Essays on parenting styles and child development. Parenting Style and Child Development 2022-12-21

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Parenting styles are the ways in which parents interact with and raise their children. These styles can have a significant impact on a child's development, influencing their behaviors, attitudes, and even their academic performance. There are several different parenting styles that have been identified, each with its own unique characteristics and potential effects on children. In this essay, we will explore some of the different parenting styles and their potential impacts on child development.

One common parenting style is authoritarian parenting, in which parents set strict rules and expect their children to follow them without question. Authoritarian parents may be strict disciplinarians, using punishment to enforce their rules. While this style of parenting can be effective in promoting obedience and respect for authority, it can also have negative impacts on a child's development. Children raised by authoritarian parents may struggle with low self-esteem, poor social skills, and a lack of independence and creativity.

Permissive parenting, on the other hand, is characterized by a lack of rules and structure. Permissive parents may be more lenient and accepting of their children's behavior, even when it is inappropriate. While this style of parenting may seem more nurturing and supportive, it can actually be harmful to children's development. Children who are raised by permissive parents may have difficulty with self-regulation, responsibility, and decision-making skills. They may also be more prone to engage in risky or inappropriate behaviors.

Another common parenting style is authoritative parenting, which is a balance between the authoritarian and permissive styles. Authoritative parents set rules and expectations for their children, but also encourage independence and open communication. They are responsive to their children's needs and emotions, and allow for negotiation and decision-making within certain limits. This style of parenting has been shown to be the most effective in promoting healthy child development. Children raised by authoritative parents tend to have high self-esteem, good social skills, and are able to handle challenges and make good decisions.

Finally, there is the neglectful parenting style, in which parents fail to provide for their children's basic needs or provide emotional support. Neglectful parenting can have serious and long-lasting effects on a child's development, including problems with physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Children who are neglected may struggle with attachment issues, low self-esteem, and poor social skills.

In conclusion, parenting styles have a significant impact on child development. It is important for parents to be aware of their own parenting style and its potential effects on their children. By adopting an authoritative parenting style, parents can help their children grow into healthy, well-adjusted individuals.

The Effect of Parenting Styles on Child Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

However, in reality they are often selfish, demanding, and have a problematic high self-esteem: they tend to overestimate their abilities because they were rarely criticized or guided by their parents. Higher occurrence of depression and anxiety is due to corporal punishments Dewar, 2010a , and the main reason for compliance of children is their fear for punishment. The Effect of Parenting Styles on Child Development. Some people ask why child development is important to understand, well it is important to understand for many reasons. In essence, offspring of these parents are more socially and instrumentally competent than children reared by other parenting styles. Parents, in hope of making their child closer to what they expect, are continuously making attempts to shape their children and to achieve the version that will please them.


Parenting Style and Child Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

Within this work I will be explaining the four different parenting styles and the effects they have on children. In such situations, logical consequences work where children take responsibility of the result of their actions. This can be explained by the fact that girls may be less capable of protecting themselves compared to boys who are more likely to demonstrate aggression and resistance to abuse. There is no perfect child, but it is never an excuse to not yield a good one. In later ages, physical abuse if a child has not experienced it before may cause acute responses, such as major depressive symptoms or aggression and violent behaviors. Parents have high degree of response or warmth. Failing to practice appropriate control, such parents may overlook or fail to prevent negative outcomes for children.


Parenting Styles And Development Essay

essays on parenting styles and child development

In fact there are many types of different beliefs of parents. However, there are also ineffective techniques. She believes that children abiding by the rules would grow up to be too conformed to the society which in turn can lead to an unimaginative child having no opinions of their own. Create a Valid Hypothesis Narration 2 — I have attempted to create a specific and concise hypothesis which could lead to the advancement of the knowledge in the field. They punish through withdrawal of love or verbal abuse by way of scolding, threatening, ridiculing, shaming, or outburst of anger. Children look up to their parents to learn how to express their behavior in a socially acceptable way.


How Parenting Styles Effect On Child Development Education Essay

essays on parenting styles and child development

Once she answered the first few questions, I instantly placed her under one parenting style category according to Baumrind: authoritative. These groups defined below have a major emotional impact and development impact on a child. If she is not, I will still think that my precautions were justified. Therefore it is vitally important subject in current society which is not majorly looked into. Parents that have set rules that are constantly set have kids who are less likely to be noncompliant and disobedient. Children will be engaged in critical thinking before making any decisions, and constant decision making will make them good decision makers.


Parenting Styles and its Effects on Child Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

The purpose of this data collection is to get the initial idea in order to create a valid hypothesis. As Jeannette and her siblings grew older, they began to realize the lack of maturity of their parents and had to be more independent because of their strong desires to move out. I am not sure why the increase happened that year specifically, as I cannot identify any major political or economic turbulence at the time, but based on the causes of abuse described above, it can be assumed that the incidence of abuse is linked to socioeconomic factors. Authoritative parents are demanding-have high hopes and expectations for their children. Through the pairing of the Parental Authority Questionnaire and the BASIS-A Inventory and the study conducted using university students, correlations are found. Studies show that parents who have high expectancy towards their children have a high self-confidence, there more appreciative and they are more caring towards others. Her longitudinal research composed a model of three specific styles: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative Gfroerer et al.


Parenting Styles and Children's Development Essay

essays on parenting styles and child development

Different kinds of parenting have positive and negative effects that can affect children and their development. It can be suggested that the most effective approach is the authoritative parenting style, as it combines all the practices that parents can use to ensure successful development of their children. This style encourages open communication and prosocial responses. Children are often subjected to physical abuse by neglectful parents. Most parents learn parenting practices from their own parents — some they accept, some they discard. The freedom allows them to explore more, while the limits guide them.


Parenting Styles' Impact on Child's Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

The hypothesis was later instrumented with the knowledge gain through the class and further through the primary data collected via different channels. Furthermore, authoritarian parenting is rigid, obstructive, and retributive where parents burden children to respect their efforts and words and follow their directions. Parents value the opinion of the children, so they allow discussion with them and engage their children in making decisions. Communication — a unique characteristic that the other styles lack — plays a crucial role. Respondent may become irritated by having to give over-simplified answers.


Parenting And Child Development Essay

essays on parenting styles and child development

This will be completed in carrying out four tasks simultaneously. There are four main styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritarian styles. The law views me as an adult, the school views me as a minor, and my parents view me as a reckless, irresponsible, teenager. These approaches were different parenting styles. An environment with essentially a few to no rules can allow a child to develop optimally, however, studies have shown that this type of parenting can have negative effects. The authoritarian style involves childrearing practices that places heavy emphasis on sets of rules, whereas the permissive parents gives their children a lot of freedom with a few to no rules.


Effect of Parenting Styles on Child Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

Instead, Rose Mary and Rex Walls believed in the idea of trials and errors. Permissive Parenting Permissive parents, sometimes referred to as indulgent parents, have very few demands to make of their children. Failure to follow such rules usually results in punishment. Encouraging dangerous acts such as playing with the fire, skedaddle whenever a problem arises, and shouting out whatever they disliked in public. The last one added by Maccoy and Martin is the neglectful parenting practice 7. Plan of Action — Documented plan of action is attached below along with the estimated time schedule.


Parenting Style and the Development

essays on parenting styles and child development

This is often a consequence of parents having serious personal issues of their own. As we can observe from The Glass Castle, a memoir written by Jeannette Walls, where she describes her childhood raised by an alcoholic father and a narcissistic mother. To each and every participant either posted, emailed, or handing over. Parents make few demands on the child, are non-controlling, and use minimal discipline. They often are uninvolved in the manners of their own child.
