Definition for the word the. The Definition & Meaning 2022-12-24

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The word "the" is a definite article in the English language. It is used before a noun to indicate that the noun refers to a specific person, place, or thing. For example, "the cat" refers to a specific cat, not just any cat.

The use of "the" is necessary to provide context and clarity in communication. Without it, it would be difficult to understand the meaning of a sentence. For example, consider the following sentences:

In the first sentence, it is not clear which cat is being referred to. It could be any cat. In the second sentence, the use of "the" specifies that a specific cat was seen in the garden.

The word "the" is also used to refer to something that has already been mentioned or is well known. For example:

In the first sentence, "the sun" refers to the specific star that is the center of our solar system. In the second sentence, "the United States" refers to a specific country that has already been mentioned or is well known to the listener or reader.

In addition to its use as a definite article, "the" can also be used as a pronoun to refer to a previously mentioned noun. For example:

In both of these examples, "the" is used to refer back to the nouns "cat" and "store," respectively.

Overall, the word "the" is an important part of the English language that helps to provide context and clarity in communication. It is used to specify a specific person, place, or thing, and to refer back to previously mentioned nouns.

What does The Word mean?

definition for the word the

On the day of judgment God will hold people accountable for what they have said: "For by your words you will be acquitted and condemned" Under divine control, human words can have eternal value. In summary, on the basis of the word of God, all natural and human reality was created, sustained, redeemed, and will be consummated. Also, ensure that the same word is indisputable. God's word is equivalent to divine rescue. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The Simon Wiesenthal Center, said in a statement to Fox News Digital, "This does not appear to be an error but a manipulation to present anti-Semitic definition as main use of word. Douglas Buckwalter See also Bibliography. As a result, they may omit words that are still in the process of becoming established, those that are too highly specialized, or those that are so informal that they are rarely documented in professionally edited writing.


Word Definition & Meaning

definition for the word the

The association is deliberate. And even if such a leviathan reference was somehow fashioned, the dictionary would be obsolete the instant it was published as speakers and writers continued generating new terms to meet their constantly changing needs. A week of fishing is my definition of a vacation. The Old Testament closely images this gracious act of divine love. Em and En Dashes They are not synonymous with hyphens but needed to punctuate your sentence and restore your intended meaning. The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results though it may return weird results sometimes.


What does the mean?

definition for the word the

You must take a closer look at the definition structure before deciding to use it. The best way to use definitions effectively is by using your own words and remaining concise. Samuels, Modern Economic Thought, 1977 1993 What is the legal definition of a corporation? Though fully transcendent and incomparable deity, in giving his word to people, God reveals something of himself to them. Grant, The Hollywood Reporter, 11 Dec. At the beginning of that time, there were a small number of women's bikes available, most offered with low-end, sometimes no-name, spec, as if by definition all women riders were beginners. That makes the essay appear superficial and not shrewd enough. Alternatively, you want to avoid defining a word, then use synonyms.



definition for the word the

In the Old Testament, the words God had given Moses at Sinai became written law By the New Testament era, the word of God as Scripture referred to the entire Old Testament, to the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms cf. According to Genesis 1 God created all things by his spoken word. She gave the word to begin. Yahweh also came at his own initiative and "tabernacled" among his people in a humble abode not befitting his divine status cf. In the Old Testament God's word is creative It discloses God's plan for his creation. The expression "the Lord has spoken" all of creation. For instance, if you are picking a word in the medical field, then you should consult the encyclopedia in the medical field.


Oxford dictionary adds 'multisexual,' 'sistergirl' and 16 other words related to gender

definition for the word the

. . Noun How do you spell that word? GOOGLE APOLOGIZES FOR CONTROVERSIAL DEFINITION OF 'JEW' ON SEARCH ENGINE The OED also added words less well known to the public - such as pangender, a term used to define a person who either identifies as an unset number of separate identities, moving fluidly between them over time, or identifies as a singular all-encompassing identity. To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is to preach in its fullness the word of God. Where is the book I put on the table? The horse is running fast. One of the most prolific areas of change and variation in English is vocabulary; new words are constantly being coined to name or describe new inventions or innovations, or to better identify aspects of our rapidly changing world. While is it acceptable for you to define technical jargon in your essay, avoid defining every advanced vocabulary in the essay.


Define Definition & Meaning

definition for the word the

The word of God has also come to refer to Scripture itself. It establishes from the Gospel's outset how its author intended the reader to understand Jesus' person and work throughout the remainder of the book. The website, around 1 p. In the following passage the is used according to the French idiom. Words that are left out may have usage limited to specific, isolated, or informal contexts, so they should be used carefully.


On Definition & Meaning

definition for the word the

Over the course of the year, the OED was incrementally updated with over 2,050 words in March, June and September. The formula, "And God said, Let there be, ' and it was so" provides the pattern for how God created on each day of creation. Published by Baker Books, a division of All rights reserved. The theological meaning of "word" within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum. The common Old Testament expression, "the word of the Lord came, " indicates the sending and reception of divine prophecy.


Reverse Dictionary

definition for the word the

Let them explain to you what it feels when you mention such a particular word. About Reverse Dictionary The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. There are three ways you can insert a definition in the mid sentences as provided by the following examples. The word gender also saw several notes added to the definition with new sub-definitions that include gender critical, and gender-affirming. Select a Word With Different Meanings Selecting a word with plural meanings comes in handy when you believe it will bring a different meaning to various people. The opening verses of John's Gospel explicitly link God's creative word to the person and work of the preincarnate Jesus 1:1-3. A good is example is when Tips How to Write a Definition essay A definition essay could be a piece of writing where you write your own meaning.


Google’s leading definition for the word ‘Jew’ showed offensive terms

definition for the word the

It points out the absolute uniqueness of Israel's religion on the basis of personal contact with Yahweh — the transcendent, sovereign, creator God. The top definition that appeared in search results — up until around 1 p. Whereas God's words are creative, perfect, and of supreme authority, human words are finite, frail, and fallen. After that, find the basis to support your definitions. Instead, it is some variant of the question, What makes a word a real word? If we assume that you are using APA style for referencing, one must quote a definition inside double-quotes. Etymology Middle English diffinen, defynen, borrowed from Anglo-French definer, diffiner, borrowed with conjugation change from Medieval Latin dēfīnīre, diffīnīre dif- by association with dif-, assimilated form of dis- dēfīnīre"to mark the limits of, determine, give an exact description of," from dē- fīnīre"to mark out the boundaries of, limit" — more at entry 1.


The Definition & Meaning

definition for the word the

As with the Giver, what is Given is unshakable and unstoppable: "my word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" H. Our teacher often used words I didn't know. Rephrase the definition with your own words. For example, the word Bakla is a term in the Philippines that describes a biological male who identifies as female. The lawyer used Joe's words against him. As God is supreme deity, his word bears supreme authority. In addition, it could be an explanation of what specific terms means in your context.
