Describe the mechanism of respiration. Describe the mechanism of respiration in man. 2022-12-13

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Respiration is the process by which living organisms produce energy from the nutrients they consume. It involves a series of chemical reactions that convert nutrients into a form that can be used by cells to power their various functions.

The most common type of respiration in animals and humans is aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen. This process occurs in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell.

The first step of aerobic respiration is glycolysis, which breaks down glucose (a simple sugar) into two molecules of pyruvate. This process releases a small amount of energy and produces a molecule called NADH, which will be used later in the process to produce more energy.

The pyruvate is then transported into the mitochondria, where it is further broken down through a process called the citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. This process releases even more energy and produces additional NADH molecules.

The final step of aerobic respiration is the electron transport chain, which uses the energy from the NADH molecules to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the primary energy currency of the cell and is used to power all the cell's functions.

In the absence of oxygen, cells can use anaerobic respiration, which does not require oxygen but is less efficient at producing energy. One example of anaerobic respiration is fermentation, which is used by yeast and some bacteria to produce energy.

Overall, respiration is a vital process that allows living organisms to produce the energy they need to survive and thrive. It is a complex process that involves multiple steps and relies on the efficient functioning of various cellular structures and chemical reactions.

Mechanism of Respiration

describe the mechanism of respiration

Thereby increases rate and force of respiration and rectifies the lack of oxygen. It involves following events: The internal intercostal muscle contracts and external intercostal muscles relax. Ans:The process of breathing is divided into two different steps. By the same process O 2 diffuses from alveoli to venous blood until equilibrium. Also Read: Mechanism of Breathing The air that we breathe in and out of the lungs varies in its pressure. The parabrachial nucleus gives rise to it. Pontine Centers Divided into two: Pneumotaxic Center It is situated in upper Pons.


Explain the Mechanism of Respiration?

describe the mechanism of respiration

These bicarbonates are carried through plasma to lungs where they combine with hydrogen ion and form water and carbon dioxide. Transport of O2 to tissue. See full answer below. Mechanism Diffusion is the main mechanism of gaseous exchange, which involves movement of a substance from high- to low-concentrated areas. Exchange of gases taking place on the surface of an alveolus.


Mechanism of Respiration in Human

describe the mechanism of respiration

Students who want a complete understanding of respiration in fishes can connect with the excerpts of Vedantu who will help you to get guidance from the subject excerpts. The difference in partial pressures of oxygen in the lungs and oxygen in the blood is around 64 mm Hg whereas, the difference in partial pressure between carbon dioxide in the blood and that in the lungs is about 5 mm Hg. Here internal respiration takes place and the glucose present in the cell is completely broken down into CO 2 and H 2O. The oxygenated air present outside the body being at high-pressure flow rapidly into the lungs. Breathing depends upon changes in pressure and volume in the thoracic cavity.


Mechanism of Respiration and Regulation of Respiration : Pharmaguideline

describe the mechanism of respiration

Let us learn these steps in more detail. This is because the systems for moving air and absorbing gases from that air are separate. Respiratory centers are situated in the reticular formation of the brainstem and depending upon the their position in brainstem, the respiratory centers are classified into two groups: Medullary centers. Carbonic acid formed in blood plasma quickly ionizes to form bicarbonates and hydrogen ions in the presence of enzyme carbonic anhydrase. The force also increases in proportion to the rapidity with which air is drawn into the lung and decreases in proportion to the force with which air is expelled from the lungs.


Describe the mechanism of respiration in humans.

describe the mechanism of respiration

The pace of breathing, however, will vary according to the species. Ans:There are mainly three groups of muscles involved in respiration. External Respiration External Respiration or breathing is the process of exchange of gases between the external environment and bloodstream of an animal. All the gaseous content formed is delivered out of the body through the process of expiration. The increase in the intrapulmonary pressure increases the atmospheric pressure, which creates a pressure gradient, allowing the air to flow out of the lungs. This mechanism of internal respiration is also named Cellular Respiration.


Mechanism of Breathing

describe the mechanism of respiration

Due to the compression of lungs, the pressure of air increases, which results in the lungs being compressed. The candidates need to prepare for all types of questions; it can be multiple voice questions, very short answer questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. During inspiration, oxygen is taken into the lungs. Breathing externallyAlveolar capillaries, which bridge the respiratory membrane, are responsible for transferring gas between the alveoli and blood. This results in the expansion of the chest cavity, and this expansion of the chest cavity produces a partial vacuum that helps to suck the air into the lungs and expand the alveoli. ALVEOLAR VENTILATION: is defined as the amount of air that reaches the alveoli and is available for gas exchange with the blood. Simultaneous contraction of the external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm expands the thorax.


human respiratory system

describe the mechanism of respiration

The hydrogen ions are catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Explore the mechanics of the lungs and rib and diaphragm muscles involved in human respiration Alveolar pressure fluctuations are caused by expansion and contraction of the lungs resulting from tensing and relaxing of the muscles of the chest and The lung—chest system The forces that normally cause changes in volume of the chest and lungs stem not only from muscle contraction but from the pleural pressure becomes more negative as the lung is stretched and its volume increases during inspiration. Respiration: Respiration is a process of taking in oxygen and removing out carbon-di-oxide to produce energy from the oxidation of complex organic substances. Central Chemoreceptors The chemoreceptors present in the brain are called central chemoreceptors They are situated in the deeper part of medulla oblongata, close to the dorsal group of neurons. It is known as the intracellular process as it takes place within the cells.


Mechanism Of Breathing

describe the mechanism of respiration

The exchange of O 2 and CO 2 occurs through diffusion which is the net movement of gas molecules from a region that has a higher partial pressure to another region that has a lower partial pressure. Vertebrates: A large group of animals which have a backbone or spinal column are classified as vertebrates. Breathing Breathing is the process of taking in air from the atmosphere and then releasing it back out into it. In simple terms: Volume: Volume measures the amount of air for one function, such as inhalation or exhalation. The oxygen causes the complete breakdown of the glucose molecules food into carbon, water, and energy. It is an active process. Inspiratory centers are always controlled, so their activity plays a role in controlling the duration of inspiration.


Mechanism of breathing and its neural regulation

describe the mechanism of respiration

Fig: Process of Breathing Study The Concept Of Breathing Here Differences Between the Respiration and Breathing Respiration and breathing are two processes that are often confused with being the same, but which is not at all the truth. One breath comprises one inhalation and one exhalation. Slowly the fluid leaks from small blood vessels and collects in the alveoli. One sequence of inspiration and expiration comprises a respiratory cycle. Much later in the 17th century much knowledge about the respiratory gases was gained. The oxygen released from these plants is useful to the process of human breathing.


Respiration in Fishes

describe the mechanism of respiration

Pulmonary ventilation comprises two phases, inspiration, also known as inhalation and Expiration, also known as exhalation. The diaphragm has 75% responsibility in the process of breathing. Air moves from high pressure locations to low pressure places. Ventilation As mentioned above, ventilation is the movement of air through the respiratory tract, the process of ventilation is further broken down into mechanical ventilation and alveolar ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is controlled by the phrenic nervewhich signals the diaphragm to contract, this occurs both automatically in response to the body's level of oxygen and CO2--via signals from the hypothalamus--and voluntarily, when an individual consciously focuses on their rate of breathing.
