Causes of culture shock essay. Causes And Effect Of Culture Shock 2022-12-13

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In Broad Daylight by Ha Jin is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores the complex dynamics of power, corruption, and justice in a small Chinese village during the Cultural Revolution.

The story follows the lives of two main characters: Ning, a schoolteacher who becomes embroiled in a power struggle with the local party secretary, and Shuyu, Ning's wife, who is caught between her loyalty to her husband and her fear of the party's retribution. Through these characters, Ha Jin deftly illustrates the ways in which the Cultural Revolution's ideology of revolution and class struggle was used to justify violence and abuse of power, as well as the ways in which individuals were forced to navigate the treacherous waters of political loyalty and personal morality.

One of the key themes of the novel is the corrupting influence of power. The party secretary, Lao Li, is a ruthless and cunning man who will stop at nothing to maintain his position of authority, even if it means resorting to threats, intimidation, and violence. Ning, on the other hand, is a principled and honest man who refuses to bow to Lao Li's demands, even when it puts him and his family in danger. As the conflict between the two men escalates, it becomes clear that Lao Li's power is not derived from his leadership or moral character, but rather from his ability to manipulate the system and use fear and intimidation to silence his opponents.

Another theme that emerges in the novel is the role of justice in a society where the rule of law is subverted by those in power. Ning's struggle to bring Lao Li to justice is a poignant reminder of the importance of due process and the rule of law in upholding a just society. However, Ha Jin also highlights the ways in which the legal system can be used to protect the powerful and punish the weak, as Ning's efforts to seek justice are repeatedly thwarted by the corruption and bias of the local authorities.

Ultimately, In Broad Daylight is a powerful and poignant exploration of the ways in which power and corruption can corrupt even the most well-intentioned individuals. Ha Jin's vivid and nuanced portrayal of the characters and their struggles is a testament to his skill as a writer, and the novel serves as a thought-provoking and timely reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of upholding justice and the rule of law.

Culture shock is a term used to describe the feeling of disorientation, confusion, and anxiety that can occur when an individual is exposed to a new and unfamiliar culture. This phenomenon is common among people who have recently moved to a new country or are traveling abroad, as they may encounter cultural practices, values, and norms that differ significantly from those they are used to. Culture shock can have a wide range of causes, and the intensity of the experience can vary greatly from person to person.

One of the primary causes of culture shock is the sudden exposure to a new and unfamiliar environment. When people move to a new country or travel to a new place, they are often faced with a range of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and experiences that can be overwhelming and disorienting. For example, people may encounter different languages, customs, and social norms that they are not accustomed to, and this can cause them to feel confused and anxious.

Another cause of culture shock is the loss of familiar support systems and social networks. When people move to a new place, they often leave behind their friends, family, and community, which can be a major source of support and stability. Without these familiar support systems, individuals may feel isolated and alone, which can exacerbate feelings of culture shock.

Additionally, culture shock can be caused by differences in social norms and expectations. Different cultures have different ways of behaving and interacting with others, and these differences can be jarring for people who are not used to them. For example, people may find it difficult to adjust to different levels of physical contact, levels of formality, or different expectations for personal space.

Finally, culture shock can also be caused by homesickness and feelings of nostalgia for one's home culture. When people are far from home, they may miss familiar foods, customs, and other aspects of their home culture, which can contribute to feelings of culture shock.

Overall, culture shock is a common and often challenging experience that can be caused by a variety of factors, including exposure to a new and unfamiliar environment, the loss of familiar support systems and social networks, differences in social norms and expectations, and homesickness. While it can be difficult to adjust to a new culture, with time and patience, most people are able to adapt and eventually feel more comfortable in their new surroundings.

Main Causes of Culture Shock Essay Example

causes of culture shock essay

Perhaps the most important reason is the problems faced on a day to day basis. A good example would be that many international students might have difficulties adopting the new values which the foreign country adopts, and might feel homesick due to the culture shock. . Planned or not, connected people living in the world today are going to have to face the issues Dean Barlund and Amy Tan chronicled due to the world-wide nature of the internet and the inherent differences of the connected cultures. Also agreed with Oberg and Hosted definition and state that culture shock is a set of emotional reactions which occurred when an individual leave its own culture and move completely into a new culture. Let us identify key dimensions that characterise different cultures.


Main Causes of Culture Shock, Sample of Essays

causes of culture shock essay

How is culture transmitted? Values may differ in terms of religion, laws, traditions, and customs. Purpose of Report This report is written for The Australian Association. Various reasons can lead to culture shock. Temperature-shock can happen to people from country cold climate to tropical climate country. The last and most important cause of culture shock is the daily life challenges. But when they choose to study solo in the US, they can feel shocked by the junk food such as hamburger, fried-chicken, fried-tomato, pizza, etc. Finally expatriate reached into Adjustment stage, in this stage anxiety and frustration vanishes and is replaced by confidence and acceptance of host values, the expatriate is able to work effectively and accept the culture and behaviors of host society are accepted.


Culture Shock: Causes and Effects

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From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. A person can locate chemistry in the or her daily life in the foods that the person feeds on, air a person breathes, soap, and accurately anything a person comes in contact with. I'm one of these immigrants who feel these differences between my hometown , Maghagha, and Jersey City. Another cause of culture shock is the time that people eat dinner. Thus, daily life challenges are the most important season for culture shock as it is not easy to adapt to a new environment. Therefore it is extremely vital to educate managers or employees in intercultural awareness.


Main Causes of Culture Shock Essay

causes of culture shock essay

Her view on culture shock is more interesting because she views culture shock as a positive and learning experience. In class, for example, they will tend to be confused and do not understand what their lecturers are teaching. While it is easy to blame their executives and their accountants for the downfall, it is important to examine a possible underlying factor that led to the company going bust- shareholders. Culture shock is one of the very common problems many face, especially when travelling abroad. Culture shock is not exclusive for international relocation.


Culture Shock: Causes and Effects Free Essay Example

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In this stage expatriate realizes the problems and starts to cope with the new culture. At first inclination he found himself enthralled by the independence of Americans. In the Honeymoon stage, expatriate is excited about moving into new culture; new environment intrigues the expatriate in much the same way as if the expatriate was tourist. In addition , another cause of culture shock is because of the feeling of loneliness. If the company does not provide any cross-cultural training the expatriate might take time to adapt into a new environment or might fail completely. What factors cause culture shock will be the next part we should discuss.


The Causes Of Culture Shock

causes of culture shock essay

The introduction she gives is excellent because it provides the background information to the story and adequately prepares the points that she wants to get across to the Cultural Deviance Theory 1136 Words 5 Pages Sugeny Genao Writing Assignment 3 SOCI 321 February 18, 2018 Why are some successful? The main causes of culture shock will be difference in values, loneliness, as well as daily life challenges. It is very important that organization provide a range of literature on the country where they are sending expatriate these might include books, journals, newspapers etc. More than 18 million cases of severe sepsis occur each year, this results in 1,400 deaths worldwide every day Hinkle, 2014. Edward Corridor is a dominant cultural anthropologist. Many foreigners come to Vietnam to settle down but they feel very shock and cannot sleep when every night their Vietnamese neighbors sing karaoke very loudly and noisy. The sensation of solitude can cause various adverse effects, creating depression and anxiety. Furthermore academic professor like Furnham and Bochner 1986 cited in Jan Selmer , 1999 pg.


Cultural Shocks: Causes And Effects Of Culture Shock And...

causes of culture shock essay

Although acculturation theory stimulated a great number of studies on intercultural. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Migration 769 Words 4 Pages Throughout human history, migration of human beings is a pre-requisite of human progress and development. Change of environment in for students and employees can also cause culture shock in most cases the productivity of the person is greatly reduced and they spend a lot of energy and SYMPTOMS OF CULTURE SHOCK In most cases Culture Shock will appear like homesick to most people. The first time they go to a foreign country, everything is quite brand new and exciting. Get your paper price 124 experts online A good example would e that many international students might have difficulties adopting the new values which the foreign country adopts, and might feel homesick due to the culture shock. The purpose of these cross cultural programs is to provide information about the culture of new environment where expatriate will be working as well as to provide information how to interact with the people of that particular culture. However, the three main causes of culture shock are: the food, the people, and the traffic laws.


Main Causes of Culture Shock Essay

causes of culture shock essay

Moreover, even if some people want to stay only in their hometown, they also should learn the effects of moving to a new country in order to understand and help visitors to live with happiness. Two American allies have joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB. In our countries like India, Thailand and even Malaysia, we use our bare hands to eat. . It takes commitment from the highest levels of management on down to ensure that an organization is dedicated to conducting their business Cultural Shock Essay Cultural shock is the reaction to cultural differences after moving to a foreign country. In the Honeymoon stage, expatriate is excited about moving into new culture; new environment intrigues the expatriate in much the same way as if the expatriate was tourist. One of the main reasons for this it will provide expatriates a better understanding of host culture values and customs.


Causes Of Culture Shock

causes of culture shock essay

When people have to live in a different and unknown environment or culture, they become anxious, surprises, disorientated, uncertain and even confused. A lot of people tend to migrate to seek a better life. One industry which is constantly expanding its presence in international market is telecommunication industry. The Influence Of Immigration To America 2262 Words 10 Pages This means that immigrants sometimes just go to other countries to get a good idea of what that country is like and can compare it to their old one. Many countries have their own cuisine which can be strange for some travellers.


Causes of Culture Shock Essay

causes of culture shock essay

Keywords: Effects; Workplace; Cultural Diversity INTRODUCTION W ith the increase of globalization in the world, cultural diversity in the workplace has grown as a trend. Fortunately, culture shock could usually be gotten over with time. Dean Barnlund explains in his essay the assumptive world in which we live today. Westerners are nearly freezing and scared to see the dog are being roasted on the coal oven. Many Scholars have view cultural training as an effective tool for expatriate to adjust into a new environment successfully. Oberg definition on culture shock was supported by many renowned scholars. However Eschbach, 2001 stressed the effects on only stress and anxiety forgetting other.
