Eating disorders essay introduction. Eating Disorders : Eating Disorder Essay 2022-12-31

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William Chillingworth was a 17th century English writer and Anglican clergyman who is best known for his book "The Religion of Protestants: A Safe Way to Salvation." Published in 1637, the book was a defense of Protestantism and a critique of Roman Catholicism.

Born in 1602, Chillingworth studied at Oxford University and was ordained as a priest in the Church of England. He became a member of the clergy at St. Mary's Church in Oxford, where he served for several years. In the early 1630s, he became involved in the controversy surrounding the Arminian controversy, which was a theological dispute within the Church of England over the nature of salvation and predestination. Chillingworth sided with the Arminians, who believed that salvation was open to all people and that individuals had the ability to choose to follow God.

In "The Religion of Protestants," Chillingworth argued that the Roman Catholic Church had strayed from the teachings of Jesus and the apostles and had instead adopted a number of superstitious practices and beliefs. He argued that the Protestant faith was a more authentic expression of Christianity and that it was the only "safe way" to salvation.

Chillingworth's book was widely read and influential, and it played a significant role in shaping the debates about religion and theology in England in the 17th century. It was also widely condemned by the Roman Catholic Church, and Chillingworth faced criticism from many quarters for his views.

Despite the controversy surrounding his work, Chillingworth is remembered today as an important figure in the history of English literature and theology. His book remains a classic of Protestant thought and continues to be read and studied by scholars and theologians today.

Introduction to Eating Disorder

eating disorders essay introduction

Hospitalization has also been a treatment for those suffering from an eating disorder, especially when a complication, such as kidney failure or extreme weakness, occurs. Bulimia is a disorder that combines the two previous concepts. The problem is becoming more sensitive, and there is a need to increase these sessions to at least 20 or 30 sessions per year. The most known and most commonly diagnosed eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder; however, these are not the only eating disorders. They are characterized by a range of abnormal and harmful eating behaviors which are accompanied and motivated by unhealthy beliefs, perceptions and expectations concerning eating, weight, and body shape. Implications for Practice Brief methods interventions may only be effective for a subset of patients with bulimia nervosa and binge eating tendencies. However, eating disorders have experienced significant increase with the condition being experienced in all ages and genders in the society.


Introduction to Eating Disorders

eating disorders essay introduction

Use of medication is one of the solutions being offered by to eating disorder patients currently with some of the medications include antipsychotics, antidepressants, and even mood stabilizers. It can damage their health and self-esteem. The college environment is similar to a family. The reasons behind Eating Disorder usually stem from a reaction to low self-esteem and a negative means of coping with life and stress Something Fishy. Therefore, having eating disorder means that a person is giving the body too much food or inadequate food hence causing an imbalance of the important nutrients in the human body.


Eating Disorder Essay

eating disorders essay introduction

Therefore, a strict diet and constant psychological therapy are required. The most effective treatment to date is Cognitive-behavioral therapy, an active form of counseling that can be done in either a group or private setting Curtis. Government intervention is required to ensure cost effective services are offered to eating disorder patients. Mental health institutions, lobby groups, and the government need to combine efforts and come up with an awareness campaign that will target the teen women and young adult women who are the most affected by this disorder. They may also use perfume, mouthwash or breath mints regularly to disguise the smell. Other physical and psychosocial health consequences include but are not limited to limb and joint pain, headache, gastrointestinal problems, menstrual problems, shortness of breath, chest pain, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and substance abuse Johnson, Spitzer, Williams, 2001. Gluttony — in this form, a person constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, and starts consuming food in incredible quantities, but can not achieve a sense of satiety, even with the serious consequences of overeating.


Eating Disorders Essay Example [2916 Words]

eating disorders essay introduction

Having a parent or sibling with an eating disorder increases the risk. Of the five studies that met criteria for inclusion, four were randomized-controlled trials RCTs , which are frequently recognized as the gold standard in efficacy research. The low number of men suffering from eating disorder is attributed to the fact that men have some other conditions such as muscle dysmorphia which is a type of disorder where men are extremely concerned with being masculine MacDonald p. However, there is limited information about the effectiveness or implications of behavioral interventions for eating disorders delivered in the primary care setting. The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder DSM-IV-TR recognizes two forms of eating disorders namely anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa Smith, Ellison, Crosby, Engel, Mitchell, Crow, Wonderlich, 2017.


Eating Disorders Essay

eating disorders essay introduction

Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Medical care, including hospitalization for the treatment of malnutrition or weight gain, is sometimes necessary for anorexia, but psychotherapy is also an integral part of any treatment plan for eating disorders. Members of Congress need to come up with a solution which will help more than million United States citizens from all ages suffering from different eating disorders. The most common compensatory behaviors include vomiting, the use of laxative and diuretics and excessive exercising. While some disorders can only be found in specific age groups, races, etc. While the deeper underlying issue may differ from patient to patient, it must be addressed in order for an eating disorder treatment to be effective.



eating disorders essay introduction

Lobbyists Push Congress to Curb Misleading Photoshopped Ad, 2014. This makes Binge-eating disorder a serious issue in human life where it will first result in changes in body mass and other complex heath conditions such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases Streigel-moore p. Minimally trained facilitators i. Research conducted by the Eating Disorder Lobby Group indicated that about 5% of United States women and 1% of United States males are suffering from eating disorder Middleton p. With the guidance of a nutrition counselor, one can learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes maintaining a healthy weight and eating in an appropriate manner. The concept of anorexia nervosa has existed since the 19th century.


Eating Disorders, Essay Example

eating disorders essay introduction

In other words they might not understand that there is something wrong with them but the behaviours of others might lead them to feeling something is wrong, which causes stress. Conclusion Eating disorder is a national problem killing us every day. The use of these body images in the media has created a perceptive that beautiful is having a thin body. Thus, individuals with BN and binge eating tendencies may be treated holistically in the primary care setting. New York: Guildford Press. European Psychiatry, 12 8 , 405-411. However, minimal training and delivery efficiency are important characteristics for PCPs CITE.


Treatment of eating disorders

eating disorders essay introduction

They include a actions that are deliberately planned to lead to pronounced weight loss, b developing an unusual behavior that is defined by a morbid fear of becoming fat, and c evidence of an endocrine disorder, amenorrhea in females and loss of sexual potency and sexual interest in males Smith et al. According to the Mental Health Institution, the number of United States citizens with an eating disorder may double in the next one decade because social changes which are embracing thinness as beauty. The condition is highly associated with increased body size and is seen by many as the eating disorder with the highest effect on body image. It may be that old people eat a lot because of strong experiences — in this case eating substitutes for solving the problem. Identifying and defining themselves according to their perceived "fatness", eating disordered people tend to conclude that they are unacceptable and undesirable, and as a result, feel quite insecure and inadequate, especially about their bodies. Pure self-help involved the provider supplying a manual to the participant and the instructions to read the manual over the course of the intervention. They have not learned that the solution to loneliness is to seek friendship.


📌 Eating Disorders Essay Example

eating disorders essay introduction

Diagnosis of eating disorders in primary care. A critical evaluation of the efficacy of self-help interventions for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. However, Waller et al. As mammals, there is no chance of escaping the need to consume food in everyday life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is emerging as a more robust and effective method that can be used not only to treat Eating Disorder but the associated mental illnesses that may accompany it. These conditions may persist hence more that they usually do Rhodan p. Overeating can be dramatically replaced by a strong desire to lose weight quickly, take certain measures for this, while also experiencing severe hunger and again returning to the dimensionless eating of food.


Eating Disorders : Eating Disorder Essay

eating disorders essay introduction

Conclusion To conclude, a number of health complications may result from the prolonged and severe malnutrition that often accompanies anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Family therapy in adolescent anorexia Nervosa: The results of a controlled comparison of two family interventions. Although patients with anorexia nervosa consume food, they eat with extreme limitations. Some of the solutions that can enforce to deal with the issue of eating disorder include offering frequent psychological support and nutrition interventions through Medicare; create awareness about this condition, making the eating disorder a society problem by passing rules and regulations and using different forms of psychotherapy to deal with the issue of eating disorders. Some of the deaths because of an eating disorder are because of lack of professional care. Hospitalization can effectively treat the symptom only when it is combined with a psychological therapy that treats the underlying psychological problem that is causing the physical health problem. Chicago, Ill: American Dietetic Association, 2011.
