Crop rotation in india. Intercropping In Fruit Crops 2022-12-21

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Crop rotation is a farming practice that involves planting different crops in a specific order on the same piece of land. It is an important technique that has been used for centuries by farmers all over the world, including in India. Crop rotation has a number of benefits, including improving soil fertility, controlling pests and diseases, and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

In India, crop rotation is an important practice for many farmers, particularly in the northern states where the main crops are wheat and rice. These crops deplete the soil of certain nutrients, such as nitrogen, which must be replenished in order for the soil to remain fertile. One way to do this is by planting leguminous crops, such as lentils or beans, which have the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil. By rotating these crops with wheat and rice, farmers can maintain the fertility of the soil and improve crop yields.

Crop rotation can also help control pests and diseases. Some crops are more prone to certain pests and diseases than others, and rotating the crops can help reduce the likelihood of these problems occurring. For example, if a farmer grows the same type of crop year after year, pests and diseases that affect that particular crop may build up in the soil, making it more likely that future crops will also be affected. By rotating the crops, the farmer can help reduce the population of these pests and diseases, which can lead to healthier crops and higher yields.

In addition to these benefits, crop rotation can also help reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals can be expensive and can have negative environmental impacts, such as pollution of waterways and soil degradation. By rotating crops and using natural techniques to enrich the soil and control pests and diseases, farmers can reduce their reliance on these chemicals and adopt more sustainable farming practices.

Overall, crop rotation is an important technique that is widely used by farmers in India and around the world. It helps improve soil fertility, control pests and diseases, and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, all of which contribute to more sustainable and productive agriculture.

Cropping Patterns in India

crop rotation in india

Sorghum — Berseem 1 yr. The corn grains are rounded, disc-like and range in colors from creamy white, yellow, orange to even red and purple. Little attention to pest attacks and diseases. Finger millets or Kodo millets — Gram or Pea 2 years crop rotation 2 years crop rotation Maize — Potato, Sugarcane 2 yrs. When two or more crops are growing together, each crop has adequate space to maximize cooperation and reduce competition between them. This practice minimizes the risk of failure of one of the crops and insures against crop failure due to abnormal weather conditions.


Crop Rotations

crop rotation in india

This enables him to utilize his Own labor to the fullest possible advantage, and to reduce the expense necessary for hired labor. Good crop rotation is a systematic succession of the three general classes of farm crops, namely, cultivated crops, grain crops, and grass crops. It can be mostly intercropped with coconut and rubber. Provide for Extermination of Weeds Noxious weeds often cause a serious loss in farming. And the clover seeded early in the spring. Growth and Harvesting Maize crop Once the land and seeds are ready, the seeds are sown.


Essay on Crop Rotation in India

crop rotation in india

The following crops are recommended as Coconut intercrops. However, in severe cases, it is advisable to remove the affected plant and destroy it completely. Improper implementation or an unwise plan is the major drawback in crop rotation. Sequential cropping — In this method of intercropping in fruit crops, growing two or more crops one after the other in sequence in the same piece of land is called sequential cropping. Australian Journal of Soil Research.


Intercropping In Fruit Crops

crop rotation in india

Problems in Cotton-Wheat system are: Delay Planting. The major issues in the pattern are: Excessive Rainfall and Water Logging. The length of time that a crop remains productive is also a factor. Thus reducing the yield and sometimes causing absolute failure. . There is immense scope for co-operative farming in India although the movement is as yet in it infancy.


Farming systems in India

crop rotation in india

All crops may be roughly classified under three heads, namely: exhaustive, intermediate and restorative. Paddy — Wheat, Maize — Potato 2 Yrs. Crop rotation practices exist to strike a balance between short-term profitability and long-term productivity. However, partial control of the insect pest can only be achieved through crop rotation practices. Acid phosphate and potash are applied in moderate quantities and generally to the cash crops only. Alternative crop rotation with shallow and deep-rooted crop rotation is a good method of soil restoration. This step is typically carried out during the months of April- May if the monsoons begin in June and in June-July for the late season crop which is during the months of September to October.


Crop rotation

crop rotation in india

This increases productivity per unit area. Some of the common hybrid varieties are as below along with their characteristics: Variety Characteristics Maturity Time Resistance To Area of Cultivation Deccan Hybrid Thick stem with dark green, broad leaves. Methods of Planning and Recording Rotations It is a principle that there should be as many fields as there are years. Greater Income, Greater Yield — Intercropping in fruit crops offers greater financial returns for a farmer. Sorghum — Pea, Sugarcane, Ratoon 3 yrs.


Crop Rotation

crop rotation in india

Apart from Bananas, you can also plant a few trees in between pineapples to provide some shade. Which occupies the land for a rather long period. A rotation specifies the cropping programme for a farm since it determines the crop that will be grown on each field over time. Rice-Rice Irrigated and Humid coastal system of Orrisa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala. When they not only recur in a fixed order but also at regular intervals. Large area under Rain Fed Agriculture.


Crop Rotation and its advantages in agriculture

crop rotation in india

For example, coarseness in tobacco might be reduced by having it preceded by corn. Short growing period available in Indian latitudes. Retrieved May 4, 2016. For example, mustard is a common weed in the small grain crops in the prairie states. The effect of crop rotation on erosion control varies by climate. As long as we realize gross return greater than costs, it pays to produce supplementary crops. However, it is most widely called as corn.


Crop Rotation Advantages; Benefits in Agriculture

crop rotation in india

In all these things, strike a balance between cash and non-cash crops. Winter Cropping Systems: In this system, wheat, barley and oats, sorghum and chickpea are grown. Marginalisation of land and Removal of Tribal from their own land. Cultivation Process of Maize Land Tilling and Ploughing Since maize requires highly fertile and tilled soil for cultivation, the field is ploughed numerous times. It includes inter-cropping, mixed-cropping, and sequence cropping. Parallel Intercropping — In this process of intercropping in fruit crops, both selected intercrop and main crops are with different growing habits. When manure is supplemented with fertilizers, the fertilizers are best adapted to crops of the short growing season or to those influenced in quality by the character or form of a particular fertilizer ingredient.
