Aurobindo on education pdf. Aurobindo’s Vision on Education 2022-12-29

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Sri Aurobindo was an Indian independence activist, philosopher, and yogi who is best known for his philosophy of Integral Yoga. In his philosophy of education, Aurobindo believed that education should not simply be about imparting knowledge, but rather about helping individuals to realize their full potential and become integrated, harmonious, and spiritually evolved beings.

According to Aurobindo, the ultimate goal of education is to help individuals to realize their true nature and purpose in life. He believed that this could only be achieved through a holistic approach to education that integrated the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the individual. Aurobindo argued that traditional education systems, which focused solely on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, were incomplete and insufficient for the realization of one's full potential.

Aurobindo believed that education should be designed to cultivate the inner life of the individual and to awaken the individual's higher consciousness. He argued that this could be achieved through a combination of formal education and spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga. Aurobindo believed that education should also be flexible and adaptable to the needs and abilities of each individual student, rather than being a one-size-fits-all approach.

In Aurobindo's view, education should not be limited to the classroom, but should be integrated into all aspects of life. He argued that education should be a continuous process that continues throughout an individual's life, and that individuals should always be striving to learn and grow. Aurobindo believed that the role of the teacher was to guide and inspire students, rather than simply imparting knowledge.

Aurobindo's philosophy of education has had a significant impact on the field of education in India and around the world. It has inspired the development of alternative education systems that focus on the holistic development of the individual and that seek to awaken the inner life and higher consciousness of students. Aurobindo's ideas about education continue to be influential today and are considered by many to be a valuable alternative to traditional education systems.

(PDF) National Education Theory of Sri Aurobindo

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The value of the effort and its result will depend upon the value of the ideal. In this programme of physical culture, although there are well-known general lines to be followed for the best development of the human body, still, if the method is to be fully effective in each case, it should be considered individually, if possible with the help of a competent person, or if not, by consulting the numerous manuals that have already been and are still being published on the subject. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. The vital liberation or liberation from desire gives the individual will the power to identify itself perfectly and consciously with the divine will and brings constant peace and serenity as well as the power which results from them. Those who have been able to perceive what could and ought to be done to improve the situation in the various domains of human life—economic, political, social, financial, educational and sanitary—are individuals who have, to a greater or lesser extent, developed their consciousness in an exceptional way and put themselves in contact with higher planes of consciousness. Normally this discovery is associated with a mystic feeling, a religious life, because it is mainly the religions that have concerned themselves with this aspect of life. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.


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Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection. To avoid any misunderstanding, I must point out here that because of the exigencies of the language in which I am expressing myself, I am obliged to use the masculine gender whenever I mention the Divine. It is therefore quite unreasonable to try to recognise the presence of the supramental by physical appearances. Extend wide the power of Yoga. This sense of the relativity of things is a powerful help in keeping one's balance and preserving a serene moderation in one's speech. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement.


Aurobindo’s Vision on Education

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For by idle talk I mean every word that is spoken without being absolutely indispensable. All who are open receive a ripple from this eddy, a ray of this light and seek to give form to it, each according to his capacity. With a proper discipline persistently followed, they are within the reach of all who are sincerely interested in this development and its results. And yet as soon as one makes an effort to reduce the noise to a minimum, one realises that many things are done better and faster in silence and that this helps to maintain one's inner peace and concentration. To achieve these results, it will be good, as a general rule, to make use of habit as a help in organising one's material life, Page 50 for the body functions more easily within the framework of a regular routine.


On Education

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At the risk of going against many current ideas and ruffling many prejudices, I hold that it is not fair to demand service from a child, as if it were his duty to serve his parents. In this sense, Philosopher Aurobindo 1872-1950 can be viewed as a 20 th century renaissance person. It will be a force for enlightenment for many years to come. But most often it is only a fleeting contact, for in the human being love is immediately mixed with lower egoistic movements which debase it and rob it of its power of purity. Every human body that undergoes a rational method of culture from the very beginning of its existence can Page 16 realise its own harmony and thus become fit to manifest beauty. In the ordinary consciousness you advance slowly, by successive experiences, from ignorance to a very distant and often doubtful knowledge. To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind.


(DOC) National Education of Sri Aurobindo

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There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. Before the individual can take a leap forward, at least a little of the preceding progress must have been realised in the collectivity. For example, the neophyte is always very eager to share with others the little he has learnt. This attitude, by its obscure and aggressive egoism, leads to every kind of conflict and misery, disappointment and discouragement, and very often ends in catastrophe. I have said that from a young age children should be taught to respect good health, physical strength and balance.


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We are also maintaining Moral Paradigm — a similar site about moral and ethical questions: Search library for PDF e-books. It is indeed love, in a corrupted and darkened form, that is associated with all the impulses of physical and vital Nature, as the urge behind all movement and all grouping, which becomes quite perceptible in the plant kingdom. These following steps will form the object of what I call spiritual education. Apart from a very few exceptions, only absolute silence is set in opposition to loose talk. Each one will then have to apply as much of it as he can in the best possible way.


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A physical culture which aims at building a body capable of serving as a fit instrument for a higher consciousness demands very austere habits: a great regularity in sleep, food, exercise and every activity. In the transformed consciousness your starting-point is knowledge and you proceed from knowledge to knowledge. A special concentration of the world consciousness, one might almost say, an intensification of its effort, occurs at such times, varying according to the kind of progress to be made, the quality of the transformation to be realised. As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. Without love the world would fall back into the chaos of inconscience. India, world's noblest race, lay whelmed in darkness.


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To reach this ideal goal, one must strictly shun all excess and every vice, great or small; one must deny oneself the use of such slow poisons as tobacco, alcohol, etc. Only a general idea of the organisation is given here; its detailed application will be presented little by little in this Bulletin as it is carried out. Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union. Page 48 Before starting to describe the four kinds of austerity required, it is necessary to clarify one question which is a source of much misunderstanding and confusion in the minds of most people. Enter our bodies in thy Yogic strength.


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And this preparatory work will require much patience and perseverance before one can start on a constructive programme for the harmonisation of the form and its movements. Prophets of a new humanity have followed one another; religions, spiritual or social, have been created; their beginnings have sometimes been promising, but as humanity has not been fundamentally transformed, the old errors arising from human nature itself have gradually reappeared and after some time we find ourselves almost back at the point we had started from with so much hope and enthusiasm. In any case, the most effective starting-point, the swiftest method is total self-giving. Thus even the embodied god cannot be perfect on earth until men are ready to understand and accept perfection. Only a greater, higher and truer power of love can subdue the uncontrollable impulses of love. For The Great Secret, the Mother wrote the parts of the Statesman, the Artist and the Unknown Man; the parts of the four other characters were written, in consultation with the Mother, by those who played the roles. That is why the international university centre will be international; not because students from all countries will be Page 40 admitted here, nor even because they will be taught in their own language, but above all because the cultures of the various parts of the world will be represented here so as to be accessible to all, not merely intellectually in ideas, theories, principles and language, but also vitally in habits and customs, art in all its forms—painting, sculpture, music, architecture, decoration—and physically through natural scenery, dress, games, sports, industries and food.
