Cultural dynamics in assessing global markets. Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets 2023-01-01

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A report essay is a type of academic paper that presents information on a specific topic and includes an analysis of the information. The structure of a report essay follows a specific format that helps to organize the information in a clear and logical manner.

The first part of a report essay is the introduction. This section provides background information on the topic and introduces the main points that will be discussed in the essay. The introduction should also include a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or focus of the essay.

The next section of a report essay is the body. This is the main part of the essay and it should be divided into several paragraphs, each addressing a different aspect of the topic. The body should provide a detailed analysis of the information, including supporting evidence and examples.

The final part of a report essay is the conclusion. This section summarizes the main points of the essay and restates the thesis. The conclusion should also provide a final analysis or evaluation of the topic, as well as any recommendations or suggestions for further research or study.

Overall, the structure of a report essay is important because it helps to organize the information and present it in a clear and logical manner. By following this structure, the reader is able to easily understand the main points of the essay and see how they fit together to support the main argument or focus of the paper.

CH 4: Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Flashcards

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

The successful international marketer must achieve expert communication, which requires a thorough understanding of the language as well as the ability to speak it. Responses The response rate refers to how many people reply to questionnaires or other forms of research. Origins: geography, history, the political economy, technology, social institutions, family, religion, the media, government, corporations. It would be difficult to defend this proposition since the dysfunctional consequences of an innovation may not only have negative consequences on the social system but may ultimately impact on the success of the multinational concern. High IDV cultures reflect an "I" mentality and tend to reward and accept individual initiative 3.


Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

People from India, China, and Japan prefer to use the middle of the scale and not the extremes. Markets constantly change, expand, and contract in response to marketing effort, economic conditions, and other cultural influences. There are three strategies. Family behavior varies across the world, e. A strategy of planned change means deliberately setting out to change those aspects of a culture most likely to offer resistance to predetermined marketing goals.


Ch. 4: Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Flashcards

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

For example: family, in cultures where the social organizations result in close knit family units, a promotion campaign aimed at the family init us usually more effective than one timed at the individual family members. Economics is the manner in which people employ their capabilities and the resulting benefits. Social organizations — family life, status, age. Resistance to change: Gradual cultural growth does not occur without some resistance; new methods, ideas, and products are held to be suspect before they are accepted, if ever. As people and cultures can differ substantially, including their consumption behaviours, consumers are potentially different to reach, which creates an issue for a marketing manager in the way, that it must either follow the global marketing strategy, adapt strategy to local circumstances or find a solution in between both approaches. According to Ralston 1993 , cultures can change, which creates another challenge to the marketing manager.


cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

If a company sells its products and services in different parts of the world, it must develop a marketing concept that is appealing to an international audience. Some cultures see openness as acceptable or encouraged, while others do not. The Kenyan population is heterogeneous, comprising seven major ethnic groups as well as tens of smaller ones and non-Kenyan communities. Because of variations such as traditions, ways of life, systems, values, etc. They are also less likely to give a direct yes or no answer to a question. Marketers can control the product offered to a market — its promotion, price, and eventual distribution methods — but they have only limited control over the cultural environment within which these plans must be implemented.


Chapter 4 Cultural Dynamics in Assessing global Markets

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

This effect the implication peak of people buying the needs of the kids born around that time toys, school, etc. Instead of health benefits, a substantial increase in dysentery, diarrhea, and a high infant mortality rate resulted. Social institutions affect marketing in a variety of ways. On the surface it would appear that the consequences of the addition of condensed milk to the diet would result in better nutrition and health, stronger and faster growth, etc. This statement emphasizes the point that markets evolve out of the interrelationship of three major factors. Cultures with low PDI scores value equality and reflect egalitarian views Uncertainty Avoidance Index UAI , which focuses on risk orientation 1. The re-translation will not be exactly the same and will highlight areas where the translation is far from the intended meaning.


Ch. 4 Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

There are web resources, such as the work by Geert Hofstede, that can be helpful with this. You start your new venture based only on your previous business experience and assumptions of the market. Another option is to have two questions in the survey that ask the same thing in different ways. Marketers can expect resistance to their products, with greater resistance to those products with the greatest deviation from the cultural norm or status quo. This procedure will often give you the intuition which is necessary for success. Innovations are described as being either functional or dysfunctional. What is material culture? Language poses some difficult problems in foreign marketing not merely because of the obvious differences in tongues, but because the idiomatic interpretations mean something different than what the marketer had intended.


Impact of Cultural Dynamics on Assessing Global Markets

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

Both Christians and Muslims have managed to incorporate traditional practices into their respective religions creating unique blends to suit their particular needs. The importance of culture to an international marketer The origins and elements of culture The impact of cultural borrowing The strategy of planned change and its consequences. Domestic marketing is subject to the same resistance to change. Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Discussion Questions 1. For Japan and France, the company not successful. This paper will address more about France and its culture and business. At its heart is Mount Kenya from which the country takes its name.


Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Flashcards

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

The literary rate of a country and its capability for rapid economic growth-human capital. The choice of questions is also important as people may have a high cultural sensitivity to some questions, for example, those about age or income. Let's consider the different aspects of cultural differences when doing international market research. Examples of this resistance in the domestic market are the introduction of contact lenses and using motorcycles as an acceptable means of recreation. Formerly a British colony, Kenya achieved independence in 1963.


Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global

cultural dynamics in assessing global markets

This means being sensitive to cultural differences. High PDI cultures the those who hold power are entitled to privileges 4. The country straddles two of the most famous lakes in Africa - Lake Turkana and Lake Victoria. Culture is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought process that are learned and shared by a group of pole, then transmitted from generation to generation. Consequences of consumption Stomach cancer in Japan Insert Exhibit 4.
