Define sentence construction. Sentence Construction in English: the Basics 2022-12-11

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Sentence construction refers to the way in which words and phrases are combined to form a complete thought or idea. It is a crucial aspect of language and communication, as it allows us to express ourselves clearly and effectively convey meaning to others.

There are several key components that go into constructing a sentence. The first is the subject, which is the person or thing performing the action described in the sentence. For example, in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse," the subject is "the cat."

The next component of a sentence is the verb, which describes the action being performed. In the above example, the verb is "chased." Verbs are often accompanied by objects, which are the things or people affected by the action of the verb. In the sentence "The cat chased the mouse," the object is "the mouse."

Another important aspect of sentence construction is the use of adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, in the sentence "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog," the adjectives "quick" and "lazy" describe the nouns "fox" and "dog," respectively, while the adverb "quickly" modifies the verb "jumped."

In addition to these core components, sentences can also include clauses, which are groups of words that contain a subject and verb but can stand alone as a complete thought. There are two types of clauses: independent clauses, which can stand alone as a complete sentence, and dependent clauses, which cannot stand alone and must be connected to an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

Overall, sentence construction is a vital aspect of language and communication, as it allows us to clearly and effectively convey our thoughts and ideas to others. By understanding the different components of a sentence and how they work together, we can construct clear and coherent sentences that effectively convey our meaning.

Sentence Construction in English: the Basics

define sentence construction

Check out Do you understand basic sentence construction now? However, when the subject is the receiver of the action, and the verb is in the form of be + past participle, then that sentence is in passive voice. Since the subject, my cat is the actor of the verb, this sentence is in active voice. Have students help identify what does and does not make sense. They live away from people and have developed a fear of humans from hunters and shepherds. Examples Explanations The garbage has been taken out by my children. If there is an indirect object without a preposition in a sentence, a direct object should come after it. First, writers need to identify the subject, verb, and object of the sentence.


What is the Sentence Structure in English

define sentence construction

Direct objectsreceive the action of the verb, or more simply, the verb happens to the direct object. Oxford Dictionary The Four Types of Sentence A sentence can convey a statement, a question, an exclamation, or a command. Examples of Sentence Structures In the examples, independent clauses are green, dependent clauses are purple, and conjunctions are orange. Introduce sentence kinds through mini-lessons. For example: The black minute book, which must be delivered to the board of directors, was left on the table.


Sentence: Definition, Types, Structure, Features And Characteristics

define sentence construction

Wherever we need to collect some information, we use the interrogative sentences. This should end in a period full stop. The employment of nouns, verbs, adverbs, and other words in the construction of a sentence are all examples of sentence structure. The verb of the sentence is also in passive construction i. In this sentence, we have our subject Joe and our verb runs. When constructing questions, you need to use the indirect word order, meaning that subject and predicate are reversed.


Sentence: Definition and Examples

define sentence construction

In addition, there are other elements, contained within the subject or predicate, that add meaning or detail. All the demonstrators were arrested. The dependent clause is then attached to the most relevant independent clause, and will be punctuated with a comma if it comes before the independent clause. Often writers and poets use passive voice in figurative language. Here are two examples, one using a semicolon and another using a comma with a conjunction. Writers can use their discretion based on the information presented in the above section to cross out the new object, or to place it at the end of the sentence preceded by by. Using multiple tenses within a sentence or paragraph, such as switching from present to past without intention or good effect, can make the language difficult and confusing to understand for the audience.


Types of Sentence

define sentence construction

The man is a good father. We were all in agreement that it had been a spectacular evening. Make a point of differentiating yourself by requiring skill application. What are the 7 sentence structures? The best way to fix a comma splice is to replace the comma with a period to make two separate sentences or to replace the comma with a semicolon to combine both independent clauses into one sentence. Independent clauses are quite simple — they are single simple sentences! Also, the types of sentences and their characteristics. The dog and the cat loved to eat ice cream, they liked going fishing, and searching for clovers.


Learn About Sentence Construction & Sentence Diagrams

define sentence construction

This is because it has both a subject, the focus of the sentence, and predicate, which relays information about the action or state of being of the subject. He bought a new fountain pen. In each sentence, the employment of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators helps to establish the meaning of the sentence. Unlike other elements of sentence construction, this one may stand on its own, expressing a thought without the need for further information. Declarative sentences which are assertions , interrogative sentences which are questions , and imperative sentences are the three sorts of sentences that are crucial to understanding language which are orders. For example: Passengers must present their passport at the window. My house was flooded.


Construction Definition & Meaning

define sentence construction

Retrieved December 12, 2011. They are invariable words without gender or number that complement or add information about a It has been a longtime since we hada day as perfect as today. Therefore, an independent clause can work independently from any other clause. Here are some examples of imperative sentences:. They are sentences that are composed of a single verb, which refers to a single subject. Stop talking about Thailand! The subject of the sentence is now the receiver of the action of the verb.


Basic Sentence Structure

define sentence construction

Adjectives can be qualifiers big, sweet, red , possessive mine, yours, ours , indefinite all, several, a lot , demonstrative these, that, those , numerals thirty, double, fifth , between others. If you strip away the extra words, you can see the subject is group, which is singular. An example of a passive sentence: Everyone is expected to wear a mask. This word is used in positive constructions. The man builds his family a house. So, a fragment sentence is just a piece of a sentence: it is missing a subject, a predicate, or an independent clause.
