Compare and contrast gatsby and tom. Compare and Contrast Essay: Tom and Gatsby 2023-01-01

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In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the characters Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan are both wealthy, powerful men who are deeply involved in the world of the East Egg elite. Despite their similarities, however, Gatsby and Tom are also very different in many ways.

One of the most significant differences between Gatsby and Tom is their background and wealth. Gatsby, whose real name is James Gatz, is a self-made man who has amassed a fortune through illegal means, including bootlegging and stock manipulation. Tom, on the other hand, is from an old, established family and inherited his wealth. Gatsby's wealth is new and flashy, while Tom's is more traditional and understated.

Another difference between Gatsby and Tom is their personalities and values. Gatsby is often depicted as a romantic, dreamy character who is deeply in love with Daisy Buchanan, Tom's wife. He is also depicted as a very generous and hospitable host, throwing lavish parties at his mansion in an effort to win Daisy's love. Tom, on the other hand, is portrayed as a brutish and selfish character, more interested in his own pleasure and power than in the well-being of others. He is unfaithful to Daisy and has a deep sense of entitlement, viewing himself as superior to those around him.

Gatsby and Tom also differ in their relationships with others. Gatsby is lonely and isolated, with few close friends or allies. He is deeply devoted to Daisy, and his pursuit of her consumes much of his time and energy. Tom, on the other hand, is a member of the East Egg social circle and has many acquaintances, but he is not particularly close to any of them. He is more interested in maintaining his status and power than in forming genuine relationships.

Despite their differences, Gatsby and Tom both represent the excess and decadence of the East Egg elite. They are both products of the Roaring Twenties, a time of great wealth and excess, and their lifestyles reflect this. However, while Gatsby's excess is fueled by a deep, almost obsessive love for Daisy, Tom's is motivated by a desire for power and control.

In conclusion, while Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan are both wealthy, powerful men in The Great Gatsby, they are also very different in terms of their backgrounds, personalities, values, and relationships with others. Gatsby is a self-made man with a romantic, dreamy personality, while Tom is a brutish, selfish character with a deep sense of entitlement. Despite their differences, however, both men represent the excess and decadence of the East Egg elite during the Roaring Twenties.

Controversial questions about life are those that often elicit strong and differing opinions from people, and often involve moral, ethical, or philosophical issues. These questions can be difficult to answer definitively, as they often involve complex and multifaceted issues that require careful consideration of multiple perspectives. Some examples of controversial questions about life might include:

  1. Is abortion morally acceptable?
  2. Should assisted suicide be legal?
  3. Is it ethical to use animals for experimentation or other purposes?
  4. Is the death penalty justifiable?
  5. Is it morally acceptable to have children in an overpopulated world?
  6. Is it acceptable to engage in genetic engineering or other forms of modification of human beings?
  7. Is it acceptable to use artificial intelligence to make decisions or take actions that could have significant consequences for people?

These are just a few examples of the many controversial questions that can be asked about life, and there are no easy answers to them. Each person may have their own perspective and beliefs on these issues, and it is important to respect and consider the opinions of others even if we disagree with them.

One approach to tackling controversial questions about life is to engage in dialogue and discussion with others who hold different views. By hearing and considering the perspectives of others, we may be able to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and arrive at a more nuanced and informed perspective. This can be challenging, as it requires us to be open-minded and willing to engage with ideas that may be different from our own.

Ultimately, the answers to controversial questions about life will depend on the values and beliefs of the individual answering them. What may be acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another, and this is a natural part of the diversity of human experience. By engaging in respectful and open-minded dialogue with others, we can explore these difficult questions and work towards finding solutions that respect the rights and beliefs of all involved.

The Great Gatsby

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

For example, Tom yells "I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. This new obsession has grown out of jealously and the idea he can not have her to himself. . However, despite attaining an immense fortune, he fails to mould with the old aristocratic nobilities of America, thereby being rejected by Daisy yet again. American Dream In The Great Gatsby And The Social Network 971 Words 4 Pages He had the opportunity of creating a big life for himself on his own, but he never took it. Tom is unconsciously required to be entertained. The similarities involve both the men seeking to have total control of the woman.


Compare And Contrast Gatsby And Tom

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

. Nick seems to have a cynical and scornful tone towards the residents of the West Egg and East Egg because of their immense lack of morals. Wilson who kills Jay Gatsby for suspecting that he killed and and an affair with his wife. Throughout this essay, the character Tom Buchanan will be analyzed and will explain his purpose in this story as well as the many flaws he possesses which make him an unlikable person. Gatsby considers Daisy so precious to him that she often gets referred to as the Holy Grail.


Compare And Contrast Tom And Gatsby

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

Introduction In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald pays attention to the relationships between both Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan and Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby, in contrast, comes from a working class family and only got to college on a scholarship, and he had to work as a janitor to earn his way. First, Tom's personality consists of being a strong athlete and having a very strong attitude. One such character is Tom Buchanan. He had fallen in love with Daisy Buchanan, another corrupt character, before he went to fight in World War I in 1917. The two men differ in the way they came into their money, the way they treat other people and in the fact that Tom is married to Daisy while Gatsby just has an extreme desire for her. Sadly Jay was out of the country longer than expected and Daisy met and married Tom Buchanan.


Compare and Contrast Gatsby and Tom Essay

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

His unrealistic approach to life causes him to be often disappointed. He wanted to break free from his parents and become wealthy. Scott Fitzgerald conveys a message about idolization and adoration of individuals because of their wealth, power, looks, and belongings. For example, he lets people he has never meet before attend parties at his house. Nick thinks that Tom has changed into a more sturdy, aggressive man. As a reader can see, Tom has his own set of unique characteristics differing from those of Gatsby. He even changes his name to Jay Gatsby when meeting Dan Cody aboard his yacht in order to create a new image of himself 94.


Compare And Contrast Tom Buchanan And Gatsby

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

The expression of love for Daisy, as portrayed by Gatsby and Tom, are somewhat different. He sees things as they are. Gatsby later tries to reconnect with Daisy, much to the dismay of Tom. Another easy common about them too is that they both are rich and they like to show off their wealth. He acted like Nick wasn't even there, as soon as he got what he wanted. Her love for Gatsby pales in comparison… Great Gatsby and Bell Jar Analysis Paper The Great Gatsby focuses around several characters, all of whom see reality in a different perspective.


Compare and contrast gatsby and tom

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

He is incapable of feeling guilty or emotional and he represents racism in this novel. Although Tom and Gatsby appear to be very different Secondly, both men possess a huge amount of wealth and influence. Tom Buchanan Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Also, as soon as Myrtle died, Tom ran off with Daisy, because she was to only thing that he had left. Tom was selfish with his women, he gets what he wants when he wants it, and he is a hypocrite. Jay may have committed numerous wrong choices in his life; however, his personality is what truly causes him to be a better person than Tom.


Compare And Contrast Gatsby And Tom, Sample of Essays

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

Tom Buchanan, on the other hand, lived his life in luxury, enjoying the riches of his parents. Although Tom and Gatsby share many similarities, Tom differs from Gatsby in many ways. In this literary analysis of The Great Gatsby we will be comparing and contrasting Gatsby and Tom. There is Tom Buchanan who is the more dominant male figure and arrogant wiseguy, and then there is Jay Gatsby who is the more reserved and morally refined man of newly gained wealth. Examples Of Tom's Wealth In The Great Gatsby 510 Words 3 Pages Instead of investing his time in work he invests it in the finer things in life, such as a big house, trips around the world, or playing the sport of gentlemen known as polo. Many people might say they are exactly the opposite than having any similarities. It is his due, as old money, to wield power and authority.


Compare and contrast Gatsby and Tom from The Great Gatsby. How are they alike? How are they different?

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

This shows that Gatsby as a person is rather unnoticeable, in contrast with Tom whose presence is very striking and memorable. This shows the grit and determination that Jay possessed to be successful; unlike Tom, who grew up into riches and was always set up for glory. He pictures Daisy as his property and no one other than him can have his property. His unrealistic approach to life causes him to be often disappointed. Daisy and Tom show up to Gatsby's party and Daisy and Gatsby danced at the party. Tom and Gatsby are similar in that they both are very wealthy and love Daisy, each in their own way. The hostility and hatred that Tom and Gatsby have for one another is another characteristic that these characters share.


Comparative Essay: Tom’s Party V.S. Gatsby’s Party

compare and contrast gatsby and tom

First, and most obvious, Tom and Gatsby both use other people throughout the book. As Tom is naturally a confrontational person, it never bodes well for him to be intoxicated in the presence of others. They are both in love with Tom in a different way, Daisy is the wife and Myrtle is the mistress. Gatsby, on the other hand, shows his need for wealth when he quits his maintenance job because of his humiliation and pursues a career that would allow him to have more money. He struggled with obtaining enough money to make it through college. In the novel, there was no impression that his experience with Jay Gatsby led him to be mentally unsound. While Tom and Gatsby are both very different in the ways they love Daisy, they also demonstrate similarities, as they both want Daisy for themselves.
