Essay about soldiers in war. Soldiers' Perspectives on the Vietnam War 2022-12-21

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Soldiers in war are often depicted as heroic figures, fighting for their country and protecting their fellow citizens from harm. While this portrayal may be true in some cases, the reality of war is often much more complex and nuanced. Soldiers are human beings, with all of the same fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities as anyone else. They are asked to do an incredibly difficult and often dangerous job, and the toll that it takes on them can be immeasurable.

One of the most challenging aspects of being a soldier in war is the constant threat of injury or death. Soldiers are trained to be brave and to face danger head-on, but this does not make them immune to the fear and anxiety that come with the possibility of injury or death. The risks that soldiers face can be particularly acute in times of combat, when they are exposed to gunfire, explosives, and other forms of violence. Even when they are not actively engaged in combat, soldiers may be at risk of injury or death due to accidents, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to the physical dangers that soldiers face, they also experience a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges. The stress and trauma of war can take a significant toll on soldiers' mental health, leading to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This condition can manifest in a variety of ways, including flashbacks, insomnia, and difficulty regulating emotions. PTSD can be particularly difficult to cope with for soldiers who have experienced particularly traumatic events, such as the loss of a comrade or exposure to extreme violence.

Another challenge that soldiers in war must grapple with is the psychological impact of being separated from their loved ones for extended periods of time. Deployments can last for months or even years, and soldiers may be unable to communicate with their families and friends for extended periods of time. This can be particularly difficult for soldiers who have young children or who are responsible for the care of other family members. The psychological toll of being separated from loved ones for such long periods of time can be significant, and soldiers may struggle with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homesickness.

Despite the many challenges that soldiers face in war, they are often able to find strength and resilience in their comrades. The bonds of friendship and brotherhood that are formed in the military can be incredibly strong, and soldiers often rely on each other for support and encouragement in difficult times. In addition to the support they receive from their comrades, soldiers may also find solace in their faith or in their sense of duty and purpose.

In conclusion, soldiers in war are asked to do an incredibly difficult and often dangerous job. They face physical and emotional challenges on a daily basis, and the toll that this takes on them can be immeasurable. Despite these challenges, soldiers are often able to find strength and resilience in their comrades, their faith, and their sense of duty and purpose.

The Effect Of War On Soldiers

essay about soldiers in war

Since the agreement, both countries began guarding the border heavily for the majority of the year. People experience it in their own ways and cope with it differently. These trenches were extremely unsanitary, muddy ditches. Essay On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In Veterans 547 Words 3 Pages Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD, is a mental disorder that most often develops after a veteran experiences a traumatic event. The life of a soldier is tough, and they have to undergo numerous problems, but still, people want to join the army. Child soldiers are being utilized to commit horrendous actions that people would not believe could be done by just kids.


Children As Soldiers In War

essay about soldiers in war

This should be visceral and real, but the observation seems like that of someone who is just passing through and not really in it. Should Child Soldiers Be Granted Amnesty Essay 569 Words 3 Pages As long as former child soldiers show that they will not recommit their acts of violence, they should be granted amnesty. But, little do the children know, what they are doing has a large effect on their new life. The news and social media sites tell us the death tolls, the heroes, and those who have been injured and uninjured. PTSD Affecting Military Veterans And Active Duty Soldiers 393 Words 2 Pages On Tuesday October 27, Dr. Children that have commited war crimes are often the topic for controversy, should they be given amnesty, or should they be prosecuted? Many soldiers who enlisted in the Federal Army of the North did so as to preserve the young nation, which had less than a century ago, gained its independence from England. Wars involve pain, suffering, injuries and death to both conflicting parties.


Child Soldiers In War

essay about soldiers in war

With these drugs many are not aware of what they do and they weren't in the state of mind to make such decisions like not killing others. The main social groups that are discussed in the book are Rural and Urban Confederates, Confederate Mountaineers, and Unionist. The Union had 1,566,678 casualties and the Confederacy had 1,082,119 Doc B. So a soldier uses a mental guard of indifference during wear and under duress. And always there is a surreal aspect where it is as if there is a pause put on life so that an endless nightmare can be waged—and some never wake up from it. Unfortunately, they hardly get any leaves, even during festivals or family functions.


Free Essay: Soldiers World War One

essay about soldiers in war

This laborious task of reintegrating into American culture would eventually lead to problems in the gender relations in post war America. In countries like Sierra Leone, kids are joining armies to fight for them, and this can lead them to be involved in war-crimes. That 's why PTSD In Veterans Essay 551 Words 3 Pages On Tuesday, October 27, Dr. The war has destroyed a whole generation of men basically leaving them lost, disconnected from the real world. Child soldiers are not an everyday discussion topic, but recently they have grown more and more popular. The surgeon had been counting on a friend to help get him out, but his friend never came through and left without warning.


Essay on Kargil War in English

essay about soldiers in war

Plantation owners had to worry about who was going to work their fields. Reinstating draft would help us prepare for are final draft and knowing what we did wrong. I like it because it helps with finding out what I did wrong and how I could change it to make a better grade. A majority of the Unions military about 200,000 men where African Americans, a hearty amount of which was ex slaves. By 1941, however, it seemed the American opinion changed dramatically, with a vast majority of citizens supporting China.


Soldiers Loss Of War

essay about soldiers in war

The men constantly were inhaling poisonous gasses and the stench of the decaying bodies that surrounded them. In the writings of War by Luigi Pirandello, Dreamers by Seigfreid Sassoon, and The Next War by Wilfred Owen they all show the loss of innocence that happens not only to the soldiers on the front lines but everyone what has an affiliation with the war. They are victims, they believe what they are doing the right thing. Soldiers put their countries above their self-interest. Why Was The Battle Of Gettysburg A Turning Point Essay 746 Words 3 Pages This battle took away many soldiers in different ways. During the war, many soldiers struggled with mental health issues that persisted after they came home. Brown, 2014 He says, that we are raised to imagine soldiers to be heroic, young, men marching in parades, winning glorious battles, and bringing peace and democracy to the world.


Essay on Soldiers in War

essay about soldiers in war

In order to successfully fight a war, a country would need soldiers who are capable of carrying out the demands of the country. Some shouted at, or being taught how and why they are killing. And the …show more content… There were times when troops had to charge for ten miles to get to towns to protect them Mohr, 326. Ultius Custom Writing and Editing Services, 12 Sep. In developing 3rd world countries weak armies recruit child soldiers to serve in their militaries.


Soldiers In The Civil War Essay

essay about soldiers in war

He crawled upward on his belly over cool rocks out into the sunlight, and suddenly he was in the open and he could see for miles, and there was the whole vast army below him, filling the valley like a smoking river. More men had died in the Civil War than any other war put together. This research paper is going to explain why and how warlords use children as soldiers during war conflict. I think that uniforms played a very important role in the war because it showed your personal beliefs, which side you were on, what rank you were, and so much more. Although they did not choose to fight, some people think they need to be held accountable.


Soldiers Essay For Students In English

essay about soldiers in war

There were many other serious diseases swarming the trenches; Trench Foot, Lice, Rat Infestation, Trench Fever, Trench Mouth, and Shellshock. There were also many casualties on each side. The United States should intervene in wars where child soldiers are being used ,because they are transformed against their will,being killed and the ones who survived are more likely to become psychopaths. He knows nothing but war, being scared and wondering when his final hours will be. .
