Effects of stress on health essay. The Impact of Stress on Health Essay 2022-12-16

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As a teacher, my role is to not only impart knowledge and skills to my students, but also to guide and support their personal and academic development.

Being a teacher is a challenging but rewarding profession. It requires patience, empathy, and the ability to adapt to the diverse needs and learning styles of my students. I must constantly strive to improve my teaching methods and stay up to date with the latest educational research and technologies.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher is seeing the progress and achievements of my students. It is a joy to watch them grow in confidence and abilities as they learn and apply new concepts. It is also rewarding to form meaningful relationships with my students and be a positive influence in their lives.

However, being a teacher also involves a lot of hard work and dedication. I often have to work long hours, including evenings and weekends, to prepare lesson plans, grade assignments, and provide extra support to struggling students. It can also be emotionally draining to deal with the challenges and setbacks that arise in the classroom.

Despite these challenges, I am grateful to have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of my students. Teaching is more than just a job for me – it is a calling that allows me to contribute to the future of our society by shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation.

Cause And Effect Essay On Stress

effects of stress on health essay

As a result, this could exposure such individuals to the risk of cardiovascular disorders. Other examples of personal stress may include : sexual problems within ones personal relationship resulting in the relationship becoming unstable, arguments with ones co-workers, family, friends or ones manager. Losing a loved one can be a traumatizing moment and it takes time for one to heal. PTSD, on the other hand, affects people shortly after exposure to traumatic events such as disasters Pow et al. So, in essence it does depend on a persons character and behaviour traits for their brain to decide whether the individual is in a state of stress.


The Impact of Stress on Health Essay

effects of stress on health essay

Due to the evidence of different approaches verification, TFCBT regards the roots of stress arousal and aims at helping the patients to overcome the subsequent revelations of PTSD. People react differently to situations, so what may be stressful to one person may not be to another. Physical illness is related to stress due to the biological response system of the body. In Stress: Concepts, cognition, emotion, and behavior pp. Finally, the last unity of stress evictions includes physical factors. Without achieving relief, the body gets pushed to its limits prompting bodily responses to be life-threatening.


Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects

effects of stress on health essay

We ensure that assignment instructions are followed, the paper is written from scratch. These situations are often referred as stressors. What we need to control and harness is our inner selves and how we respond to challenging situations. Cortisol makes people crave fats and carbohydrates causing weight gain in the abdominal area. Kiecolt-Glaser researches this by looking at how quickly wounds heal. Additionally, rapid and extended change in the above factors, may lead to dangerous illnesses.


Effects Of Stress Essay

effects of stress on health essay

However, researchers in this study used the minority stress model, which suggested that the stress associated with stigma Mental Health And Its Effects On Individual 's Stress Level, Anxiety Levels, And Self Esteem Level Many people in society experience some form of mental health issue in various aspects of their life at some point or another. Stress and Its Side Effects Stress is more than just worrying about something little. The issue of hyperarousal concerns the problem of insomnia, which is connected with the recounting of negative practices. Eustress is stress that is deemed as healthful and gives a feeling of fulfillment. Some complications related with ineffective stress management include depression, heart diseases, and diabetes. Excessive amount of stress can put someone health at risk for developing complications of the cardiovascular system. Stress can also be caused by personal causes.


📚 How Stress Affects Our Health Essay

effects of stress on health essay

The symptoms are easily identifiable among people, whose sphere of activity includes mental work, which primarily regards students, scientists, and some other representatives of academic work domains. Positive circumstances can include getting married, moving houses, and having a baby. Therefore, this finding suggests that cardiac illnesses could be triggered by workplace-related stress that comes with increased job grade and responsibilities. Sometimes people with healthier immune systems are more likely to not experience these effects rather than people with unhealthier lifestyles that reduce the immune system. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma Feldman, 17. Stresses Stress Levels Increase, Do Healthy Habits Decrease The motivation behind this issue that is under investigation is if stress levels increase, do healthy habits decrease. For instance, an individual can fail to view a condition as stressful whereas the same issue may be viewed as very stressful to someone else.


Cause and Effect of Stress

effects of stress on health essay

Stress Management and Prevention of Stressful Situations The adoption of some efficient stress management strategies helps people in controlling their emotions and, subsequently, prevents numerous depression-related deceases. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the development of diabetes. Inflammation, obesity, stress and coronary heart disease: is interleukin-6 the link? Brain, behavior, and immunity, 25 2 , 250—5. . An increase in responsibility may cause stress and the loss of a job and the income that goes with it.


Effect of Stress on Health and Illness

effects of stress on health essay

Burnout , Perceived Stress , and Cortisol Responses to Awakening, 204, 197—204. The counter-shock phase is also characterised with increased respiration, increased blood pumping into vital organs, and increased alertness Morey et al. In, general, we can say that stress is your body's natural response to anything that you perceive as overwhelming, may it be positive or negative. How does our body react when the stress comes? However, stress can motivate someone while under pressure and even get you through a tough or dangerous …show more content… Some examples of physical symptoms are headaches, dizziness, and sleep deprivation. Assessing Coping Strategies : A Theoretically Based Approach, 56 2 , 267—283.


Effects of Stress on Health, Essay Example

effects of stress on health essay

Conclusion Stress is a common occurrence in human beings; well-managed stress is of benefit to human beings as it assists when making decisions. Journal of occupational health psychology, 22 1 , 71. Moreover, the introductory part of the work refers to work-related factors of anxiety arousal. Some common physical responses of stress among individuals include high breathing rates, increased irritability, headaches, and dry mouth. Heavy demands and deadlines can pose constant pressure and tension on workers. Moreover, stressful events or situations have to interact with different background factors to result in illness. Many people engage their brains and emotions in issues of their daily lives, not knowing that when this is overdone, it may lead disastrous conditions that trigger stress related illnesses.


Sample Essay on Effects of Stress on Physical Health

effects of stress on health essay

Third, avoiding things that cannot be changed can also help someone to manage stress. The GAS comprises three theoretical steps including alarm, resistance, and exhaustion stage Morey et al. In other words, these are the features that regard the intellectual activity of an individual. Your view of stress can determine the effect it has on your health. Stress is sometimes helpful if taken positively. The individuals, who suffer from emotional instability, are vulnerable to social opinion. A study by the American Psychological Association 2006 , shows that 43% of adults suffer severe health effects from stress.


Effects Of Stress On The Body: How It Affects Physical And Psychological Health : [Essay Example], 1092 words GradesFixer

effects of stress on health essay

To study the depression-stress circuit, studies have been done on depressed people and cancer patients receiving interleukin-1 to fight cancer. People do this as they worry about the future. Each person can experience stress in any of their encounters in life. The association of depressive symptoms with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in Central and Eastern Europe: prospective results of the HAPIEE study. Some events, such as an important sports competition or a deadline for a paper, can cause stress that helps motivate us to perform at our best.
