Criminology theory paper. Criminology Theories 2022-12-16

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British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational oil and gas company with a long and complex history. Founded in 1909, the company has grown to become one of the largest and most influential energy companies in the world, operating in over 70 countries and employing over 70,000 people. As a global corporation with a wide range of business interests, BP has a mission statement that reflects its values and goals.

BP's mission statement is "to advance the energy transition and reimagine energy for people and our planet." This statement reflects the company's commitment to finding innovative solutions to the energy challenges of the 21st century, such as climate change and resource depletion. It also highlights BP's focus on meeting the needs of people around the world through the development and distribution of clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

To achieve its mission, BP has established a number of strategic goals, including:

BP's mission statement is not just a set of words on paper, but rather a guiding principle that shapes the company's actions and decisions. By committing to the energy transition and reimagining energy for people and the planet, BP is working to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior. It is a multidisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, biology, and law, among other disciplines. Criminologists seek to understand the causes of crime and how to prevent it. To do this, they develop theories that explain why people commit crimes and how society can reduce crime. In this essay, we will explore some of the major theories in criminology and how they have been applied in the field.

One of the earliest and most influential criminology theories is the classical theory, developed by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. According to this theory, people are rational beings who weigh the costs and benefits of their actions before deciding whether to commit a crime. The key to preventing crime, therefore, is to increase the perceived costs and decrease the perceived benefits of criminal behavior. This can be done through various means, such as increasing the likelihood of being caught or increasing the severity of punishment.

Another important theory in criminology is the social disorganization theory, developed by Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay in the early 20th century. This theory posits that crime is more likely to occur in neighborhoods that are characterized by social disorganization, or a lack of social control. Factors that contribute to social disorganization include poverty, residential mobility, and ethnic heterogeneity. According to this theory, crime can be prevented by improving social organization in disadvantaged neighborhoods through initiatives such as community policing and neighborhood watch programs.

The strain theory, developed by Robert Merton in the mid-20th century, suggests that crime is more likely to occur when people feel strain or frustration due to a gap between their goals and their means of achieving those goals. This strain can be caused by various factors, such as poverty, unemployment, and discrimination. According to this theory, crime can be prevented by addressing the underlying social and economic conditions that contribute to strain.

Another influential theory in criminology is the control theory, developed by Travis Hirschi in the 1970s. This theory posits that people are less likely to commit crimes if they have strong bonds to society and a sense of self-control. Factors that contribute to strong bonds and self-control include attachment to family, involvement in religious or community activities, and commitment to education. According to this theory, crime can be prevented by strengthening people's bonds to society and helping them develop self-control.

Finally, the biosocial theory, developed in the 1980s by Adrian Raine and others, suggests that both biological and social factors contribute to criminal behavior. According to this theory, certain biological vulnerabilities, such as brain abnormalities or a high level of testosterone, can increase the likelihood of criminal behavior. However, these vulnerabilities must be combined with social factors, such as poverty or a lack of education, in order for crime to occur. This theory suggests that crime can be prevented by addressing both the biological and social factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

In conclusion, criminology theories are an important tool for understanding and preventing crime. The classical, social disorganization, strain, control, and biosocial theories are just a few of the many theories that have been developed in the field. By understanding the underlying causes of crime and developing strategies to address those causes, we can work towards a safer and more just society.

Application of Criminology Theories

criminology theory paper

These three studies provide a structure that will help in determining a child's self-control. Classical Theorists needed to supplant the framework with one that was more viable and just. Unfortunately, the gains were soon lost after a distorted strategy led the leadership awry. Even though individuals typically have a concept of conventional moral behavior, criminal conduct is represented in every society and culture. This is because the information on costs and benefits associated with a given crime might not be readily available.


Criminological Theory Essay Example

criminology theory paper

Furthermore, with drift comes an underlying sense of injustice, soā€¦ References Patchin, J. The inner-city codes enable those black people to authorize respect and loyalty and enable people to govern the ways of negotiating public spaces. Recognizing that there is nothing to be gained from such rivalry, criminologists have increasingly sought to develop more effective explanatory models by combining aspects of two or more distinct theories of crime. Typically, self-report questionnaires are available in two formats. Official statistics extracted from police records are the most important source of information used to measure the nature and scope of crime.


Criminology Research Paper

criminology theory paper

. The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System. The third reason is that social disorganization theory identifies the residential position as the major factor in criminal activities. Merton argued that conventional culture, especially in USA, is full of aspirations for opportunity, and prosperity. He was 7 years old and was in a convenience mart with his mother. The criminal definitions usually approve crime, and encourage their peers to engage in deviant behaviors. Despite these weaknesses, the theory has merit in explaining crime, particularly, at the micro level.


Research Paper: Criminology Theories

criminology theory paper

The analytical state of the art, for instance, enables a broader and more rigorous range of theory-testing initiatives, which promotes the development of theory. Lastly, the economic theories about crime are based on the concepts that individuals respond to the various costs and opportunities for criminal behaviour. Criminology identifies what drives a person to indulge in criminal related behaviors and the main reasons that influence criminal activities. By considering Charles Manson's criminal behavior, it is clear that he started committing crimes at a young age as early as when he was in school. Although it appears that respondents are generally accurate when reporting their experiences as offenders and victims, there is evidence that underreporting is a danger to the validity of self-report studies of both offending Hindelang et al.


Criminological Theory Essay

criminology theory paper

In contrast, the ratio of male to female arrests for theft, one of the least serious offenses, is two males for every female. Consequently, crime rates will be very high in areas with a subculture of crime. Instead, it asserts that the only rational approach to controlling crime is to identify and influence its causes. This means that culture defines systems of social control. A school of criminology is a body of thinking that combines a theory of crime causation with control methods required by the theory.


Criminology: Application of Crime Theories

criminology theory paper

Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 117-127. It is created and determined by the surrounding society. In the former society people behave and think alike and more or less perform the same work tasks and have the same group-oriented goals. The content of education, not the method itself, determines whether a person becomes a criminal. These theories are constructed of three types of philosophical assumptions. Besides, it is more focused on the individual than groups.


Criminological Theory Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

criminology theory paper

The first main problem is that replacement of co-offenders accounts for the failure of prison systems to reduce crime this is because replacement brings a sustained recruitment process of young people to criminal behaviors. Sociologists have conducted the majority of systematic studies of crime and criminals since the late nineteenth century, when criminology was recognized as a topic of study by the expanding sociology departments of universities. Edwin Sutherland 1947 noted in an early analysis that criminology investigates the processes of producing laws, breaking laws, and responding to the breaking of laws. These perpetrators were already the recipients of the considerable benefits of social class and opportunity and were already wealthy even by contemporary American definitions of wealth before resorting to crime toā€¦ Criminal Justice Theories Drift theory suggests that people drift from one extreme to another during the course of their lifetimes. Criminology plays a significant role in the current world which is surrounded by criminal offences both locally and internationally.


Essay: Criminology Theories

criminology theory paper

Individuals' attachment with others, commitment to a given lifestyle, involvement in the law system and the beliefs related their upbringing determine the level of compliance. Innovation refers to the use of illegitimate means, like stealing in order to enjoy the repercussions of success Lynch, 2000. The illegal attributes are biological and inherited since it is rare for a child to be influenced as a criminal by the environment as much as biological factors. These bonds come in four interrelated forms, the first of which is attachment. Sometimes it is based on ideas that seem logical at the time. Turning back to social strain theory, it's true that those in disadvantaged social positions don't always commit crimes and Merton acknowledges this by explaining that there are essentially three reactions to this form of disadvantage Lynch, 2000.


Theories Of Criminology Theory

criminology theory paper

Differential association theory involves a perception that an individual learns criminal behavior by getting into contact with people who commit criminal offenses Matsueda, 2014. These ideas can make the homeless more responsible and hence they can be able to stand outā€¦ Crime Theory In the world of criminology, several theories have been constructed to help legal professionals understand the nature of and motive behind criminal activity. People of dominant races have different levels of self-control as compared to people who belong to minority races. It is due to this fact that several theories have been advanced to determine the nature, extent, cause and impacts of crime to an individual and the society at large. This gives researchers greater control over data collecting and facilitates testing of hypotheses. If situationsā€¦ Criminal Justice Theory and the Los Angeles County Probation Department Criminal and antisocial behaviors have been studied in the field of criminology for many years.


Criminology Theories

criminology theory paper

After half an hour, he was apprehended while at the movie theatre. The theory has the limitation of accounting that only the environmental factors are incorporated in the learning behavior and assumes the biological factors; thus, not comprehensive on how behavior is learned. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Although no one theory seems capable of entirely explaining how and why teens become involved in gangs, the various criminological theories and the social disorganization theory are capable of giving insight into why children feel attracted to gangs. This is effective in the theory as it is prudent for law enforcement agents to help a community in preventing acts of criminal activity from taking place and that would have affected not just the criminals but the entire society.
