Essay on social determinants of health. Social Determinants of Health 2022-12-31

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Social determinants of health are the various social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to health outcomes and disparities in health among different populations. These factors can include access to education, employment, housing, transportation, and healthcare, as well as the social and economic policies and practices that shape these systems.

One key social determinant of health is income and wealth. People with higher income and wealth tend to have better health outcomes, due in part to their greater access to resources and opportunities that can promote good health. Conversely, people with lower income and wealth are more likely to experience poorer health outcomes due to their limited access to these resources and opportunities.

Education is another important social determinant of health. People with higher levels of education tend to have better health outcomes, as they may have greater knowledge and understanding of how to maintain good health, as well as more opportunities to access healthcare and other resources that promote health. People with lower levels of education may face barriers to accessing these resources and opportunities, leading to poorer health outcomes.

Access to healthcare is also a critical social determinant of health. People who have access to quality healthcare are more likely to receive timely and appropriate medical treatment, which can improve their health outcomes. In contrast, people who lack access to healthcare may not receive the care they need, leading to worsening health outcomes.

Housing is another important social determinant of health. People who live in safe, affordable, and stable housing are more likely to have better health outcomes than those who live in overcrowded, unhealthy, or unstable housing. Housing conditions can affect health through various pathways, such as by influencing exposure to environmental toxins, promoting or hindering physical activity, and impacting mental health.

Transportation is also a social determinant of health, as it can affect a person's ability to access healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. People who have access to reliable and affordable transportation are more likely to have better health outcomes, as they can more easily access the resources and opportunities that promote health.

In addition to these individual-level social determinants of health, there are also structural and systemic factors that can influence health outcomes and disparities. These can include social and economic policies and practices, such as employment and labor laws, welfare policies, and tax policies, as well as cultural and societal norms and values.

Understanding and addressing the social determinants of health is crucial for promoting health equity and improving the health of all populations. This can involve efforts to address income and wealth inequality, improve access to education and healthcare, address housing and transportation issues, and reform policies and practices that contribute to health disparities. By addressing the social determinants of health, we can create a more equitable and healthy society for all.

Social Determinants of Health Essay [1290 words]

essay on social determinants of health

Population living in well designed and insulated houses reported significantly less cold and dampness however People in insulated houses also reported that their houses felt significantly less damp and mouldy, however this study does not determine essential determinants involved. Low income and poverty affect health across many physical and psychological measures. The social determinants of health are grouped into five domains. Provide a documented example in which this has been demonstrated with supporting evidence. The last section shall deal with real time examples Social Determinants Of Community Health 966 Words 4 Pages The health status of a community plays a huge role in social and economic prosperity. According to Health People 2020 2015 , the health of an individual depends on among other things, social factors.


SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH essay Essay — Free college essays

essay on social determinants of health

Cancer does not always respond well to treatment. Key policies for addressing the social determinants of health and health inequities Vol. Then if healthy food prices were to escalate, poorer citizens would struggle to purchase healthy food. They also tend to have better jobs with higher incomes. The 6 dimensions of health are: Physical health, Social health, Emotional health, Intellectual health, Environmental health, and Spiritual health. From the developed countries to the developing countries, one can see that health status for this country can be very different from the other.


Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

essay on social determinants of health

However this is not an exhaustive definition or deemed to be the right one. Despite the lack of substantial differences between SCLC and NSCLC patients, our findings suggest that patients who never had a cancer family history had similar characteristics. A vivid demonstration of the poor neighborhood where the people have no proper accommodation needed to stay healthy, and, moreover, no supplies essential for performing medical interventions to retrieve a variety of emotions. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels, which are themselves influenced by policy choices. Policyremedies rely on the proper identification of such solutions Blacket al.


Social Determinants of Health

essay on social determinants of health

In countries of people who are both rich and poor, the health of the people depends on the social conditions that they work and live in. Upper class… Essay On Social Inequalities As is the case with most public health dilemmas, there is no black and white solution to the issue of health inequalities. They include health services, social environment, genes and biology, health behaviors and physical environment. For example, low income can lead to poor living conditions, which can in turn lead to health problems. Health is not only the result of biological or genetic processes; it is also influenced by the economic and social conditions in which people live in. This long-standing history of inequality founded on racism has led to low income and poor health outcomes that transmit from one generation to the next.


Essay On Social Determinants Of Health Essay

essay on social determinants of health

Explaining the Widening Education Gap in Mortality among U. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities — the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries. Among the primary social factors that have influenced my health is the availability of resources. They also face discrimination in the workplace and in the health care system. A simple belief of public health is that everyone is obligated to health and the conditions that allow for health. Although health is related to age, it goes beyond merely having more birthdays.


An Essay On Social Determinants Of Health Essay

essay on social determinants of health

Many factors are known to have a role in the social class disparities in the survival rate of cancer patients. Moving upstream: How interventions that address the social determinants of health can improve health and reduce disparities. Many different factors have direct impact on state of health of individual, such as: diet, sex, age, smoking and alcohol use, income , environment where person live Social Determinants Of Health In The Community 1537 Words 7 Pages I aim to explore the ever changing role of nursing in health care focusing on the social determinant of health in the community. In research conducted in the U. Community health is not only providing medical Social Determinants Of Health Research 1040 Words 5 Pages the health community and public sector has been drawn upon the attention towards social determinants of health. This is where the change takes place but health administrators need to be careful because there can be an existence of a risk where the person can go to the previous stage.


Social determinants of health Essays

essay on social determinants of health

The amount of short-term or low-level asbestos contact that raises lung cancer risk is unknown. The lack of financial support diminishes the development in this sphere. Social determinants of health equity. This can include the use of therapy sessions in discussing their difficulties and accomplishments while changing to the new behavior and reviewing techniques that can make the behavior change better. A society understanding of the determinants of health has an important influence on the strategies it uses to maintain and improve the health of its population. Lifestyle choices are an important factor in producing good health or ill-health; examples include smoking cigarettes, overeating, drinking alcohol excessively, and not getting enough exercise.


Social Determinants Of Health Essay

essay on social determinants of health

However, the everyday life picture any citizen of a developed country sees is significantly different. Another method that could be useful in increasing the level of the health condition of a population is reducing income inequality. The public safety depends on the social norms the community adopts. Social norms such as racism, discrimination, and even distrustful public servants can affect the physical and psychological health of the individual. This was demonstrated inthe Whitehall study which was conducted in Britain through theparticipation of civil servants Marmot and Wilkinson, 2005 Marmotet al. Such factors as education, social context, economic status, and access to services are deeply intertwined — further muddying the waters. The World health organisation 1978 outline that one of the main roles of primary health care is to provide access to care for the most vulnerable but also to identify and rectify the factors which lead to their early mortality.


Essay On Social Determinants Of Health

essay on social determinants of health

The first determinant being income effects the human in many ways. If the person had a low level of education, there will be difficulties in finding a decent job, which in effect, will give an insufficient income that will affect the allocation of money on health related needs and other necessity. This demonstrates that one category caused an effect in another. There are many other social determinants of health, including housing, food, transportation, and social support. The social determinants of health are important because they reveal why some people are healthier than others and also help in understanding the health disparities that exist among different social groups. Health disparities among different social groups are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources in society.
