Consideration must move from the promisee. Basic principles of English contract law 2022-12-23

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Consideration is a legal concept that refers to the exchange of something of value in a contract or agreement. It is one of the essential elements of a valid contract, along with offer, acceptance, and mutual assent. Consideration can take many forms, such as money, goods, services, or a promise to do or not do something.

In the context of contract law, consideration is typically thought of as moving from the promisor to the promisee. This means that the person making the promise (the promisor) is offering something of value to the person to whom the promise is made (the promisee). For example, if a person promises to paint someone's house in exchange for $500, the consideration is moving from the promisor (the person painting the house) to the promisee (the person paying $500).

However, consideration does not always have to move from the promisor to the promisee. It can also move from the promisee to the promisor. This is known as "consideration moving from the promisee."

One common example of consideration moving from the promisee is in the context of a contract for the sale of goods. When a person buys a product from a store, they are typically agreeing to pay a certain amount of money in exchange for the product. In this case, the consideration is moving from the promisee (the buyer) to the promisor (the seller).

Another example of consideration moving from the promisee is when a person agrees to work for a certain amount of money. In this case, the employee is offering their labor as consideration in exchange for a salary or wages.

There are a few important considerations to keep in mind when it comes to the concept of consideration moving from the promisee. First, the consideration must be something of value. This means that it must be something that the promisor is willing to accept in exchange for their promise. Second, the consideration must be bargained for. This means that it must be the result of a negotiated agreement between the promisor and promisee. Finally, the consideration must be legal and not against public policy.

In conclusion, consideration is a crucial element of a valid contract and can take many forms. While it is often thought of as moving from the promisor to the promisee, it can also move from the promisee to the promisor. It is important to consider the value, legality, and negotiated nature of the consideration when entering into any agreement or contract.

What are the 7 rules of consideration?

consideration must move from the promisee

An offer which requires acceptance to be communicated in a specified way can generally be accepted only in that way. That is the basis for a contract, but is not sufficient in itself to create legal obligations. Courts do not, in general ask whether adequate value has been given in the sense of there being any economic equivalence between the value of the consideration given and the value of any goods or services received. White v Bluett - Son agreed with father that, in returnfor no longer complaining about his father's will, this son didn't have to pay him his debts. However, the Court of Appeal held that the advertisement was an offer. Further, an injunction whether interlocutory or permanent may be "prohibitory" ordering a defendant not to do something in breach of contract or "mandatory" requiring a defendant to reverse the effects of an existing breach. Consideration is "something of value" which is given for a promise and is required in order to make the promise enforceable as a contract.



consideration must move from the promisee

The definition of consideration is careful thought or attention or compassionate regard for someone or something. Common types of consideration include real or personal property, a return promise, some act, or a forbearance. Under this test, a term will be implied if the contract simply could not work without such a term. What is considered consideration in a contract? Something bargained for and received by a promisor from a promisee. Collins v Godefray - Performance of existing duty is usually not good consideration, especially when performing existing public duty. Stilk v Myrick - Performance of existing duty is usually not good consideration.


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consideration must move from the promisee

This presumption is rebuttable, and extrinsic evidence is admissible, if the written document was not intended to set out all the terms on which the parties had agreed. He has no such right if the consideration moved from a third party. The underlying principle is to put the injured party financially, as near as possible, into the position he would have been in had the promise been fulfilled. This is because they do not normally interfere with the bargain made between the parties 10. Terms may also be implied by trade usage or locality. In fraudulent misrepresentation cases there is an automatic right to damages, in negligent cases the injured party may claim damages under common law or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 s2 1. The consideration necessary to make a promise binding at the suit of the promisee must move from that promisee 1 or, perhaps, from his joint promisee 2: that is to say, it must be given by him in exchange for the promise 3 made by the promisor 4; and it is not sufficient that the promisee is merely a near relation of the party from whom the consideration moves 5.


Rules on Consideration

consideration must move from the promisee

It is important to note that the courts will not imply a term merely because it would be reasonable or desirable to do so. A husband promised to make maintenance payments to his estranged wife but failed to do so. Further, a term cannot be implied if it conflicts with the express terms of the contract. Thus, a statement that does not present the whole truth may be a misrepresentation. Incorporation without express reference depends on the intention of the parties, determined in accordance with the objective test of agreement. Owners agreed, but later argued the agreement was obtained under duress -the contract was voidable for duress, but since the claimants had left it so long in bringing their claim, they had affirmed the contract and lost their right to rescind. HELD - the promise to not complain was insufficiently tangible to amount to consideration.


116. Consideration Must Move From The Promisee.

consideration must move from the promisee

Secondly, what is consideration example? To discuss trialling these LexisNexis services please email customer service via our online form. Cook v Wright -. Lampleigh v Braithwaite - Past acts done at the promisor's request. A failure in performance is "substantial" when it deprives the party of what he bargained for or when it "goes to the root" of the contract. Or, a contract may be contained in more than one document even though one does not expressly refer to the other for example, dealings which take place under a 'master contract' with a separate document being executed every time an individual contract is made. This right arises immediately, if the prospective effects of the anticipatory breach are such as to satisfy the requirement of substantial failure in performance. FORM II CONTENTS OF A CONTRACT A.


Consideration must move away from the Promisee

consideration must move from the promisee

Silence does not normally amount to misrepresentation. HELD - her action failed, as the wife sought to use promissory estoppel as a sword and not a shield. . If acceptance occurs via an instantaneous medium such as email, it will take effect at the time and place of receipt. For example: i Specific Performance Where damages are deemed inadequate, the court may make an order for specific performance which will compel the party in breach to fulfil the terms of a contract. The alternative test for implication is that of "business efficacy", where the contract would be unworkable without the term. C paid some money before the deadline and this was good consideration.


Basic principles of English contract law

consideration must move from the promisee

Exception to the general rule that consideration must not be past. There are a number of equitable remedies, which are discretionary, directed at ensuring that the injured party is not unjustly treated by being confined to the common law remedy of damages. For example, a number of important terms are implied into contracts for the sale of goods by ss 12 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. Where there has been partial performance, the performing party may be able to recover its expenses incurred in carrying out, or preparing to carry out, that performance. Rescission can be sought for all cases of misrepresentation.



consideration must move from the promisee

Consideration Currie v Misa - Provides the definition of consideration - benefit to one party and detriment to the other. Contract 2 Rule on Consideration W2. This is because if the third party involved, problem may arise. Alliance Bank v Broom -. An injunction will not normally be granted if the effect is to directly or indirectly compel the defendant to do acts for which the plaintiff could not have obtained an order for specific performance. For example, where the offeror offers to trade on its standard terms and the offeree purports to accept, but on its own standard terms, that represents a counter-offer. Regarding this, what are rules of consideration? Ward v Byham - If a duty is exceeded, then this is good consideration.


Consideration must move from the promisee

consideration must move from the promisee

For less serious breaches, a right to damages may arise, but not a right to terminate. TLAW 607 Contract law Part Two : Rules on Consideration 12 Past consideration — CASE: Anderson v Employer promised Glass 1868 : Facts: to pay employee increased wages both for the past for work already done and paid for and the future. . Collins v Godefroy -. Consideration must move from the promisee. Later, P found the horse was untamed unsafe and unsuitable for riding and sued D for damages for breach of contract and failed. Without consideration, the exchange would likely be classified as a gift.
