As necessary. differences 2022-12-28

As necessary Rating: 4,8/10 1933 reviews

As necessary is a phrase that is often used to describe actions or decisions that are taken only when they are deemed necessary or required in a given situation. This phrase is often used in the context of rules, procedures, or guidelines that are designed to ensure that certain things are done in a consistent and appropriate manner.

For example, a company may have a policy that requires employees to undergo regular training sessions as necessary. This means that the training sessions will only be held when they are deemed necessary, based on the needs and abilities of the employees. Similarly, a doctor may prescribe medication to a patient as necessary, meaning that the medication will only be given when it is necessary to treat the patient's condition.

The concept of "as necessary" is important because it allows for flexibility and adaptability in decision-making. It allows individuals and organizations to respond to changing circumstances and needs in a way that is appropriate and effective.

For instance, consider a school district that has a policy requiring students to wear face masks in the classroom. This policy may specify that face masks are only to be worn as necessary, meaning that they are not required at all times, but only when the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is high. This allows the school district to adapt to changing circumstances and make decisions about mask-wearing based on the latest public health guidance and data.

In general, the phrase "as necessary" is used to describe actions or decisions that are taken on an as-needed basis, rather than being required or mandated in all situations. This allows for a degree of flexibility and adaptability in decision-making, which can be important in a wide range of contexts. So, it is very important to use the phrase "as necessary" in the right context and make decisions based on the current needs and circumstances.

consider it necessary or consider it as necessary?

as necessary

One can review use of if necessary, as necessary, and when necessary via examples drawn from links at So check all cylinder fins periodically and clean them if necessary. It is understood to mean "below in this text". Pursuant to Annex D, Section II, paragraph 3, subparagraph A 2 to the Treaty, each State Party, when providing information on the types of black and white aerial film that it intends to use to collect data during the in-flight examination or an observation flight, or to duplicate such data, shall provide the following manufacturer's information, for each type of aerial film that may be processed or duplicated by means of the film processors or duplicators referred to in paragraph 1 of this Sect io n , as necessary t o confirm the capabilities of the film. . As in the example with the pain tablets, we don't know whether one or two tablets will be required to still the pain, or if there will be pain severe enough to warrant taking even a single pill.


as necessary

as necessary

All three read roughly the same to me but if I were to divide them I would do along a spectrum of how often it may be necessary to press the bell. You should use the phrase "as necessary" only as necessary. Some of these rules will be presented later as necessary. And on top of that Weglokoks has only 150 million zlotys at its disposal and not 300 million as it was presumed, this is why, apart from Enea and Weglokoks it is necessary to have one more entity, which could spend 200 million zlotys on the project. Then you say as necessary has not much usage in a book or article? He gave us no choice. I am deeply disturbed and angered.


What does as necessary mean?

as necessary

With future-looking tenses, as necessary means "as the need may arise", whereas with past-looking tenses, as necessary means "as the need did arise". As always, don't paint yourself into a corner; there is always more than one way to say something. Alas I have no source or proof for these gut reactions so don't base any importance on my musings! When necessary- used to express something definitely will occur that needs necessary action If necessary- used to express something may or may not occur that needs necessary action possible but not definite Ex. Oktober 2005 bis zum 30. In your sentence "Some of these rules will be presented later as necessary. I used "as necessary" to say when it was necessary we may discuss some of the rules.


【when necessary】 と 【if necessary】 と 【as necessary】 と 【where necessary】 はどう違いますか?

as necessary

I also commented that we will present them when we bring a relevant example. The book is not a mystery unfolding before you, but a composition you have created and then edited afterwards. I see, you mean when someone says "as necessary", he himself doesn't know if it will become necessary or not? Is it normal to combine it with "later"? Did I used it correctly? I will take one or two tablets to control pain, as necessary. I've highlighted your confusion of tenses. Im Laufe des Jahres 2008 hat die Generaldirektion für öffentliche Finanzen zur Einrichtung neuer gesetzlicher Bestimmungen beigetragen, die je n ac h Bedarf i m Rahmen der Bekämpfung von gefährlichen sektiererischen Entwicklungen angewandt werden sollen: Erweiterung des Melderechts auf bestimmte Daten von Betreibern im Internet, Festlegung der Bearbeitungsmodalitäten für Anträge von Vereinen, die als Glaubensgemeinschaft anerkannt werden wollen, sowie die Aufhebung des Steuergeheimnisses in bestimmten Ausnahmefällen zugunsten mancher Informationsdienststellen. Logically, I would assume that it's later in this document, but seeing "when it was necessary we may discuss some of the rules", I'm not so sure. I wrote : This program uses the master ruleset, which contains some basic and general rules.


Usage of "as necessary"

as necessary

If necessary, you should not hesitate to ask the teacher. The author is assumed to have completed the book or the text, and thus to know whether or not the rules have been presented later. Here it is not necessary. Which phrase can be used for such case? I also can't talk about past. While as necessary could be used in these examples without particular change in their meanings, such use happens to be rare.



as necessary

In this sentence it is not definite or not if the student needs help. Kombinationen dieser Instrumente , die von der Gesellschaft oder von Gesellschaften, an denen die Gesellschaft unmittelbar oder mittelbar mehrheitlich beteiligt ist "nachgeordnete Konzernunternehmen" , ausgegeben wurden oder noch werden, bei Ausübung des Wandlungs- bzw. But can I still combine it with "later"? I don't have a problem with the phrase, but it makes me wonder how later this would be, like later in this document? Of course, when we're writing our documents, it's always a work in progress, but from the reader's point of view, the document is finished. Internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that: i pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of AIXTRON; ii provide reasonable assurance that all transactions are reco rd e d as necessary t o permit the preparation of AIXTRON's Consolidated Financial Statements and the proper authorization of receipts and expenditures of AIXTRON are being made in accordance with authorization of AIXTRON's management and directors; and iii provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of AIXTRON's assets that could have a material effect on AIXTRON's Consolidated Financial Statements. Note that among numerous surveyed as necessary, it is far more frequently used in a way not of interest here, in sentences like "skilled employees. As an author you are expected to know whether the need has arisen. Das Aktualitäts-Szenario der Indexerstellung binnen 30 Tagen nach Ablauf des Bezugsmonats wurde als realistisches Ziel eingestuft, obwohl nach Auffassung der meisten Mitgliedstaaten die Schaffung einer gesonderten Verfahrenskette für die Berechnung des Beitrags der Mitgliedstaaten zur europäischen Stichprobe sowie eine Intensivierung der Kontakte mit Unternehmen erforderlich sind, um eine hohe Rücklaufquote innerhalb von 21 Tagen zu erreichen.


as necessary

We acknowledge the stress this may cause those individuals whose information was exposed. It is supposed that the action might or might not be needed, depending on conditions. How could the writer s not know if they have or have not discussed what rules? Nach Anlage D Abschnitt II Absatz 3 Buchstabe A Nummer 2 des Vertrags gibt jeder Vertragsstaat bei der Übermittlung von Informationen über die Typen von SchwarzweißLuftaufnahmefilm, die er zur Sammlung von Daten während der Untersuchung im Flug oder während eines Beobachtungsflugs oder zur Vervielfältigung solcher Daten zu verwenden beabsichtigt, die im folgenden aufgeführten Herstellerinformationen, soweit sie zur Beurteilung des Leistungsvermögens des Films erforderlich sind, für jeden Typ von Luftaufnahmefilm an, der mit Hilfe der in Absatz 1 aufgeführten Filmentwicklungs- oder Vervielfältigungsgeräte entwickelt oder vervielfältigt werden kann. For example, you can say Later in the book we will examine or present sample code in which some of these master rules are used. So one could write "Some of these rules are discussed below.


as necessary

. Juli 2005 hat das Gericht beschlossen, dass für die Zeit vom 1. It is tragic that the President's reckless actions make impeachment necessary. When necessary, it okay to spend a lot of money. I took one or two tablets to control pain, as necessary. They may or they may not. Optimierung der Strukturen in Vertrieb und Verwaltung Nach der Verschmelzung von Broadnet hat QSC in den vergangenen Monaten die Strukturen im Vertrieb und in der Verwaltung optimiert und beispielsweise durch die Zusammenlegung der Verwaltungen von QSC und Broadnet am Standort Köln und der Vertriebsbüros, dem Abbau von doppelt besetzten Positionen sowie durch Miet- und Flächenoptimierung erhebliche Synergiepotenziale gehoben.


as necessary

. Interne Kontrollen für die Finanzberichterstattung schließen die Richtlinien und Verfahren ein, die i sich auf das Führen von Aufzeichnungen beziehen, die in angemessenem Detaillierungsgrad die Transaktionen und Veräußerungen der Vermögenswerte des Unternehmens korrekt und angemessen wiedergeben, ii in angemessenem Umfang sicherstellen, dass sämtliche Transaktionen derart aufgezeichnet werden, dass die Unternehmensabschlüsse erstellt werden können und dass Einnahmen und Ausgaben des Unternehmens unter Einhaltung vorschriftsmäßiger Genehmigungsprozedere des Managements und bestimmten Führungspersonals von AIXTRON getätigt werden, und die iii in angemessenem Maße sicherstellen, dass unberechtigte Anschaffungen, Verwendungen oder Veräußerungen von Vermögenswerten des Unternehmens, die wesentliche Auswirkungen auf den konsolidierten Unternehmensabschluss haben könnten, verhindert oder rechtzeitig aufgedeckt werden. Repair or replace timer as necessary - Lubricate or replace heat valve as necessary. The California Department of Justice is entrusted to protect Californians and their data. . . .


as necessary

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