Contemporary globalization definition. On the Philosophy of the Contemporary Globalization 2022-12-10

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Contemporary globalization refers to the ongoing process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries around the world. It is driven by advances in technology, transportation, and communication, as well as economic and cultural exchanges.

Globalization has a number of significant impacts on the world today. On the economic front, it has led to increased trade and investment between countries, as well as the movement of goods, services, and capital across national borders. This has contributed to economic growth and development in many parts of the world, but it has also had some negative consequences, such as the widening gap between the rich and the poor and the erosion of traditional industries and cultures.

In addition to economic impacts, globalization has also had significant cultural and social impacts. It has led to the spread of ideas, values, and practices around the world, as well as the increased movement of people and the creation of a globalized culture. This has contributed to the emergence of a global civil society and the rise of transnational networks and organizations. However, it has also led to concerns about the loss of cultural diversity and the erosion of traditional ways of life.

One of the key features of contemporary globalization is the increasing role of technology and the internet. The internet has enabled the rapid exchange of information and ideas, as well as the creation of virtual communities and networks. It has also facilitated the growth of e-commerce and the globalization of production and distribution chains.

Despite the many benefits of globalization, it has also been a source of controversy and criticism. Some argue that it has led to the exploitation of workers, environmental degradation, and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few. Others argue that it has contributed to the spread of diseases, such as COVID-19, and has made it more difficult for governments to address global challenges, such as climate change.

In conclusion, contemporary globalization is a complex and multifaceted process that has had significant impacts on the world. While it has brought many benefits, it has also created challenges and controversies that need to be addressed. As the world continues to become more interconnected and interdependent, it will be important to find ways to balance the benefits of globalization with the need to address its negative consequences.

(THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Topic I. Introduction to Globalization

contemporary globalization definition

How the other half works: Immigration and the social organization of labor. A strict corollary of this theory, a consequence of the selective nature of this religious system, is that Religion, Globalization, and the Human Condition More than a few theories of globalization explicitly address what one might call its ideal dimension, the way it shapes how people understand the nature and purpose of the world and their place in it. The role of religion in providing, broadly speaking, cultural resources in a global context is not limited to the situation of migrants, however. The whole activity of this search is, however, severely limited by two points. UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT. Economic globalization does not remove the necessity for functioning of the state.


Economic globalization

contemporary globalization definition

Way of Life in Thailand and Malaysia Finally, through the discussion of the two different aspects of contemporary globalization, it is significant to discuss the most crucial aspect of how globalization comes into conflict with the traditional way of life of Malaysia and Thailand due to their daily life being intertwined with religion. After the crisis, the doubt, criticism, often even suspicion towards the foundations and legitimation of the same processes already appear as the leading orientation of action. Indeed, it may no longer be possible to achieve our normative ideals at home without undertaking to do so transnationally as well. The emergence of the decisive and reactive thinking has become a fait accompli. They also move the other way reverse flows and among regions other than the powerful Western ones cross-flows.


Contemporary globalization

contemporary globalization definition

We cannot also exclude that a sudden revaluation of political system leads, in the public consciousness, to the diminution, if not to repression of the importance of globalization. International Gender and Trade Network. Thailand has won many tourism awards and is the first in the world for having the Best Tourist country for five consecutive years Asiativ 2011. Globalization and Identity: Dialectics of Flow and Closure. Thus, for example, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and those speaking from indigenous traditions all arrive at similar critical assessments of globalization. Retrieved 3 October 2012.


On the Philosophy of the Contemporary Globalization

contemporary globalization definition

Hindu civilization at one time spread throughout South and Yet perhaps most important in this regard is that, as the European powers expanded their influence around the globe between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, thus setting the conditions for contemporary truly worldwide globalization, Christian religion and Christian institutions were throughout that entire period key contributors to the process. Yet it is easy to see how these spatial shifts are directly tied to the acceleration of crucial forms of social activity. Since the achievement of justice or democracy, for example, presupposes an effective political sovereign, the lacuna of sovereignty at the global level means that justice and democracy are necessarily incomplete and probably unattainable there. The triad of deterritorialization, interconnectedness, and social acceleration hardly represents a sudden or recent event in contemporary social life. The emergence of globalization also brought an end to the division of an imperial world in two parts. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Through a simple categorization of the situation they make politics and through their politics they define the situation.


Contemporary globalization Chapter 2 n Contemporary Globalization Definition

contemporary globalization definition

These are, as it were, part of doing religion in a globalizing context. The first is simply that they have arisen in so many different countries, and almost always on the basis of the traditions and institutions of one of the globally recognized religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, or Buddhism. Each implies a somewhat different theoretical emphasis, and each also tends to focus on different empirical manifestations of religion in our world. Although the Bumiputra policies are deeply imbedded into the Malaysian business culture, there are numerous ways that the Western practices of business have placed a significant amount of complication in the traditional Malay businesses. Thailand and Malaysia are countries that are similar in the fact that they have both dominant religions that are closely linked with their way of life.


+ Contemporary globalization Chapter 2. + Contemporary Globalization Definition: #1: Force or process that involves the entire world and results in making

contemporary globalization definition

Globalization The term globalization is of quite recent provenance. Also contains excellent theoretical reflections on the issue from a sociological perspective. Yet that notion is historically of quite recent provenance. These advances in economic globalization were disrupted by Three suggested factors accelerated economic globalization: advancement of science and technology, market oriented economic reforms, and contributions by multinational corporations. Globalizing the Sacred: Religion across the Americas. It is the indebtedness of the state, by which globalization had relatively or also absolutely? For K üng, not only does the globalized world require a guiding global ethic, but key to the development of that ethic is harmonious relations and dialogue among the world's religions. Therefore the decision to hold another conference before enlargement resulted in the Nice Treaty of 2000.


Globalization Definition & Meaning

contemporary globalization definition

Globalization also has its periodization, driving forces, and actors. . In our opinion, the history of globalization can be positively shaped by the imperial discourse. The linking together and expanding of social activities across borders is predicated on the possibility of relatively fast flows and movements of people, information, capital, and goods. Fifth, globalization should be understood as a multi-pronged process, since deterritorialization, social interconnectedness, and acceleration manifest themselves in many different economic, political, and cultural arenas of social activity.


Contemporary Globalization and Its Impact

contemporary globalization definition

The degree to which religions contribute to the globalized circumstance as well as their character as globalized institutions becomes evident in these cases. Although the intense sense of territorial compression experienced by so many of our contemporaries is surely reminiscent of the experiences of earlier generations, some contemporary writers nonetheless argue that it would be mistaken to obscure the countless ways in which ongoing transformations of the spatial and temporal contours of human experience are especially far-reaching. Among the variants, however, by far the most widespread sees globalization primarily in economic terms, referring mostly to more recent developments in the operation of global markets, capital, and multinational corporations. Taking this into account, we can conclude on the strength and vitality of the prevailing of both anti- and also post-imperial spirits at that time. Even the most powerful and privileged political units are now subject to increasingly deterritorialized activities for example, global financial markets over which they have limited control, and they find themselves nested in webs of social relations whose scope explodes the confines of national borders. One finds, for instance, theories of the global capitalist economic system or of the global state political system.


Globalization (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

contemporary globalization definition

For instance, in economics, globalization is the process of economic interaction and internationalization accompanied by the spread of capitalist market relations. It is almost exclusively under this meaning of globalization that religion appears as part of the process rather than as either irrelevant bystander or victim. Third, globalization must also include reference to the speed or velocity of social activity. This makes it complicated to define the term provoking debates among scholars in the different fields. A similar divide characterizes the ongoing debate about the prospects of democratic institutions at the global level.


What is contemporary globalization

contemporary globalization definition

London and Held, David, and Anthony McGrew, eds. Of course, we should make a distinction between the theoretical model and social reality. Although sharp differences continue to separate participants in the ongoing debate about the term, most contemporary social theorists endorse the view that globalization refers to fundamental changes in the spatial and temporal contours of social existence, according to which the significance of space or territory undergoes shifts in the face of a no less dramatic acceleration in the temporal structure of crucial forms of human activity. Ebaugh, Helen Rose, and Janet Saltzman Chafetz, eds. At the current phase of globalization, only those economic and social solutions are important that now can be organically qualified in the fundamental system of relations within globalization. The outlines of the symmetrical opposite worlds take shape and sometimes they also design the reverse contours of each other.
