Example cause and effect paragraph. Cause / Effect Paragraph Writing: Practical Worksheets and Simple Examples 2023-01-05

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A cause and effect paragraph is a type of paragraph that explains the cause of a particular event or situation and the effect that it has. In this paragraph, the writer identifies the cause of the event or situation and then explains how it leads to the resulting effect.

For example, if we were to write a cause and effect paragraph about the increasing use of technology in education, the paragraph might look something like this:

The increasing use of technology in education has had a significant impact on the way students learn. One of the main causes of this trend is the proliferation of devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, which have made it easier for students to access educational content and resources online. As a result, teachers have been able to incorporate more interactive and engaging learning experiences into their classrooms, such as virtual field trips and multimedia presentations.

The effect of this trend has been the transformation of traditional, lecture-based classrooms into more collaborative and interactive learning environments. Students are now able to engage with educational content in a more dynamic way, which has been shown to improve their understanding and retention of the material. Additionally, the use of technology in education has made it easier for teachers to track student progress and provide personalized feedback, which has been shown to improve student achievement.

Overall, the increasing use of technology in education has had a positive impact on the way students learn and has helped to improve student achievement. While there are certainly challenges that come with integrating technology into the classroom, the benefits of doing so far outweigh the drawbacks.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay Introduction [With Example]

example cause and effect paragraph

If your topic is childhood obesity, are you supposed to write about the causes, the effects, or about both the causes and effects of childhood obesity? It is celebrated on Muharram 10th every year. Cause-effect paragraphs seek to illustrate the relationship s between two or more events by revealing why or how something happened. For example Many Americans like to travel with only a backpack one reason is because they want to leave space for shopping. Unfortunately, you missed class because of your flat tire this morning. Though this paper struggles a bit with organization, it does include a clear thesis, use of transitions to link ideas, and a basic discussion of the negative effects of technology. The CECC method accounts for the labeling in brackets of the example paragraphs in this handout.


Cause and Effect: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

example cause and effect paragraph

However, if you are doing a 30-page essay, the introduction could be either a couple of paragraphs or a couple of pages depending on how much information is readily available. Furthermore, a cause and effect relationship may not necessarily be explained in its entirety in a single paragraph. A paragraph block is used when the main idea being covered features several different components or is especially detailed. Cause and effect paragraph on bullying Bullying Is a serious problem in our schools, and a lot of focus Is given to kids who suffer from being bullied. The Natural World Nature is full of examples of cause and effect.


2 Cause and Effect Essay Examples That Will Cause a Stir

example cause and effect paragraph

Then you can see what these elements look like in an actual paper. Cause and effect means that things happen because something prompted them to happen. The effects: You missed class. Drafting Body Paragraphs: Purpose-Based Organization Strategies Cause-Effect There are many different strategies designed for organizing specific types of body paragraphs, including cause-effect, problem-solution, comparison-contrast and chronological. The paragraph block has the same basic function as a single paragraph — to explore a main idea in detail.


Cause and effect paragraph on bullying Free Essay Example 281 words

example cause and effect paragraph

Your action, sowing good or bad seeds, produces a reaction, a healthy or rotten harvest. In conclusion, these are the main causes of smartphone addiction. Cause and Effect Relationship Examples Cause and effect relationships exist in just about every subject area. How do I choose a topic and get started? Some people use smartphones to escape life difficulties and problems; whereas, others use it to complete their tasks or homework quickly without effort. This prompted him to seek the cause of that fall—why did the apple fall down, not sideways or up? Cause and effect are intertwined. The body of the paper struggles with organization.


Example of paragraph cause and effect Free Essays

example cause and effect paragraph

It does includes a lot of ideas and research. We examined what happened to our two plants effects depending on whether we gave or withheld from them proper light and water cause. Not only is the cause and effect pattern present, but the components of the CECC pattern also emerge. While the paper uses transitions to link ideas, it goes overboard. . Another reason is that they prefer to stay online on social media all time waiting for new likes or other reactions to their posts.


Cause / Effect Paragraph Writing: Practical Worksheets and Simple Examples

example cause and effect paragraph

Although this handout discussed the cause-effect approach to paragraph organization, there are many other methods you can use to organize information within a specific paragraph. This essay allows us to identify patterns and explain why things turned out the way that they did. The most frequent cause of vertigo is there is a problem with the balance mechanisms of the inner ear. Accordingly, she has more responsibility and independence. It in part involves making a list of the main points you want to discuss in the order that they will appear and merging the ideas whilst ensuring that you still keep the information you are relaying concise and to the point.


Organizing Cause Effect Paragraphs

example cause and effect paragraph

In the next five sentences, determine which comes first, the cause or the effect. All in all, the absence of school transport, family problems and poverty are the main causes why many students drop out. . You must identify the purpose of the paragraph before you begin writing and then seek out the appropriate organizational strategy for writing a paragraph with that specific purpose. The idea was born in Morocco in 2013 to contribute to the professional development of EFL and ESL teachers in Morocco and all over the world. This is a perfect example of cause and effect.


example cause and effect paragraph

These sentences share the same meaning and show the same relationship. These sentences have the same cause and effect presented in a different order. Additionally, while the information presented in this handout is tailored toward paragraph development, this organizational strategies discussed can be applied as overall organization strategies for research papers or can be used as organization strategies for paragraph blocks within a larger paper. They show how one event or action triggers an outcome. Take your writing to the next level: Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas. We should also consider why children become bullies.


example cause and effect paragraph

The quote is an example of the cause and effect relationship. Furthermore, parents who model the behaviors of bullying are putting their kids at risk because they want to be like their parents and think is normal behavior to scream, judge, and tease the other kids that are around them. Your basic training usingcause and effect essay examples is complete. The examples show how society Premium Stereotype Ethnic group Race Examples of Paragraphs Narrative Paragraph I started to believe in myself when I took Journalism as a subject in school. We see these relationships everywhere: from history to science to nature to literature to daily life! Therefore;It is strongly recommended to avoid TMWTV as it clearly damages the quality of our reading ability. You must respond to that statement and tell the reader why cigarettes cause lung cancer: Call-Response. In cause and effect relationships, there may be multiple causes and multiple effects.


example cause and effect paragraph

However, the weather becomes stormy and you have to cancel your outdoor plans. In this situation, the cause is the stormy weather and the effect of that stormy weather is the picnic cancellation. In this example paragraph, the cause is the offering of rewards to children, the effect is the delay in egocentric growth, and the description of the process explains why the offering of rewards leads to a delay in egocentric growth. In particular, this pattern may work well in the background section s of different types of papers. If the focus of your paper is both causes and effects of obesity, your thesis statement might be something like this: Due to overconsumption of highly processed foods, childhood obesity is becoming epidemic and leaving children with numerous health problems, such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
