Compare contrast essay sample. Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay 2023-01-06

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A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that asks you to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. These items can be anything from people, places, events, or even ideas. In a compare and contrast essay, it is important to focus on the ways in which the items being compared are both similar and different.

One way to organize a compare and contrast essay is to use the block method, in which you first discuss all of the similarities between the two items, and then discuss all of the differences. For example, if you were writing a compare and contrast essay about two different vacation destinations, you might start by discussing the similarities between the two destinations, such as their location, climate, and cost. Then, you could move on to discussing the differences, such as the types of activities available or the local culture and customs.

Another way to organize a compare and contrast essay is to use the point-by-point method, in which you alternate between discussing the similarities and differences between the two items. For example, if you were comparing and contrasting two different books, you might start by discussing the plot of one book, and then the plot of the other book. Then, you could move on to discussing the characters in each book, and so on.

Regardless of which method you choose to use, it is important to have a clear and logical structure to your essay. This will help your readers to understand the points you are trying to make and will make your essay more effective. In addition, be sure to use transitions between paragraphs and between points to help your essay flow smoothly and logically.

Overall, a compare and contrast essay is a great way to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. By focusing on the ways in which these items are both similar and different, you can gain a deeper understanding of each one and come to new insights about their relationship.

Glory, a 1989 film directed by Edward Zwick, tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, one of the first all-black regiments to fight in the American Civil War. The film follows the journey of the regiment, from their initial recruitment and training to their eventual deployment in the war, and focuses on the experiences of several key characters, including the regiment's white commander, Colonel Robert Shaw, and several of its black soldiers, including Trip, a runaway slave, and John Rawlins, a former servant.

Throughout the film, the theme of glory and the various ways in which it is understood and pursued by the characters is a central and driving force. For the white officers and politicians who encourage the creation of the 54th Massachusetts, the prospect of sending black soldiers into battle is seen as a way to prove their worth and earn the respect and admiration of their white counterparts. For the black soldiers themselves, the opportunity to fight for their freedom and the freedom of their fellow African Americans is a source of pride and a chance to claim their own sense of glory.

However, as the film progresses, it becomes clear that the pursuit of glory is not always straightforward or without cost. The soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts face significant challenges and hardships, including discrimination, prejudice, and the dangers of war. They are also faced with moral dilemmas, as they struggle with the weight of the expectations placed on them and the sacrifices they must make in order to achieve their goals.

One of the key themes in Glory is the idea that true glory is not always about achieving fame or recognition, but rather about standing up for what one believes in and making a difference in the world. This is exemplified by the character of Colonel Shaw, who initially joins the regiment as a way to redeem his family's honor, but comes to understand that true glory lies in his commitment to his men and their cause. Similarly, the character of Trip, who initially resists the idea of fighting in the war, ultimately finds glory in his willingness to stand up for what he believes in and fight for his own freedom.

In conclusion, Glory is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the theme of glory and the various ways in which it is understood and pursued by its characters. Through its portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of the 54th Massachusetts, the film highlights the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and the power of ordinary people to make a difference in the world.

A compare and contrast essay is a type of academic writing that analyzes the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. These subjects can be anything from two different texts, people, events, or even concepts. The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to identify the similarities and differences between the two subjects and to evaluate which one is better or more effective.

To write a compare and contrast essay, you need to first choose your two subjects and decide on the main points of comparison. These main points should be the most significant or important aspects of the subjects that you want to compare and contrast. Once you have identified these main points, you can then begin to organize your essay.

There are several ways to organize a compare and contrast essay, but one common method is the point-by-point method. In this method, you will cover each main point of comparison in a separate paragraph, discussing both subjects in relation to that point. For example, if you were comparing two different types of cars, you might have a paragraph discussing the fuel efficiency of both cars, followed by a paragraph discussing the safety features of both cars.

Another way to organize a compare and contrast essay is the block method. In this method, you will discuss all the aspects of one subject in one block of text, followed by a block of text discussing all the aspects of the other subject. This method can be more effective when the subjects have many differences, as it allows you to clearly highlight the contrast between the two.

Regardless of the organizational method you choose, it is important to have a clear and well-organized structure in your essay. This will help your reader understand the points you are making and follow the progression of your argument.

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it is also important to use appropriate language and transitions to connect your ideas and show the relationships between the two subjects. You should also use examples and evidence to support your points and make your argument more convincing.

Overall, a compare and contrast essay is a useful way to analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. By carefully examining and comparing the different aspects of the subjects, you can gain a deeper understanding of each one and make informed conclusions about their relative strengths and weaknesses.

Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

compare contrast essay sample

. Due to the factual honesty of the two conflicting articles, it may not be fair to accuse the two authors of misconduct. Block method example The most commonly cited advantage of distance learning is the flexibility and accessibility it offers. Both media houses are thus generally honest. Rather than being required to travel to a specific location every week and to live near enough to feasibly do so , students can participate from anywhere with an internet connection.


Compare and Contrast Essay: Topics, Outline, Format Free Essay Example

compare contrast essay sample

With the next presidential election coming late 2020, political tension in the nation is palpable Younge, 2019. The current move to impeachment stems from a whistleblower report about a phone call that President Donald Trump made to the Ukrainian president. It is common knowledge that US politics is divided mainly between conservatives led by the GOP and liberal led by the Democrats Younge, 2019. On the other, the liberal-leaning CNN takes a perspective that directly attacks the president and makes a case for his accusers. Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others. Some other prompts may not directly ask you to compare and contrast, but present you with a topic where comparing and contrasting could be a good approach.


compare contrast essay sample

The CNN article Cohen et al. Through its article, Pappas 2019 conservative media houses such as Fox News reports the matter in a manner that is openly favorable to President Trump. The two media houses, Fox News and CNN have endeavored to be factual about their reporting, despite differences in perspective. Both Fox News and CNN are private companies out to make a profit. You cover both your subjects side by side in terms of a specific point of comparison. The 2016 presidential elections worsened the division as the Democratic Party candidate won the popular vote while the GOP candidate won the College vote, thus becoming the 45 th president of the USA.


compare contrast essay sample

It clearly states that the US president did indeed make a phone call to the Ukraine president in which he discussed investigating Joe Biden. You might make a table to summarize the key differences between them. The article Pappas 2019 emphasizes the honesty and forthrightness in the presidency, by its act of releasing a transcript of the Ukraine phone call. The United States of America is at a historic crossroads as it might see a second presidential impeachment in just over two decades. You might visualize the key similarities and differences in a Venn diagram. A careful evaluation of Pappas 2019 reflects the factual narrative about the Ukraine phone calls issue based on currently available information.


compare contrast essay sample

The primary importance of the Ukraine call whistleblower issue lies in its ability to exacerbate the political division in US politics, more so through the presidential impeachment. It is imperative for all opinion leaders to try to mitigate the tension. Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, transcript shows. They can then offer assistance quietly during the exercise or discuss it further after class. Ukraine call transcript shows Trump sought Biden probe, asked about DNC server — but made no mention of US aid. From a legislative perspective, the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives while the Democrats have a majority in the Senate.


compare contrast essay sample

However, as reflected herein, news-based media houses seem to be kindling the flames instead. However, if you contrasted pre-revolutionary France with Han-dynasty China, your reader might wonder why you chose to compare these two societies. For example, a Making effective comparisons As the name suggests, comparing and contrasting is about identifying both similarities and differences. Retrieved from Pappas, A. General prompt Discuss the effects of the Great Depression in the United States. One way to approach this essay might be to contrast the situation before the Great Depression with the situation during it, to highlight how large a difference it made.


compare contrast essay sample

The American left's 2020 mission: defeat Trump — and change the world. It is alleged that the president sought an investigation against leading Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden. In a traditional classroom environment, the teacher can easily identify when a student is struggling based on their demeanor in class or simply by regularly checking on students during exercises. However, distance learning presents its own accessibility challenges; not all students have a stable internet connection and a computer or other device with which to participate in online classes, and less technologically literate students and teachers may struggle with the technical aspects of class participation. The two media houses are, to their credit sticking to the facts of the issue but they seem to go out of their way to establish a perspective that favors their respective political leanings.


compare contrast essay sample

Alternating method example One challenge teachers face is identifying and assisting students who are struggling without disrupting the rest of the class. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? The issue has also created a division in the media. It is evident from the above that despite being honest in their reporting, the two media houses take different perspectives in their reporting. Retrieved from Younge, G. Perhaps they just write the stories the manner that will appeal to their respective audiences. On the one hand, the conservative-leaning Fox News is clearly leaning towards defending the conservative president. For the sake of perspective, there have only been two presidential impeachments since the advent of the USA! However, their actions add to the political acrimony in the nation.


compare contrast essay sample

You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must be some grounds for comparison in the first place. The most plausible explanation for their difference in perspective would be pecuniary in nature. Conversely, through its article Cohen et al. However, the two respective writers have framed their articles in order to create two opposing impressions on their readers. Many assignments will invite you to make comparisons quite explicitly, as in these prompts.
