Essay on exams should not be abolished. Should Exams be Abolished or Not? Essay 2022-12-26

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Exams have long been a source of stress and anxiety for students and teachers alike. Some argue that exams should be abolished, claiming that they are outdated and do not accurately measure a student's knowledge or abilities. However, despite their flaws, exams serve an important purpose in the education system and should not be abolished.

First and foremost, exams provide a standardized way to assess a student's knowledge and progress. Without exams, it would be difficult for teachers to accurately gauge how well their students are understanding and retaining the material being taught. Exams allow teachers to identify areas where students may be struggling and provide additional support and resources to help them improve. In addition, exams allow for comparison between students, schools, and even countries, providing a way to measure academic achievement and progress.

Another reason why exams should not be abolished is that they encourage students to study and prepare for their classwork. Exam pressure can be a powerful motivator for students to put in the necessary time and effort to learn the material. Without exams, some students may not feel the need to study as hard or may become complacent in their studies. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a decrease in academic achievement.

Exams also provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a formal setting. In many cases, exams are used as a requirement for college or job applications, and a strong performance on exams can open doors to higher education or career opportunities. Without exams, students may not have the opportunity to showcase their abilities to potential employers or universities.

Finally, exams can be an important part of the learning process. While the pressure of an exam may not be enjoyable, the process of studying and preparing for an exam can help students to better understand and retain the material being taught. Exams can also serve as a learning experience for students, helping them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and encouraging them to work on areas where they may be struggling.

In conclusion, exams should not be abolished. While they may be a source of stress and anxiety for some students, they serve an important purpose in the education system by providing a standardized way to assess a student's knowledge and progress, encouraging students to study and prepare for their classwork, and providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Exams can also be a valuable part of the learning process, helping students to better understand and retain the material being taught and encouraging them to work on their weaknesses.

Why Examination Should Not Be Abolished, Sample of Essays

essay on exams should not be abolished

For example, students need good grades to get progress levels and to get into university, so student must study hard for that. Stress, one of the main factors of suicides in youths and in this case too, it is still the main factor of death. This era is a competitive era so students should be properly trained from schools to face these big and huge competitions. While they do have some benefits, more problems are continuously emerging. Through the exams, the teachers will be able to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the students and help them to work on their weaknesses. Therefore, we can see that exams can also indirectly cause the parents to give the child more and more stress, even when the parents never really meant it.


Should Exams be Abolished or Not?

essay on exams should not be abolished

Exams are not only necessary but they are also blessings. I have chosen to relate the story, "The Test " to education. The graph above shows the answers given by 25 students for what they think the purpose of exams are, the results are shown as the above. For example group work, presentations, research study, written assignments, take-home assignments etc. When the pupils do group projects together, they learn how to get together, to organize themselves, to work together, enhancing teamwork and unity within the group.


Examination Should Not Be Abolished

essay on exams should not be abolished

Thus, a student who fails in examination is discriminated against by a prospective employer. Because exams are stressful and they do not show real results of the student's hard work and Another important reason I think is that students should not be judged on their performance on one day. In addition, students do not learn the same so how can every student be tested by the exact same test? When a student fails to achieve or meet the expectations of his parent or teachers, almost automatically, the student would begin to feel sad and depressed and more often than not, afraid. . This way, the learning rate of students would also be better since without exams; the students would have passion for learning and thus would likely be interested in learning just for their own sake, not for the sake for exams. These competitions also enable students to compete for future competitions. Basic knowledge on the subject was learnt through this articles which were written by Professors.


Should Exam Be Abolished? Argumentative And Expository Essay

essay on exams should not be abolished

The same question as in the survey was given to Mdm. That's why i believe that examinations should not be abolished. Upon performing my research on numerous articles, it is thereby agreed that unhealthy food should not be removed. Youngs and adults can have exams, there is not a particular age to have exams. The last on the list, the options with the least numbers of chooses is that the students are not affected by the exams. There are also 6% of them who did better in neither type of examination in terms of mean scores. The 2 sided pages trap us into our failure, whilst the time ticks at its loudest, making us write nothing but a single letter on a line which finally concludes our end result.


Examinations Should be Abolished. Essay on Exams and Its Necessity

essay on exams should not be abolished

However, in the following question, the results that were received were that most students do best in their written exams. Exams Should Be Abolished Or Not Essay - 970 Words AntiEssays Should Exams be Abolished or Not? Therefore it is important that assessment is appropriate to the course and level of student and differs according to the psychomotor, cognitive and affective learning domains and this will be discussed in detail later in this essay Race et al 2005. Many people have failed to understand that the same students who have done well in class tests have done badly in government examinations mainly because of severe illness or other disturbing events such as the death of someone in their family. Though exams can allow parents to be at rest when they know how their child is faring, however, it must be bore in mind that there are alternative ways without having written exams, the alternatives that 6 would suggest would be elaborated in later chapters. It also discourages students from taking risks and trying new things. For some students, they think that exams could make them stress and could cause depression.


Should Exams be Abolished or Not? Free Essay Example

essay on exams should not be abolished

It can also lead to cheating and academic dishonesty. If you are clever enough, you will pass the exam. However, we feel that changing the form of examination from written to maybe group projects or oral can be much more useful. Peter Tait 2018 says that by defining intelligence through examination, we have lose a lot of talented people. Many people think that exams are the most appropriate and fair way to evaluate students ' progress and determine their intelligence. Because exams are stressful and they do not show real results of the student's hard work and mental ability.


Exam Should Not Be Abolished Debate

essay on exams should not be abolished

. . I say doing projects during the year, grades for participation after every lesson, and having weekly assessment is the best solution and the most fair approach for this debate. As well as their knowledge, aptitude and physical fitness. Some people say that exams should not be abolished, because they say that exams are the only way for teachers to see the student's level, it builds high sense of responsibilities, and it gives him pressure that will be useful for him later in his life.


Why Examination Should Not Be Abolished? Free Essay Example

essay on exams should not be abolished

Firstly, the first source of information was from the Literature Review which each one of the group members had to do a review each. However, we just do not have that much time for the data analysis, surveys and interviews. . However, there were also 44% of the respondents who could not make up their minds on the necessity of examinations. I think as a parent, if we see our own children not doing well in an exam, our first reaction would be: we would probably be worried. High grades make them feel better about themselves and increase confidence.
