Cellular respiration essay. Lab: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Essay Example 2022-12-18

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Cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert glucose into energy. This process occurs in the mitochondria, which are found in most cells of the body. There are three main stages of cellular respiration: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Glycolysis is the first stage of cellular respiration and occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, which generates ATP and NADH. ATP is the primary source of energy for cells and is used for various functions such as muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. NADH is a coenzyme that helps to produce ATP during the later stages of cellular respiration.

The second stage of cellular respiration is the citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. This cycle takes place in the mitochondria and involves the breakdown of pyruvate into carbon dioxide and water. The citric acid cycle generates ATP, NADH, and FADH2. FADH2 is another coenzyme that helps to produce ATP during the final stage of cellular respiration.

The final stage of cellular respiration is oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs in the mitochondria. During this stage, the energy from NADH and FADH2 is used to produce ATP through the process of chemiosmosis. Chemiosmosis involves the movement of hydrogen ions across a membrane, which generates ATP.

Cellular respiration is an important process for all living organisms because it provides the energy needed for cells to function. In humans, the majority of ATP is produced through aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen. However, cells are also able to produce ATP through anaerobic respiration, which does not require oxygen. This process is less efficient than aerobic respiration but is still important in certain situations, such as during intense exercise when the body's demand for energy exceeds the supply of oxygen.

In conclusion, cellular respiration is a complex process that involves several stages and is essential for the production of energy in cells. Without this process, life as we know it would not be possible.

Essay on Gas Exchange And Cellular Respiration Essay on Biology, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen

cellular respiration essay

During aerobic respiration, oxygen is always present, which means there is a large amount of energy present. Gas exchange happens between the alveoli and a network of tiny blood vessels which is called capillaries and it occurs in the lungs. It is one of the main reasons provoking the greenhouse effect. For example- When there is a high concentration of oxygen in the air and a low concentration of oxygen in the blood, the high concentration of oxygen will move into the blood via diffusion until there is no longer a concentration gradient and the particles are all evenly distributed. Without cellular respiration living organisms would not be able to sustain life simply because nutrients would not metabolize in a productive manner. Oxygen is vital for ATP production …show more content… Glucose, which is a six-carbon sugar, is at that moment divided into two molecules of a three carbon sugar.


Free Essay: Cellular Respiration

cellular respiration essay

Cellular respiration is an example of an catabolic reaction as it is the breakdown of larger molecules to Mooresville smaller ones. Often, this energy is used to convert ADAPT and phosphate into TAP. Cellular respiration is how heterotrophs turn food consumed into useable energy. Second objective is to find out if different temperature, affect respiration rate and what are the reasons for the differences. While, others like yeast and beer go through alcoholic fermentation while brewing and baking. Cellular respiration is a catabolic pathway, which breaks down large molecules to smaller molecules, produces an energy rich molecule known as ATP Adenosine Triphosphate and a waste product that is released as CO2. The link reaction results in the formation of an acetyl group.


Essay On Cellular Respiration

cellular respiration essay

It is a well-known fact that all cells need to respire to get the needed energy. In diffusion, respiration keeps one of the gradient low and ventilation keeps one side of the gradient high. The Krebs cycle, the second stage of respiration, first starts with breaking down pyruvic acid from the glycolysis into Acetyl CoA. The electron transport chain is aerobic, which means it requires oxygen. These organelles are able to absorb light, and are located inside of leaves. All living organisms respire and they need energy to carry out their life processes in order for organisms to survive and produce.


Cellular respiration Essay

cellular respiration essay

In addition to that, Cyclic electron flow uses photosystem 1 but not 2, generating ATP but not NADPH, generating surplus ATP to satisfy the higher demand in the Calvin cycle. During photosynthesis light energy is chemically changed to bond with carbohydrate molecules that then get converted into ATP molecules and the energy within the ATP molecules is able to then be spent to allow the process to repeat continually and simultaneously within the cells. Then, two ATP come and are converted to two ADP and two phosphates. The 3-carbon piruvates are converted to acetyl-CoA. The way these cells produce energy is a process called cellular respiration.


Cellular Respiration Research Paper

cellular respiration essay

Fermentation also occurs in some cases where there is no oxygen present. This occurs in both eukaryotic cells, as well as, prokaryotic cells. NAD+ is loaded with an electron once again and sent to the electron transport chain. When oxygen is involved, glycolysis is the beginning step of the process known as, aerobic cellular respiration. This cellular respiration is usually affected by various factors such as availability of oxygen without which anaerobic respiration takes place, availability of water, protoplasmic environment, temperature and carbon dioxide concentration. Both have several stages in which the creation of energy occurs, and have varied relationships with organelles located within the eukaryotic cell. As electrons pass through the cytochrome complex, H+ diffuse in the thylakoid space from the stroma, contributing to the proton gradient used for chemiosmosis.


Cellular Respiration Essay

cellular respiration essay

Malate is the last of the cycle and it is repeated after that. In order to regulate the external pressure that might force changes in the respirator, a closed system was implemented. The purpose of this lab was to observe fermentation in yeast with different carbohydrates at different temperatures and cellular respiration of lima beans with different quantities of the necessary reactants. Department of Biological Science. Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of cells due to their high folds of energy.


Cellular Respiration Research Essay Example

cellular respiration essay

Mitochondria is made of two membranes and the outer membrane covers the organelle and is like skin. Before the experiment could begin, several steps were taken. Fermentation can help produce ATP for cells that need energy when oxygen is short in supply, but both forms of fermentation only yield a sum of two ATP molecules with each glucose molecule. ATP is an organic phosphate molecule that is the principal source of energy for cellular works. Photosynthesis is a process by which green plant and other organism manufacture their food using sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water while cellular respiration is the oxidation of organic compounds that occurs within cells, producing energy for cellular processes. In a significantly simplified expression, in cellular respiration chemical energy that comes from fuel molecules is converted into ADP.


IB Bio

cellular respiration essay

Using ATP it is able to synthesize sugar and the enzymes responsible which get absorbed within the stoma inside the chloroplast. Every time this cycle is complete, sugar is produced, as well as NADP+, and some ADP with an additional phosphate group, these in turn combine with H2O and start the light reactions phase, starting the cycle anew. Step 3 - The five carbon compound undergoes decarboxylation and oxidation hydrogen is removed again to form a four carbon compound. In the process, a small amount of ATP is created and a large amount of electrons are freed and carried to the electron transport chain where they are used in a process that creates 32 ATP molecules from ATP synthase, an enzyme located in the cristae of the mitochondria. Share this: Facebook Facebook logo Twitter Twitter logo Reddit Reddit logo LinkedIn LinkedIn logo WhatsApp WhatsApp logo Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are critical in the continued cycle of energy to sustain life as we define it.


Free Cellular respiration Essay Examples and Topic Ideas on GraduateWay

cellular respiration essay

This process is done by cells exchanging gases within its surroundings to create adenosine triphosphate commonly known as ADT, which is used by the cells as a source of energy. The Mung beans seeds were carefully removed as well and weighed on the scale. During this phase, electrons obtained by the reactions completed in the first two stages travel down transport chains to oxygen. Cellular respiration occurs in three stages, Glycolysis, which happens in the cytosol, Krebs cycle, which takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria, and electron transport chain, which happens in the cristae of the mitochondria. Oxidative Simulation Research Paper 1057 Words 5 Pages Oxidative Phosphorylation is the metabolic pathway in which mitochondria use their structure, enzymes, and energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to create ATP.


Cellular respiration

cellular respiration essay

The stomata is perhaps the most critical piece to this process, as this is where CO2 enters and can be stored, and where water and O2 exit. After this process fully goes through the whole cycle, energy is released and cellular respiration has taken place. The first step of this phase is taking the product from the last phase, the acetyl-CoA, and combining it with a 4 carbon molecule giving you a 6 carbon molecule called citric acid. Nucleolus Research Paper 425 Words 2 Pages The mitochondria do this by taking the energy from food that the cell takes in or creates. It is at this point that the CoA is removed and then recycled to re-attach to another acetic molecule all over again.
