Dna replication model. 27.3: DNA Replication 2023-01-06

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DNA replication is the process by which cells duplicate their genetic material in preparation for cell division. This process is essential for the maintenance of genetic information and the proper functioning of organisms.

The DNA replication model describes the mechanisms by which DNA is replicated. The model includes the identification of the components and steps involved in the process, as well as the mechanisms by which errors in DNA replication are corrected.

One of the key components of DNA replication is the enzyme DNA polymerase, which synthesizes new strands of DNA by adding nucleotides to the template strand. DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of a growing strand, so replication occurs in the 5' to 3' direction.

The process of DNA replication begins when the double helix structure of DNA unwinds and separates into two single strands. This separation is facilitated by an enzyme called helicase, which unwinds the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the complementary base pairs.

Once the strands have separated, they serve as templates for the synthesis of new strands. The process of synthesizing new strands is called semiconservative replication, because each new double helix contains one original strand and one newly synthesized strand.

As the new strands are synthesized, they are held in place by another enzyme called primase, which synthesizes short RNA primers that serve as starting points for DNA polymerase to add nucleotides. DNA polymerase can then add nucleotides to the 3' end of the primer, synthesizing a new strand of DNA complementary to the template strand.

However, DNA polymerase is not perfect and can make mistakes when adding nucleotides. These mistakes, called mutations, can have serious consequences if they occur in an important gene. To prevent this, cells have a system for correcting errors in DNA replication called proofreading. This process involves the enzyme exonuclease, which can remove incorrectly paired nucleotides from the newly synthesized strand.

In addition to proofreading, cells also have a system for repairing more serious errors in DNA replication called the mismatch repair system. This system recognizes and corrects mismatched base pairs that were not caught by the proofreading process.

Overall, the DNA replication model describes the complex and precise process by which cells duplicate their genetic material. The identification of the components and mechanisms involved in this process has been crucial for our understanding of the molecular basis of heredity and the proper functioning of organisms.

3.4.4: Basics of DNA Replication

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For example, if the nitrogenous base on the original strand is adenine, then thymine is added to the newly forming strand. The DNA harvested from cells grown for two generations in 14N formed two bands: one DNA band was at the intermediate position between 15N and 14N and the other corresponded to the band of exclusively 14N DNA. Meselson and Stahl were the scientists who showed that DNA follows the semi-conservative model. A DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA by adding one nucleotide at a time to the chain while incorporating only nucleotides that are complementary to those in the template. What was not clear was how the replication took place. The scientists sat back and let the bacteria go to work. Figure: Suggested Models of DNA Replication: The three suggested models of DNA replication.


Semiconservative Replication of DNA

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Telomere Replication Because eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, DNA replication comes to the end of a line in eukaryotic chromosomes. As you have learned, the DNA polymerase enzyme can add nucleotides in only one direction. The conservative model, which suggested that the original DNA molecule remains intact, had to be false. The conclusion supported the prediction that DNA replication is semiconservative. Meselson and Stahl experimentally proved it. When the enzyme has passed the end of the DNA, two identical molecules of DNA are left behind.


DNA Replication Model

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Watson and Crick outlined a model for DNA replication, later called semi-conservative replication. Eukaryotes have a distinct process for replicating the telomeres at the ends of their chromosomes. A short RNA primer is synthesized by primase and elongation done by DNA polymerase. Figure: Meselson and Stahl: Meselson and Stahl experimented with E. Primers are short RNA molecules that act as templates for the starting point of DNA replication.


7.3A: Basics of DNA Replication

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These results could only be explained if DNA replicates in a semi-conservative manner. It turns out that there are specific nucleotide sequences called origins of replication at which replication begins. DNA grown in 15N will form a band at a higher density position i. DNA polymerase then adds pieces of DNA, called Okazaki fragments, to the strand between primers. This brings up the idea of inheritance, or why some phenotypes are more likely to be passed down than others. Each 'branch' of the fork is a single strand of exposed DNA. Remember that nitrogen is found in the You can see from any periodic table that most nitrogen atoms have an atomic weight of 14.


DNA Structure

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DNA polymerase stops adding nucleotides when the termination point is reached. An isotope is just a version of an element that differs from other versions by the number of neutrons in its nucleus. With the involvement of several enzymes and proteins, they prepare prime the strands for duplication. In order to unwind DNA, these interactions between base pairs must be broken. When exposed to UV, thymines lying adjacent to each other can form thymine dimers. According to Watson and Crick, in preparation for DNA replication, the two strands of DNA first unwound and separated.


DNA Replication Steps and Process

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The eukaryotic chromosome is linear and highly coiled around proteins. The sliding clamp holds DNA polymerase III molecules in place while they synthesize DNA. In their 1953 paper, Watson and Crick penned an incredible understatement: "It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material. So we would always expect to see one continuous band of DNA in the test tube. It was a lighter form of DNA, meaning that it wasn't completely made with the N-15 isotope. DNA polymerase can then extend the DNA using the primer.


DNA Replication Models

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This area will be the template for replication to begin. A DNA chain is composed of smaller components called nucleotides. The conservative model would yield one helix of new DNA and one helix of the original DNA. Slide clamps are ring-shaped proteins that keep the DNA polymerase of lagging strands from floating away when the polymerase re-starts at a new Okazaki fragment. How did the scientists know how much N-15 was inside each molecule? In this model, each new DNA molecule would contain one full strand of parental DNA linked down the center with one full strand of daughter DNA. In the dispersive model, each strand of both daughter molecules contains a mixture of the original DNA, and the newly synthesized DNA. To do this, we use a centrifuge, a device that spins a test tube at very high speeds.


DNA replication: Explanation, Process & Steps

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DNA helicase disrupts the replication fork. Meselson and Stahl Experiment was an experimental proof for semiconservative DNA replication. The twisting gives the DNA its compactness. If only N-14 nucleotides were available during DNA replication, they would be able to tell which parts had come from the original double strand and which parts had been created during the replication process. Each contains a deoxyribose molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base. It takes two bases to form a rung — one for each side of the ladder.


9.2: DNA Replication

dna replication model

Mechanisms of Theta Plasmid Replication. . Scientists looked at the double helix of DNA and wondered how in the world it could possibly open itself up without getting tangled or torn apart. DNA replication is semiconservative because each of the two daughter molecules will have one old strand from the parental molecule, and one newly made strand. The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes pose a problem, as polymerase is unable to extend them without a primer. There are three alternative models of DNA replication: conservative model, semiconservative model, and dispersive model.
