Characteristics of money pdf. Lecture # 5 2022-12-15

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Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator who is credited with the discovery of the Americas. Born in the Republic of Genoa in 1451, Columbus was a skilled mariner who had a passion for exploration.

In 1492, Columbus received funding from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to embark on a journey to find a westward route to Asia. Columbus believed that he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean, and the Spanish monarchy saw this as an opportunity to expand their empire and increase their trade with the East.

On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. After a treacherous journey that lasted more than two months, Columbus and his crew landed on an island in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492.

Despite the fact that Columbus had not reached Asia as he had intended, he still considered the voyage a success. He believed that he had discovered a new route to the East and named the islands he encountered the West Indies.

Columbus made three more voyages to the New World, exploring the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America. He brought back gold, spices, and other valuable commodities, which helped to enrich the Spanish monarchy and establish Spain as a major European power.

However, Columbus's legacy is not without controversy. The arrival of Europeans in the Americas had a devastating impact on the indigenous peoples who lived there. Many of them were subjected to violence, enslavement, and diseases brought by the Europeans, which led to a significant decline in their populations.

Despite these negative consequences, Columbus's voyages had a significant impact on the course of history. They opened up the New World to exploration and colonization, which led to the establishment of new trade routes and the exchange of ideas, goods, and people between the Old World and the New.

Overall, Christopher Columbus was a significant figure in history who is remembered for his bravery, determination, and curiosity. His voyages helped to shape the modern world and continue to be celebrated and studied to this day.


characteristics of money pdf

Emphasize to the students that they should listen carefully to the information shared in the short video clip. Store of Value Medium of exchange Money was developed according to needs and requirements. Historical and archaeological evidence suggests that the institution of money evolved coterminously with civilization among all the institutions of life on earth; therefore, civilization and money are but young and fragile reeds. Improvements in the functioning of bank notes were due to changes in government regulation. The existence of money facilitates a wider range of transactions than would otherwise be infeasible. Ralph Difiore Date: Feb 5th, 2022 In order for money to serve as a medium of exchange, it must above all be generally acceptable. It then examines whether the introduction of government-issued notes improved how bank notes functioned as media of exchange.


Lecture # 5

characteristics of money pdf

Currency as a means of trade has enabled economic dynamics in contemporary economies. But the unique social order of man — civilization — emerged only four to five thousand years ago. It examines historical evidence on how desirable bank notes were as media of exchange by examining how well they functioned with respect to ease of transacting, counterfeiting, safety, scarcity, and par exchange a uniform currency. A medium of trade must have the following characteristics: Common and easily accessible, Low maintenance expense, Recognizable, Transportable, Consistent, Dividable Falsification resistance, Large market value in terms of weight and volume Common holdings should be valued. Their growth and development occurred only recently and today their very existence is threatened with extinction. Currency is the most prevalent medium of trade that all parties recognize as a standard for resolving economic transactions.



characteristics of money pdf

This leads to specializsation and division of labour that will in turn result in higher productivity and e¢ ciency of an economy. They will also learn about the three functions and six characteristics of money identified by economists. Who's largely responsible for ensuring that people continue to trust that our currency is valuable? Currency standardization as a medium of exchange has facilitated speedy commercial settlements. Review the following: Forerunners of man lived upon the planet several million years ago. It finds that they did not. . This paper studies the period in Canada when both private bank notes and government- issued notes Dominion notes were simultaneously in circulation.


Characteristics of

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A History of money from ancient times to the present day , 3rd. From today's lesson, state the characteristics that make money acceptable as a medium of exchange. A medium of exchange is a temporary instrument used to settle goods and service trades between market participants. Using the Canadian experience and that of the United States, the paper concludes that privately issued digital currencies will not be perfectly safe without government intervention, government- issued digital currency will not drive out existing private digital currencies, and government intervention will be required for privately issued and government-issued digital currencies to be a uniform currency. Explain to the students that they are going to watch a film segment from The Federal Reserve and You.


The Characteristics of

characteristics of money pdf

Main aim was to remove the shortcomings of the Barter System. Because both of these notes shared many of the characteristics of today's digital currencies, the experience with these notes can be used to draw lessons about how digital currencies might perform. However, more generally speaking, money is any commodity which satis°es the following: Unit of account: a unit of account is an agreed-upon measure for stating the prices of goods and services. Display the functions of money section of Visual 1. Lowe, J 2008 Value for money and the valuation of public sector assets , HM Treasry. As medium of exchange, money facilitates selling and buying of outputs and services. In the film clip, they will get to see what some other students think about the characteristics and functions of money.


characteristics of money pdf

The paper begins with a brief historical review of how these notes came into existence and of the regulations regarding their issuance. London: McGraw Hill, 2014. It is a mechanism that allows objects to be exchanged. A medium of exchange improves efficiency and. . .


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