Drug abuse as a social problem essay. Drug Abuse as a Social Problem 2022-12-11

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Drug abuse is a serious social problem that affects individuals, families, and communities all around the world. It is a complex issue that has many negative consequences, including health problems, financial strain, and social isolation.

One of the main consequences of drug abuse is the negative impact it has on a person's health. Substance abuse can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems, including addiction, organ damage, and mental disorders. These health issues can be costly to treat and can lead to long-term disability or even death.

In addition to the physical and mental health problems associated with drug abuse, it can also have significant financial consequences. Substance abuse often leads to financial strain, as individuals may spend large amounts of money on drugs, leading to financial problems such as bankruptcy, debt, and even homelessness.

Drug abuse can also have social consequences, as it can lead to isolation and a lack of social support. Substance abuse can cause individuals to withdraw from their friends and family, leading to a lack of social support and connection. This isolation can worsen the negative consequences of drug abuse and make it more difficult for individuals to overcome their addiction.

Drug abuse is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. This can include prevention programs in schools and communities, as well as treatment options for individuals struggling with substance abuse. It is important for society to address this issue in order to improve the well-being of individuals and communities affected by drug abuse.

Overall, drug abuse is a serious social problem that has negative consequences for individuals, families, and communities. It is important for society to address this issue and provide support for those affected by substance abuse in order to promote the well-being of all members of the community.

Social problem essay

drug abuse as a social problem essay

Drugs are known to disguise realities and this helps them cope up with certain situations. Secondly, they are relational systems of power and subordination. A second problem of drug abuse is the crimes committed by addicts. The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention reports that overcoming drug abuse is important because of the significant amount of money drug problems cost the American people every year. Miles throughout junior year.


Problem and Solution: Drug Abuse Essay

drug abuse as a social problem essay

What drugs do is change the basic way of your body or mind. In total, the U. Natarajan 2010 says that crime in the society is a threat. A condition or pattern of behavior that not only holds negative consequences for society, but also individuals and the physical world. Jessica Braimoh Introduction There are issues in society that alter the reality of certain groups of people; these issues are referred to as social problems. By creating a readily available brochure that educates and provides school workers, parents, guardians and child care employees with facts and statistics regarding drug use and its effects, quality informative conversations with youth can take place.


Drug Abuse as a Social Problem

drug abuse as a social problem essay

Most sociologist and social psychologists agree that drug use is a learned behavior that spreads through the groups of peers who influenced one another. This must be done to create awareness of the effects of drugs hence discourage the kids from engaging in drugs. Therefore, by supporting fruitful governmental workshops to educate youths on the negative effects of drugs will serve as an effective intervention to resolve the issue of alcohol and drug abuse since all youths enlightened on the negative effects of drug abuse will hardly use illicit drugs excessively Jaffray, 3. Paragraph 3: Solution However, the menace of drugs can be fought. After looking at drugs from personal encounters, knowing the facts and reasons for abuse and the factors surrounding drug abuse; in my opinion, it is the single most important societal problem in existence. Radio and television programs where sufferers talk about their battle with drugs and how they cope could be used to educate the public. Principles Of Economics Strayer University ECON 100 March 12th 2012 Suggest how an economist would approach the problem of alcohol abuse.


Why Drug and Alcohol Abuse is an Important Social Problem

drug abuse as a social problem essay

They are something that is often taken lightly and are taken within but is soon found to be irreparable mistakes. That thing will be to use drugs to make them forget the reality. Look at the world around us. Furthermore, each form can have different methods of use, immediate effects and potential long term effects. Because many cities and communities are struggling financially, adding more police protection, puts a strain on the citizens through taxes. This theory believes that society classify individual based on their race, gender, race, social rank, and wealth. During the last decade, the increase of people addicted to opioids has grown steadily, among them; you can find ordinary people but celebrities, athletes and soldiers thus charging many lives in their path.


Drug Abuse Essay

drug abuse as a social problem essay

In conclusion, drugs like cocaine, heroin, marijuana and alcohol abuse has been increasing and is commonly used by teenagers, college students and adults. Marijuana is currently illegal in some states and legal in others. Does the social problem serve a function? We usually think of teens when thinking of drug abuse, but drug abuse and use affects people of all ages. Talk about up close and personal. The study also plays a crucial role in identifying the contribution of drug abuse to the current challenges of crimes and poverty in society. It can also affect a persons neighborhood. Addicts can lose their jobs and, have no income to support themselves or anyone depending on them.


Drug Abuse And The Social Problem

drug abuse as a social problem essay

Research has shown that the main causes of drug abuse in teenagers are from genetics, environmental factors, trauma during childhood, mental disorders, peer pressure and personality traits. Some people become angry, depressed, or overly talkative. Subjectivity position: A condition is a problem only when it is perceived as undesirable. Drug abuse results in the death of youths and a strategy were developed internationally referred to as orchestrated strategy that blames people introducing youths into drug and alcohol abuse Addiction, 5. Increased police time and effort are needed to fight smuggling and dealing illicit drugs. Today, people have easy access to these drugs. Communities continue to fight to find ways to prevent drug abuse and to help rehabilitate addicts.


Drug Abuse as a Social Problem: A Look at the Conflict and...

drug abuse as a social problem essay

The state has also organized a National Association of state and drug abuse coordinators across the country to stop the fragmentation that exists among the states. This would force teens to listen to and take into consideration, the risk of substance abuse. This is sometimes why most break in take place and cars get broken into. Social Problems and Drug Abuse Social Problems are problematic issues that arise in society. To identify the most significant approached to mitigate the problem of drug abuse, especially among adolescents, will help to lower the rate of crimes Buttram et al. Alcoholism is a major struggle and should be in taken in a certain limitations. In conclusion, the social problems associated with drugs as we have seen are, unemployment, and instability in families, crimes, education problems, prostitution and health related problems.


Drug Abuse

drug abuse as a social problem essay

Answer: Drug use includes a change in behavior, unnecessary anger, withdrawal from family and friends, suspicious activities, and deterioration in health. Drugs are nothing but certain substances that make you addicted to them and change your lifestyle. Answer: The safest option is not to accept the intake of drugs. Reduced family and community cohesiveness; some families don't have time for each other in such a way that some parents don't have time to share words of wisdom with their children and advise them on how they can live a better life free from drugs. Marijuana, also known as weed is common and majority of Americans have consumed the drug.
