooms for noisy machines in industries. The sound is similar to static from an untuned FM radio and has been used to help people relax. How Noise Pollution Affects A Person? However, the health hazard is a matter of perceived noise level decibels pNdB , which according to the W. Noise pollution is caused by a large number of activities. Study map and presentation Where there is more than one study found in an article, each study will be recorded as a specific entry in the database.


13. Article Writing on: Essay on Noise Pollution

article on noise pollution

Unpleasant noises disturb people, and they also make them feel uncomfortable. Production industries should be away from human society. Noise pollution is a less talked of but serious menace and must be combatted in order to allow for the healthy existence of living beings. At about 1000ft 0. Cantalapiedra, in Nature Based Strategies for Urban and Building Sustainability, 2018 Introduction Noise pollution in urban environments is a frequent cause of discomfort, health, and psychological problems IGCB, 2010. Noise is almost always around us, whether natural, such as birdsong, or from human activity, such as vehicle traffic.


Noise Pollution

article on noise pollution

Ensure that white noise machines are set at a safe volume and a safe distance away from a sleeping person before use. Terms describing effects outcomes were not included because the aim of the map is to document the available literature without any a priori restrictions on the types of effects measured in the articles. However, all human activities generate sounds, even far from any human habitation e. All relevant outcomes will be considered space use, reproduction, communication, abundance, etc. The present work describes a protocol to systematically map evidence of the environmental impact of noise pollution on biodiversity. Anthropogenic noise changes arthropod abundances. A noise level up to 90dB does not have any appreciable effect.


“Noise pollution”: an overview

article on noise pollution

Noise pollution is a problem that needs to be addressed. Healing environment: A review of the impact of physical environmental factors on users. Although noise constantly surrounds us, noise pollution generally receives less attention than water quality and air quality issues because it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. A doctor can diagnose this. Reductions in bird populations and foraging activities can in turn negatively impact seed dispersion, affecting ecosystem services and diversity Francis et al. Most sound machines and apps offer White, Pink and Brown noise but leave out the Blue noise and add in multitonal combinations of waterfalls, rain, birds, etc.


Evidence of the environmental impact of noise pollution on biodiversity: a systematic map protocol

article on noise pollution

SV brought her expertise about noise pollution public policies. This database will be available in conjunction with a map report describing the mapping process and the evidence base. We will also discuss ways to reduce noise pollution. Read more Navigate Down FILLERS IN DIFFERENT PRODUCTS George Wypych, in Handbook of Fillers Fourth Edition , 2016 19. However, there are still no laws against many kinds and sources of noise pollution. However, government and NGOs can play a significant role in the noise pollution. Rojas, an environmental health researcher, says that despite the fact that noise pollution is a major public health problem in cities — and, in fact, beats air pollution as a risk factor in Barcelona — there is a tendency to overlook the problem because we can tune it out.


Noise pollution

article on noise pollution

Shifting song frequencies in response to anthropogenic noise: a meta-analysis on birds and anurans. The final systematic map will include summary figures and tables of the study characteristics. If necessary, the search string will be modified as per the search-engine help files when provided. The noise properties and their reasonable level, in general, can be controlled only through enlightened and co-operative authorities. In addition to the physical noise reduction, vegetation by itself affects noise perception positively. The effects of background white noise on memory performance in inattentive school children. Based on these results, recommendations will be made on priorities for future research and mitigation of noise pollution.


Write a short article on Noise Pollution

article on noise pollution

However, there are ways to reduce noise levels inside the home. Temporal and spatial assemblages of invasive birds occupying the urban landscape and its gradient in a southern city of India. In severe cases, loud sounds can directly cause hearing impairment. Most of them concern only one biological group, such as Morley et al. Try turning them off more often or setting a timer, so they only switch on at certain times. Research suggests it can raise stress, affect mental health, and contribute to developing health issues such as high blood pressure. In urban streets, when the integration of wide tree belts is not a feasible solution, the disposal of hedges and dense shrubs can be a very useful option in reducing noise Fang and Ling, 2003; Kalansuriya et al.


Noise Pollution is One of the Biggest Health Risks in City Life

article on noise pollution

We should not use horns unnecessarily. Background For decades, biodiversity has suffered massive losses worldwide. It gives the average sound level over a given period. In the case of AAMs, these can be largely controlled by the production method see Section 15. J Acoust Soc Am. The implications of current and future urbanization for global protected areas and biodiversity conservation.
