Debate on dowry. Paragraph On Dowry System 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children 2022-12-14

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Dowry is a traditional practice that involves the transfer of money, goods, or property from the bride's family to the groom or his family at the time of a marriage. The practice of dowry is prevalent in many cultures and is often seen as a way for the bride's family to demonstrate their wealth and status, and to secure the financial well-being of the bride in her new household. However, dowry has also been the subject of much debate and controversy, with many arguing that it reinforces gender inequality and can lead to exploitation and abuse of women.

On one side of the debate, proponents of dowry argue that it is a long-standing tradition that is an important part of many cultures and should be respected. They argue that dowry is a way for the bride's family to show their appreciation for the groom and his family, and to express their support for the new couple. Dowry is also seen as a way for the bride's family to ensure that the bride will be well taken care of in her new household, and that she will have the financial resources she needs to start her new life.

However, critics of dowry argue that it reinforces gender inequality and can lead to the exploitation and abuse of women. In many cases, the dowry becomes a source of conflict between the bride's family and the groom's family, with the groom's family often demanding more and more money or goods as the price of the marriage. In some cases, the groom's family may even threaten to call off the marriage if the dowry is not paid in full. This can put enormous pressure on the bride's family, who may feel obligated to sell their assets or take out loans in order to meet these demands.

Furthermore, dowry is often seen as a form of property exchange, with the bride being treated as a commodity to be bought and sold. This reinforces the idea that women are inferior to men and that their value is tied to their ability to bring wealth and status to their families and husbands. This can lead to a culture of male entitlement and the objectification of women.

In many countries, dowry is illegal or heavily regulated in an effort to combat these negative effects. In India, for example, the Dowry Prohibition Act makes it illegal to demand or give a dowry, and provides for fines and imprisonment for those who violate the law. In other countries, dowry is not illegal but is discouraged through education and social campaigns.

In conclusion, the debate over dowry is a complex and nuanced one, with valid arguments on both sides. While dowry can serve as a way for families to express their support and love for their children and to ensure their financial well-being, it can also reinforce gender inequality and lead to exploitation and abuse. It is important to carefully consider the potential consequences of this practice and to work towards a more equitable and respectful society for all.

What step is taken by the government against dowry?

debate on dowry

Then only this evil can be destroyed from its roots Education and independence is another powerful and valuable gift that parents can give to their daughter. The government has come up with many laws, schemes and reforms, to eradicate the dowry system. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, dowry includes property, goods, or money given by either party to the marriage, by the parents of either party, or by anyone else in connection with the marriage. A responsible administration backed by people can go a long way in removing the evil completely from society. In 2014 Supreme Court Judge CK Prasad had said that the police should not make any arrests under 498A without subjecting the complaint to the 9-point checklist provided under Section 41 of the IPC. They rarely save money. The entire interpretation of dowry is under the question of is it a way of suppressing women? Since ancient times the transfer of belongings has been taking place.


Debate on Dowry System

debate on dowry

The cases of bride-burning are still taking place, though their number may have gone down. In the northern part of India, the dowry system is quite more prevalent, along with casteism. Baby girls were believed to be a curse in many rural parts of the country. In order to escape from the dowry, some young girls commit suicide when their in-laws always demand more dowry from their parents. Also Read: On Thursday a Supreme Court bench of Justices AK Goel and UU Lalit gave a huge boost to that specious narrative. As far as Section 498A is concerned, activists working on the ground have long pointed out that the main reason for the low conviction rate is that the cases drag on for years, and many exhausted complainants settle for a compromise or are forced to drop the cases altogether. A lot of men hope that the women in love with them will compromise on their dowry requests and other wedding-related expenses and a lot of women hope that the men who are in love with them will go above and beyond to meet their financial demands.


Paragraph On Dowry System 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

debate on dowry

Supports the Higher Education of poor boys: The practice of dowry solves the financial problem of poor young bachelors and gives support for higher education to prospective bridegroom. So, if a man is able to afford up to £50,000 dowry then he can by all means offer it and if a man can only afford £1000 then this needs to be made clear from the beginning, regardless of whether the woman is wealthy or not. It will also give her respect and the right status in the family. Some women have even resorted to borrowing money from banks, friends and family to pay it off, creating more hardships for themselves and others. These people live hand to mouth. But they make it a curse to poor and middle-class people who try to copy them.


Debate on "DOWRY" ( both favor & against )

debate on dowry

The Dowry system has been in our country since ever, and even after the legal intervention, it is getting harder to eradicate it for so long. The lack of proper education and awareness is a major reason for these increasing crimes. Also Read: The point is, should we undermine a law just because its conviction rates are low? This varies from across different cultures and religions. Debate on Dowry System points out that the youth must prepare themselves in this motion to oppose this evil with courage and conviction. Upper caste people can easily meet the dowry demands but on the same side, it has become a great economic burden to the middle and lower-class families.


The Dowry Debate: Offers and Requests

debate on dowry

There are many social evils in our country. I do not blame Thabit for defects in his character or his religion, but I, being a Muslim, dislike to behave in an un-Islamic manner if I remain with him. According to my survey for the Debate on Dowry System on average, more than 8,000 women die every year as a result of the dowry system. What are the ways by which society can regulate the Dowry System? What is Dowry system: Dowry means the money or the property a woman brings to her husband in marriage. The purpose of dowry is to help settle the newly wedded. Instead, a Family Welfare Committee, to be set up in every district, would scrutinise dowry harassment cases. If manhood is to be judged in terms of financial position, then the parents have to shell out a huge sum to buy an expensive groom.


Debate I New Anti

debate on dowry

Therefore, I advise women that the dowry they request should be affordable for them too, should they find themselves in a bad situation after marriage. It has also launched many schemes for the development of a girl child. Acts as a provident fund: Supporters of this practice put arguments that dowry acts as a provident fund for the girls to face many financial hazards in future as boys of other cast and religion easily allured by dowry and give their consent for inter-cast, inter- religion and inter-state marriage. When Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code was introduced in the statute books in 1983, it was meant to deter or punish husbands and in-laws who tortured women for dowry. In many countries, dowries are common practice.


Debate on dowry

debate on dowry

The entire system has lost its true intention and has just become a social problem and a threat to society. Currently, the evil of dowry system has assumed alarming proportions. It is a curse to our society. The Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 deals with dowry in India. Women are ill-treated, disrespected, tortured and abused in the name of dowry. A few scholars suggested that the dowry a man should offer should be the equivalent of 10% of his annual salary.


Dowry System Debate • English Summary

debate on dowry

One of them is the dowry system which is of cancerous type. Finally, I conclude my Debate on Dowry System with a message that providing girls with a solid education, and encouraging them to pursue a career of their choice is the best dowry any parent can ever give their daughter. Dowry is a punishable crime, and anyone who is, by any means, tries to support or even hide the truth will have to face legal consequences. They can easily pay the price of the bridegroom bought for their daughters. This started as a gesture of love and cared towards the daughter as she leaves her birth home. Send us your BOL atbol thequint.


debate on dowry

It is still prevalent in parts of South Asia, the Middle East, parts of Africa and in some communities in Britain. From protecting a woman who is tortured for dowry, the emphasis seems to be shifting towards making life easier for the accused. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money equal to the bride-price for virgins. And many tough girls and their families have to go through hardship every time in our country. Jameelah, the daughter of Abdullah Ibn Ubayy Ibn Salool ra was the beautiful wife of Thabit Ibn Qais ra , one of the companions of the Prophet PBUH.


debate on dowry

The craze for dowry has been responsible for a number of murders and suicides recently. In my research for Debate on Dowry System, I found that on average for every 17 minutes one dowry death occurs in our country. Dowry is no curse to the black-marketeers and smugglers. So if he earns £50,000 a year then £5000 is a reasonable dowry to offer. The reality is that most cases of dowry violence go unreported. Its practice leads to various evil consequences among which the following may be noted.
