Can virtue be taught essay. Can Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics: Can Virtue Be Taught? 2023-01-01

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Virtue, by definition, refers to a character trait that is considered morally good and is often associated with qualities such as honesty, kindness, and compassion. While some may argue that virtue is inherent and cannot be taught, others believe that it is possible to cultivate and nurture virtue through education and experience. In this essay, I will explore both sides of the debate and ultimately argue that virtue can, in fact, be taught.

On one hand, some argue that virtue is a natural and innate quality that cannot be taught or learned. They believe that an individual either possesses virtue or they do not, and that it is not something that can be developed through education or experience. This perspective is often rooted in the belief that virtue is a product of genetics or upbringing, and that an individual's moral character is largely predetermined by their nature and environment.

However, this view does not take into account the role that cultural and social influences play in shaping an individual's moral values and behaviors. It is true that genetics and upbringing can play a role in an individual's moral development, but they are not the only factors that shape a person's character. Culture, education, and life experiences all have the potential to shape and influence an individual's moral values and behaviors.

Furthermore, the idea that virtue cannot be taught ignores the fact that many individuals have made a conscious effort to cultivate and develop virtuous qualities in their own lives. Many people have learned to be more empathetic and compassionate through experiences such as volunteering, taking care of a loved one, or simply being exposed to different perspectives and ways of life. These experiences can help individuals develop a deeper understanding of the value of kindness and compassion, and can lead to a genuine desire to embody these virtues in their daily lives.

In addition, the concept of virtue ethics, which originated in ancient Greek philosophy, emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues as a means of living a good and fulfilling life. According to this perspective, virtues such as courage, justice, and wisdom are essential qualities that should be developed and cultivated in order to live a virtuous and fulfilling life. This approach to ethics suggests that virtue is not just something that an individual either possesses or lacks, but rather something that can be developed and nurtured through education and experience.

In conclusion, while it may be true that some individuals are naturally inclined towards virtues such as honesty and compassion, this does not mean that virtue cannot be taught. Culture, education, and life experiences all have the potential to shape and influence an individual's moral values and behaviors, and many people have made a conscious effort to cultivate and develop virtuous qualities in their own lives. Ultimately, the idea that virtue cannot be taught ignores the role that social and cultural influences play in shaping an individual's moral character, and fails to recognize the potential for personal growth and development.

Can Virtue Be Taught Analysis

can virtue be taught essay

By virtue are nations defended. They play an important role, in that our own personal experiences and intellectual facets are what drive this process. At least this is how I see it. For example, generosity is a virtue between the two extremes of miserliness and being profligate. Socrates replies to this by saying that he is just asking questions and it is Euthyphro's answers that aren't getting anywhere.


Kirk Essay “Virtue: Can It Be Taught?”

can virtue be taught essay

Against them are set the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. I feel like this is incorrect and and virtue can be taught. Or have we, as a people, grown too fond of creature-comforts and a fancied security to venture our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor in any cause at all? The most outstanding initiatives are proposed by the Krausists, in Spain this was introduced by Julián Sanz del Rio. And it is altogether possible that a general widespread renewal of faith in the supernatural and transcendent character of Christian belief may come to pass within the next few years—a phenomenon more tremendous than the Great Awakening ushered in by Wesley and others two centuries ago. In other words, teaching is not the same thing as remembering.


Can virtue be taught Free Essays

can virtue be taught essay

It gave us the knowledge of good and evil. This is where we question ourselves, is there really a high level of quality in the education of the 21st century or is only a brushstroke of what a quality education aims to be? Learning can be accomplished by studying people who are good, but the former may not realize that they are being studied. Thucydides had two sons. His works range from a variety of topics, from friendship and virtue to metaphysics Shields, 2016. Then the anachronisms and subjective turns abound in unjustified interpretations, with static and decontextualized realities that in no way take into account. Similar to how we can understand that one can be taught how to be virtueful but not be virtuous in actual practice, it is also possible for people to refine their virtue-based understandings, become more virtuous and change their perspectives on how to act in a noble way as they mature.


Can Virtue be Taught essay

can virtue be taught essay

The Accounting profession is no different as ethical questions arise as part of any working day and can effect how an individual or the company conducts business. Socrates also reminds Agathon of having claimed that there is love of beautiful things. If God is the highest esteem of a virtuous being, anything in the absence of God is vice, "immoral conduct; depraved or degrading behavior. We Americans have grown very well fed, very much starved for virtue. In Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle answers the question in a way I better understand. It seems like every time I read the newspaper there is another scandal relating to some high-level executive involved in unethical behavior. Socrates, however, rejects this definition because it fails to provide a single form common to all kinds of virtue.


Can Virtue Be Taught? Free Essay Example

can virtue be taught essay

One could argue, for example that instinctual judgment or intuition can help us know when we should offer our assistance to a friend who is in need. I believe virtue is being patient, caring and trustworthy. Virtue cannot be taught in this way. Madrid: The Books of the Cataract. Meno gives another Can Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics: Can Virtue Be Taught? These arguments focus on how virtue can be defined and whether or otherwise people can achieve it. I Can virtue be taught? This means that learning must come down to recollection of previous life experiences and knowledge. Patience is a perfect example of this.


Can Virtue Be Taught

can virtue be taught essay

It is common practice for organizations to gain success regardless of hurting others to increase the bottom line. Our character then can be broken up into two parts. Rationality is our distinctive activity — that is, the activity… Theories Of Virtue Ethics There have been many different theories of virtue that have come to play over the years. If you should meet with it, how will you know that this is the thing you did not know 80d? Let's trust God to help us do great things and it is our task to have the courage to say "on your knees,. To these classical virtues, Saint Paul added the theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity.


Can virtue be taught essay

can virtue be taught essay

I totally agree with this statement, because if you are educated in this way we can love people, which leads to act emphatically and living in society quietly, at the same time to connect with your interior and know yourself better to yourself. There Aristotle argues that virtue is of two kinds: moral, and intellectual. . Even though he may be able to recognize the problem, he is unable to explain why. There are some that Aristotle would suggest to be the median or virtues such as courage, self-control, proper emotion, and friendliness to name a few. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.


Can virtue be taught? Essay

can virtue be taught essay

Which is turn means: knowledge is a cognitive achievement through cognitive abilities perception, memory, experience, etc. They were required to read carefully, in the classical languages chiefly in Latin , certain enduring books that dealt much with virtue. In my opinion, I think that on the one hand these types of people are the most wise, because. He asserts that, if only he knew the relevant definitions, he would be a moral expert who could answer philosophical questions about moral properties- questions such as is a certain action just? Moral virtue grows out of habit ethos ; it is not natural, but neither is moral virtue opposed to nature. Rarely are such persons, or pseudo-persons, admirable mentors. As we have already said, being virtuous could be described as being able and able to perform musically, which is, to a certain extent, instinctual.
