Asleep in the valley analysis. Asleep In The Valley, Analysis, Questions and Answers 2023-01-03

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Funny compare and contrast topics can provide a unique and entertaining way to explore the similarities and differences between two things. These topics can be used in a variety of settings, including academic essays, speeches, or just for fun. Here are a few examples of funny compare and contrast topics:

  1. Cats vs. Dogs: Both cats and dogs are popular pets, but they have many differences as well. For example, cats are typically more independent than dogs, while dogs are known for their loyalty and affection. Compare and contrast these two beloved pets in a humorous way.

  2. Fast food vs. Home cooking: Fast food can be convenient, but it is often lacking in nutritional value compared to home-cooked meals. Compare and contrast the pros and cons of these two options, using humor to highlight the absurdity of some of the differences.

  3. Online shopping vs. In-store shopping: With the rise of e-commerce, many people now do their shopping online. But there are still those who prefer the tactile experience of shopping in person. Compare and contrast these two options, using humor to poke fun at the quirks of each approach.

  4. Morning people vs. Night owls: Some people thrive in the morning, while others are more productive late at night. Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of being a morning person or a night owl, using humor to highlight the differences between the two.

  5. Movie theaters vs. Streaming at home: Going to the movies can be a fun outing, but it can also be expensive and inconvenient. On the other hand, streaming movies at home is convenient and often more affordable, but it lacks the social aspect of going to the theater. Compare and contrast these two options, using humor to illustrate the pros and cons of each.

Overall, funny compare and contrast topics can be a great way to engage readers or listeners while also exploring the similarities and differences between two things. By using humor and creative comparisons, you can make these topics both entertaining and informative.

(DOC) Asleep in the valley

asleep in the valley analysis

Why does the soldier look pale? It ends in the horror of the close up : two gunshot wounds. The feet of the young soldier are among the flowers. He sleeps peacefully in the sunlight with one hand on his breast. The fog was very dense and so the steamer sailed at less than half speed. His smile is gentle and has no guile in it.



asleep in the valley analysis

You start from a general view of the valley, on a glorious day. Death in this poem is represented as sleep, a peaceful and never-ending sleep—also, asleep which is safe from all further harm. Ans:- In the poem, "Asleep in the Valley" the natural scenery has been described with a picturesque description just to expose the exact opposition of the gory experiences of the battlefield. Â Â Â Â Â Â The soldier is sleeping peacefully in the valley with a beautiful smile on his face. The soldier has received two wounds of bullets from the enemy whom he may not familiar with. Asleep in the Valley: Setting The poem is set in a war-ravaged valley.


Asleep In The Valley by Arthur Rimbaud

asleep in the valley analysis

For him, death is sad, poignant even, but ultimately, death is a savior. . Ă‚ Ă‚ Ă‚ Ă‚ Ă‚ The suffering of the soldier seems to be removed by the comforts provided by the nature. The poem carries a sort of oblivion until one discovers the melancholy tune the words sing at the end. Ans: The poem "Asleep in the Valley" by Arthur Rimbaud reveals the horror and futility of modern warfare. Other than Asleep in the Valley: Analysis, Central Idea, and Theme, you can also refer to.


Poem Analysis of Asleep In The Valley by Arthur Rimbaud for close reading

asleep in the valley analysis

Now your mentioning an abcb defe ggh iij rhyming scheme might make sense if this translation were the original, which it is not. He looks all innocent, pure, simple without guile. There is no loud protest, but the poem has a poignantly touching human appeal. They are making humming sounds while flying around the young soldier. His head is on a pillow, made of fern and he lies open-mouthed. So irony lies in the word 'asleep' because the soldier is not sleeping; he is dead. Two bullets have pierced his body and destroyed all his future dreams unexpectedly.


Asleep in the Valley: Analysis, Central Idea, and Theme: 2022

asleep in the valley analysis

The poem is a gentle irony against the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers for the sake of war. The sun shines from the top of the mountain and floods every part of the valley. As a result of this separation, the children barely had a relationship with their father. It tenderly touches the folded wings of the wood bird and inspires it to get up and start singing merrily. The poem presents the scene of a helpless young victim of war amid a lovely beautiful natural setting. The poet knows the tragedy well, but he feels in his heart that although the death of the soldier is devastating, he will finally attain a peace that is lasting and free from all pain and dangers of war.


What is the theme of the poem asleep in the valley?

asleep in the valley analysis

While blowing over the farm, the wind prompts the house cock to blow its clarion and announce the daybreak. Ans:- The young soldier in the poem "Asleep in the Valley" is taking rest in the a beautiful green valley. In the dismal catastrophe of reality, one finds a way to live in the world of imagination: the poetic forgery of loss is a product of this dysthymic lost loss. He has fallen asleep forever because he is killed by two bullets in his side. Why did the soldier look pale? The insects are hovering over the bushes.


Asleep In The Valley Poem Summary Notes And Line By Line Explanation In English Class 12th • English Summary

asleep in the valley analysis

The flowers around his stretched feet also add to the visual charm of the scene. Souriant comme Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme : Nature, berce-le chaudement : il a froid. He says that the young soldier continues to sleep, in peace, despite the insects, with a hand on his breast, as if remembering his country even in his sleep. During one such visit to a valley, he found a very young soldier lying dead, open-mouthed, in a bed of ferns, with two bullet wounds in his side. Describe in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley. The title in English, Asleep in the Valley slightly changes the meaning and does not indicate whether the sleeper is a male person or a female one. The last line brings the horror of death,the futility of war,the fearfulness,the sorrow - all in a go.


Asleep in the Valley: Summary: 2022

asleep in the valley analysis

Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud ; 20 October 1854 — 10 November 1891 was a French poet born in Charleville, Ardennes. The young soldier seems asleep, but he is actually dead. It seems like he is enjoying the rest after the gory experience in the battlefield. Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold. The poet avoids rhetorical expressions as far as possible.


Poem Analysis,Subject Summarisation And Explanation : 'Asleep In The Valley' by Arthur Rimbaud

asleep in the valley analysis

A CRITICAL ANALYSIS : The poem begins with an idyllic description of nature. One should learn french only to hear the music of the poem. . It seems that the soothing nature takes all sorts of care of the wounded young soldier with providing a heavenly peace. The poet knows the soldier is already dead, but he wants his readers to wait till the last line of the poem to figure this important detail out. Il a deux trous rouges au côté droit.


Summary of the poem Asleep in the Valley Written by Arthur Rimbaud for class twelve/ xii /12, West Bengal board, W.B.H.S.C.

asleep in the valley analysis

The two red holes imprinted by deadly bullets make a mockery of life. Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch a cold. Ans: In the poem "Asleep in the Valley", the young soldier who is the victim of warfare is taking eternal rest in peace in beautiful green valley because he has not to suffer any hardship, suffering, tension in the battlefield. Ans:- The smile of the soldier lying in valley is referred to here. Little Jack Horner sat in a corner and ate his Christmas pie. Ans: An anti-war poem exposes the ruthlessness and brutal business of war.
