British influence on indian society. The British Impact on India, 1700 2023-01-03

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The British Empire played a significant role in shaping the modern Indian society we see today. From the early 18th century, when the East India Company first established a foothold in India, to the mid-20th century, when India gained independence, the British exerted a profound influence on every aspect of Indian life.

One of the most significant ways in which the British influenced Indian society was through the introduction of Western education. Prior to British colonization, education in India was largely restricted to the wealthy and the elite, and was focused primarily on religious texts and traditional subjects. The British, however, introduced a system of Western-style education that was based on the British model, with an emphasis on science, math, literature, and other subjects. This system of education was initially reserved for the children of the British elite, but gradually, it was made available to Indians as well. As a result, a whole generation of educated Indians emerged, who were exposed to Western ideas and values, and who played a crucial role in the struggle for independence.

The British also brought about significant changes in the economic structure of India. Prior to colonization, India was primarily an agricultural society, with a large portion of the population engaged in farming and other rural occupations. The British, however, introduced industrialization to India, setting up factories and introducing new technologies that transformed the economy. This led to the emergence of a new class of industrialists and entrepreneurs, who played a key role in the country's economic development.

The British also introduced a number of reforms that had a lasting impact on Indian society. For example, they abolished the practice of sati, in which widows were expected to burn themselves on their husband's funeral pyre. They also abolished the practice of thuggee, in which groups of thieves operated under the guise of religious devotion. These reforms helped to improve the status of women and marginalized groups in Indian society, and laid the foundation for the more progressive and egalitarian society we see today.

However, it must be acknowledged that the British influence on India was not always positive. The British rule was marked by widespread exploitation and oppression, and many Indians suffered at the hands of their colonizers. The British also implemented a number of policies that had negative consequences for the Indian people, such as the policy of divide and rule, which sowed the seeds of communal tensions and conflicts that continue to plague the country to this day.

In conclusion, the British influence on Indian society was complex and multifaceted. While they brought about significant reforms and modernization, they also imposed their own cultural and economic values, and left a legacy of exploitation and oppression. Today, India is a vibrant, diverse, and dynamic society, shaped by a long and tumultuous history, including the period of British rule.

British Rule in India and the Response of Indian Society

british influence on indian society

Up to the middle of the 19th century, the means of transport in India were backward. All foreign heads of state that visit India are taken to this memorial to lay garlands of orange marigolds in memory of the "Father of the Nation". The movement "Quit India" was launched, with many people asking for the immediate withdrawal of Britain from the subcontinent. Let us look at the various facets of the same. They were the 'amenable successors' of the British Raj. Modern India Dbq Essay 671 Words 3 Pages Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or as more know him Mahatma Gandhi fought and died for the independance of India, even through all the cruelty people say that the British ruling helped shape modern India, did the British really help shape modern India? Indian traditional agriculture was converted to cultivation of cash crops like indigo and tobacco which left stigmas of poverty on Indian peasants.


Positive And Negative Effects Of British Rule In India

british influence on indian society

The improvement in communications eventually helped to foster a sense of unity among Indians. Without British rule, India would not be as competitive in this sector. The Arya Samaj Influence of western culture on Indian society Influence of western culture on Caste We find that the traditional social organisation exemplified by the caste system has undergone several changes yet continues to exist in Indian society performing some old and some new functions. In industrial sphere, Indian manufacturing skill, in spinning, weaving, ivory, gold and silver works, filigree and luxury goods suffered a set back because of British industrial policy. Many historical accounts tell us that they never imposed heavy taxes on the native population.


The British Impact on India, 1700

british influence on indian society

This is only one of minor reasons of the social aspect of Imperialism. British Colonies Influence 172 Words 1 Pages The strong influence of Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics can be seen in the development of the British Colonies. When they had conquered India in 1858, India was not subjected to the influences of the western world, except for trade with the Greeks. The concept of the country as a whole now took precedence over regional and provincial isolationism. They set up their first factory in Surat in 1613. The third-class passengers, who were virtually all Indians, were treated very differently and didn't receive such comforts. A fascinating example of this revitalization is a style of painting dating from about 1800.


Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Economy Society and Culture

british influence on indian society

Growth of Scientific Spirit of Research: The British rule contributed a lot for the growth of scientific spirit of research in the country. The British were able to set a foundation for India, and create a justice system while containing violence, even though they had to take away some Indian rights to do so. This, over a population of about 300 million in what is now India, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Within these regions, present-day Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, northern Madhya Pradesh, and the Delhi were the major zones where the rebellion took place. I am from Lalitpur U.


Influence of western culture on Indian society

british influence on indian society

This changed the course of Indian history. In 1839, the Grand Trunk Road was built, that connected Delhi and Calcutta Later on it was connected with Lahore and Peshawar. There had been a great demand for muslin from Bengal and silk from Bengal and Benaras. Lord Dalhousie, in particular, stressed the importance of railways for trade and for the maintenance of law and order. The term babu has many connotations.


​Impacts of British Imperialism in India

british influence on indian society

This domed Neo-Classical structure was built with marble from Makrana and was financed by donations from princes and ordinary citizens. Gandhi was one of the most effective peaceful freedom speaks in India, he made a movement in India that had Indians making their own homespun string to make clothes from instead of buying from the British. Oxford and Cambridge of 17th century England enjoyed no superiority over native systems of education in India, but our colonial past has so far restricted our capacity to access and write about such topics. The legislative council also included some Indian representation, signifying the start of participation of Indian people in British Government. Biased concepts regarding non-Western cultures and non-white peoples, arising from so-called social Darwinism and evangelicalism, provided rationale for imperial rule. But some villages are more westernised than urban areas. India lost control… British Impact On India Dbq Analysis Imagine living in India when the British took full control, and then being forced to change your day to day life.


Impact of British on Indian Society and Culture

british influence on indian society

The wide array of combinations of Indian and English dishes was looked up to as new cuisine, the Anglo-Indian cuisine. However, by 1950 it had increased to 35 years of age. In fact, it is estimated that as many as 55 million Indians died from famine during the years of British rule in India. A period of social reforms began in India during the time of Governor General Lord William Bentinck 1828-35 who was helped by Rammohan Roy. A hierarchy of judicial officers was created to impart justice to one and all. The concept of the welfare state was introduced and thus Governmental activities on welfare measures have expanded.


British Raj in India

british influence on indian society

Social Mobility through Westernisation The upwardly mobile untouchable castes adopted the lifestyle implied in Westernisation. Many European scholars and government employees became increasingly interested in Indian languages. World War I The relationship between Britain and India was never been the same after World War I. During the Industrial Revolution, India was considered a prized possession by the British because they supplied raw materials to the factories for production. The Rise of the British To set up factories in areas where European traders had settled in India the Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English acquired land, established companies, and fought numerous wars both against Indian rulers and one another. Know more about When staying in New Delhi, booking an elegant Colonial-era heritage hotel will surely add to your travel experience, especially for travelers who are interested in culture. It is important to note that since the reform movement started in Bengal, its impact was first felt here.


The British Raj’s Social and Institutional Impact on Indian Society

british influence on indian society

The vast rail network greatly facilitated commerce and travel, creating an infrastructure that India had never seen. Industrialization and the factory systems broke down caste barriers to a large extent. Debendranath was father of the famed Rabindranath 1861— 1941 , an artistic genius and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. In the light of Western literature, Indians attempted to write and thus Indian literature was enriched by the Western impact. They were influenced by British thought, British ideas, that is why our leaders were always telling the British "How can you do these things? Which the conquest of European power and subsequent British rule in India has had a profound effect on western culture on Indian society.
