Clothespin muscle fatigue lab. Muscle Fatigue Clothespin 2022-12-13

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Equality and diversity are two important concepts that are closely related and often used interchangeably. However, they have distinct meanings and implications for how we interact with others and create a just and inclusive society.

Equality refers to the idea that everyone should be treated equally and given the same opportunities, regardless of their background, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. This means that there should be no discrimination or prejudice based on these factors, and everyone should be able to participate fully in all aspects of society.

On the other hand, diversity refers to the differences that exist among people, such as their cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It is about recognizing and valuing these differences and creating a society that is inclusive and welcoming to people from all walks of life.

Both equality and diversity are important for building a fair and just society. When everyone is treated equally and given the same opportunities, it helps to reduce inequality and promotes social cohesion. It also helps to create a more vibrant and innovative society, as people from different backgrounds can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table.

At the same time, diversity helps to enrich our society and can lead to a more harmonious and understanding community. By embracing and valuing differences, we can learn from one another and create a more inclusive society where everyone feels welcome and accepted.

However, achieving equality and diversity is not always easy. There are often obstacles and challenges that need to be overcome, such as discrimination, prejudice, and systemic barriers that prevent some groups from fully participating in society. It is important that we work together to address these issues and create a society that is truly equal and diverse.

This can involve education and awareness-raising to challenge stereotypes and prejudices, as well as policies and legislation that promote equality and diversity. It also involves creating a culture of inclusivity, where everyone is valued and treated with respect, regardless of their background or identity.

In conclusion, equality and diversity are essential for building a fair and just society. By treating everyone equally and valuing diversity, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious community that benefits everyone. It is up to all of us to work towards this goal and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to society.

Clothespin and Muscle Fatigue lab[1]

clothespin muscle fatigue lab

The lab will demonstrate how your body used the resources available to provide you with the energy you need to do work. Under condition of extreme fatigue, muscles become incapable of contracting or relaxing. Now, myofibrils shorten, tis makes muscles contract and allows for movement. At this point the muscle is forced to produce ATP without oxygen. The last exercise in our routine is the 3000 meter Rower. At this point the muscle is forced to produce ATP without oxygen. Deeper to the muscle fiber is the sarcplasm which is cytoplasm in the muscle cells, this cytoplasm contains myofibrils which are just bundles of filaments.



clothespin muscle fatigue lab

When muscles undergo rigorous exercise they require more oxygen to make ATP than the blood can supply. The energy released catalyzes a reaction to produce ATP. This occurs after the body has used up stored glucose called glycogen from the liver. Vocabulary Aerobic Respiration- a form of cellular respiration that requires oxygen in order to generate energy Glucose- sugar energy source ATP- energy Anaerobic Respiration- the production of energy without oxygen Muscle Fatigue- temporary failure Muscle Fatigue When you exercise you breathe heavily because your body uses a lot of oxygen. When muscles do a lot of work quickly, the buildup of lactic acid reduces their ability to contract, until eventually exhaustion sets in and contraction stops altogether.


Clothespin and Muscle Fatigue

clothespin muscle fatigue lab

What is produced when there is no oxygen present for the muscle cells? This produces Phosphocreatine which is only used for short durations of up to 10 seconds. Most eukaryotes and prokaryotes use aerobic respiration to obtain energy from glucose. To explain the relationship between muscle fatigue, cellular respiration and ATP production. The muscle cell fiber can be broken down even futher. Background: Just as an automobile must be supplied with gasoline as a source of energy before it can move, so too your muscles require energy in order to contract.


Muscle Fatigue Clothespin

clothespin muscle fatigue lab

This process breaks down glycogen and glucose Sugar and Fat to produce energy. What causes muscle fatigue? When muscles use oxygen, what form of respiration is this? During anaerobic respiration oxygen is used to keep your muscles working. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATPs for each molecule of glucose. The build up of ions is the restrictive issue causing fatigue in runs of 300m — 800m. When muscles do a lot of work quickly, the buildup of lactic acid reduces their ability to contract until exhaustion eventually sets in and contraction stops altogether. Background : Under normal conditions muscles utilize oxygen aerobic respiration to make ATP from glucose. The oxidative pathway is aerobic.


Clothespin lab

clothespin muscle fatigue lab

As a result, ATP levels are too low for muscle fibers to produce their maximum force contraction. Metabolic changes can occur with extensive endurance training in the muscles, hearts and lungs of the athlete, increasing efficiency of system utilization Thompson, 2000. In anaerobic respiration , glucose breaks down without oxygen. This is called fatigue. This is known as anaerobic respiration.



clothespin muscle fatigue lab

Lactic acid accumulates as a result of anaerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise is when the exercise if focused around short powerful bursts of energy where endurance is not needed, typically requires less oxygen to perform. Muscle fatigue or tiredness results when the demand for ATP is greater than the rate at which ATP can be produced in the muscle fibers. Anaerobic respiration in muscle cells produces lactic acid. The bi product of this reaction creates lactic acid this builds up in muscles and so forth gives you cramp… P1 - Effects of acute exercise on the energy systems Energy systems response to acute exercise happens when the exercise is a high intensity, which is too much for the cardiovascular and respiratory system to deal with. The third energy system is a much slower process of collecting energy, however; the energy produced lasts longer than the other two energy systems, and therefore it is… Energy for Performance in Touch Football Once the Creatine Phosphate stores have worn out, the body resorts to stored glucose for ATP. Clothespin and Muscle Fatigue Lab Introduction: Respiration is used by all cells to turn fuel into energy that can be used to power cellular processes. Amussen It is important to understand that muscle fatigue results from metabolic reasons and not structural changes in your muscle.


clothespin muscle fatigue lab

This works in the fast-twitch muscle fibre of the muscles high energy creatine phosphate compounds which are able to break down extremely quickly to create large amounts of ATP. Less energy is released during anaerobic respiration creating a by-product lactic acid. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATPs for each molecule of glucose. The first system that we use is the ATP-PC system. The glycolytic pathway lasts for about one to two minutes of maximum exertion. Students will respond with answers suggesting increases in heart rate, respiration, sweating and muscle fatigue, as well as muscle soreness as normal.


clothespin muscle fatigue lab

Mullick During muscle fatigue, feedback of nerve impulses from the fatigued muscles interrupts on a part of the reticular formation and causes a hang-up of voluntary effort. This a particular advantage when lifting heavy objects. The conversion of glucose into ATP takes place during respiration. MATERIALS Clothespin, timer PROCEDURE 1. The product of this reaction is lactic acid.


clothespin muscle fatigue lab

To observe skeletal muscle fatigue. They stop working Today you will experience the use of aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration by the muscle fibers in your fingers. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATPs for each molecule of glucose. Prelab Questions Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper and staple to the data table handout 1. This process breaks the high energy Phosphate and so releases energy for use in the body. When muscles undergo rigorous exercise they require more oxygen to make ATP than the blood can supply. It can also be removed by the conversion of either protein or glycogen.
