Essay on keeping an unusual pet. 10 Unusual Pets You Can Own 2023-01-06

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Keeping an unusual pet can be a rewarding and enriching experience for those who are responsible and prepared for the challenges that come with it. While traditional pets such as dogs and cats may be more common, there are many exotic animals that can make unique and interesting companions.

One of the benefits of keeping an unusual pet is that it can provide a source of entertainment and education. Many people are fascinated by the behavior and habits of exotic animals, and owning one can provide an opportunity to learn more about these creatures and their natural environments. For example, someone who keeps a bearded dragon as a pet might learn about desert ecosystems and the diet and care requirements of this type of reptile.

However, it is important to carefully consider the specific needs and requirements of the animal before making the decision to keep it as a pet. Some unusual pets can have complex care needs and may require specialized housing, diet, and medical care. It is also important to research the laws and regulations in your area regarding the ownership of exotic animals, as some species may be illegal to keep as pets.

Another important factor to consider is the potential risks associated with keeping an unusual pet. Many exotic animals can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, and some can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. It is important to be aware of these risks and take appropriate precautions to protect both yourself and the animal.

Ultimately, the decision to keep an unusual pet should not be taken lightly. It requires a significant commitment of time, money, and resources, as well as a willingness to accept the challenges and responsibilities that come with it. However, for those who are prepared and committed, keeping an unusual pet can be a rewarding and enriching experience.

Keeping Pets (600 Words)

essay on keeping an unusual pet

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Keeping Pets

essay on keeping an unusual pet

Pets are creatures with whom we share a world, and we rejoice in their. Informative Essay On Class Pets 1209 Words 5 Pages Have you ever had a class pet? At any point in time, we can face hardships in life but if we have a pet animal by our side, we can spend time with them and can come out of depression. There are people who believe wild or exotic animals can be domesticated as well as become family pets. It is essential to give your pet all this so they can lead a comfortable and happy life. Many people do not really have opinions on the owning of these exotic pets, as it is not very common to do so. Larry Keller writes, "Every year thousands of animals are brought illegally into the United States… illegal trade includes animals both dead and alive. .


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essay on keeping an unusual pet

. It presents different eyes and how they help that particular animal survive and thrive in its environment. A life without animals would be difficult. But what people dint take into consideration is to understand the animal itself. They are intimidating to people who don't know much about them, but are loyal to their owners. Therefore, holding animals captives in homes of a restricted area and treating them like a domesticated cat or dog poses a threat on the individuals within that household. Here are some puppy potty training tips.


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essay on keeping an unusual pet

They are delicate and can be killed if dropped from even a small height. Essay On Pet Insurance 848 Words 4 Pages How to Find the Best Pet Insurance We can all agree on the fact that buying pet insurance for your cat or dog is the best thing to do. . In the wild the dogs hunt in a company of their kind while on the other hand, cats usually hunt by their own selves, and do not need any company. Nobody came to visit them any more. Children become more secure and active when they care for Question 2: What do pets need? Compare and Contrast A study done by The American Animal Hospital Association say; that if people were stranded on a desert island, they would prefer the company of their pet. They also play the role of a watchman and guard our houses.


10 Unusual Pets You Can Own

essay on keeping an unusual pet

Marta Vieira states that Pets can help people with moderate to mild depression feeling better along with medication and other treatments. Buying tickets, stuffed animals, shirts, food, drinks to watch a couple animals do some tricks does not seem that bad does it? The hissing noise can be heard during mating rituals, aggression between males or when an adult males, adult female or nymph are handled or disturbed in some way. When sexual maturity is reached at about one year, the male develops a large patch of glandular tissue on top of the head that is often mistaken for a large scab, but really a scent gland to mark territory. Which one can see further? People think that they are helping the animals so that they will not become extinct but if most of the exotic animals are caged up then they cannot breed and reproduce more of their kind. Stroke, happening when the supply of blood to the brain was interrupted or reduced this makes brain not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, brain cells begin to die.


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essay on keeping an unusual pet

Tarantulas feed on live insects and they are not a good pet for the squeamish. So my business plan would be to open a pet market. He had toys, a soft cuddly bed and a litter tray. Other signs reported may include an urgency to eliminate, but only a small amount of urine is produced, or there is an increase in urine production polyuria , blood-tinged urine, malodorous urine or stool, constipation or diarrhea, or vocalization during urination or defecation. Speaker Credibility: I myself own a dog that was once returned to a shelter because the original owners were not educated on her breed and could not handle her energy level.


Essay On Keeping Pets

essay on keeping an unusual pet

Pros And Cons Of Keeping Exotic Animals 667 Words 3 Pages Almost every child at, a young age, asks for a puppy or kitten, it is a part of growing up. . He knew that Guinness was really a 'Gentle Giant' and wouldn't hurt a fly. However, as for some special animal create the habitat having any trouble with reptile animals. Yet, it does affect society in a way because of the effects owning an unusual animal as a pet has on the community as well as to the animal.


Unusual pets

essay on keeping an unusual pet

These were known as Menageries. . In the US, there are five states that have no laws on keeping wild animals as pets. Some keep doves as pets in a cage. When taking care of pets such as a lion or primate these animals require more attention and owner responsibility.
