Example of an achieved status. Examples Of Achieved Statuses 2022-12-20

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An achieved status is a social position that is earned or chosen by an individual rather than being inherited or ascribed at birth. There are many examples of achieved status, but one particularly notable example is the status of being a professional athlete.

Professional athletes work hard and make sacrifices in order to achieve their status as elite athletes. They spend countless hours practicing, training, and competing in order to become the best in their sport. They may also have to overcome physical and mental challenges in order to succeed.

To become a professional athlete, one typically must first excel at their sport at the amateur level. This often requires a high level of dedication, discipline, and talent. After gaining recognition at the amateur level, an individual may then have the opportunity to try out for a professional team or league. If they are successful, they can then achieve the status of being a professional athlete.

The status of being a professional athlete carries with it a certain level of respect and admiration within society. Professional athletes are often seen as role models, and their success and accomplishments can inspire others to pursue their own goals and dreams.

However, achieving the status of a professional athlete is not easy, and it requires a great deal of hard work and determination. It is an example of an achieved status because it is not something that is simply given to an individual, but rather something that they must earn through their own efforts.

Overall, the achieved status of being a professional athlete is a testament to the power of hard work and dedication. It is a status that is earned through effort and talent, and it is one that carries with it a great deal of respect and admiration within society.

Examples Of Achieved Statuses

example of an achieved status

For example in an office, a boss role is to assign work to his juniors. They are created and assigned by the dominant groups in society. One prime example of how gender has been seen as a master status is in the right to vote. Before they were presidents, Obama was known as a senator, Biden as a vice president, and Trump as a celebrity. Fluid Ascription Fluid ascription refers to situations where an assigned status becomes ascribed in adulthood. Accent Associated with first language is the seemingly stubborn identity marker of your accent. They are the lowest in the Indian social stratification and treated very poorly often segregated from the rest of society.


35 Examples of Status

example of an achieved status

An example of an ascribed status is someone who is given the title of prince because they were born the son of a king or queen. Ascribed Status vs Achieved Status in Sociology According to Linton, ascribed status was one given to us at birth and neither earned nor chosen. Similarly, in Myanmar, there are multiple different ethnic groups within the country that are in consistent and ongoing armed conflict. Linton was an archaeologist and anthropologist who lived from 1893 to 1953. For example, someone who graduated with honors from a high-status prestigious university may decide to take a low-status job.


Exam 2 Flashcards

example of an achieved status

Parenthood is one example of a status that is both achieved and ascribed. Sometimes friendship is bounded to happen between people of the same status. These are things like ethnicity, birth order, height, and eye color. High culture is much more valuable than low culture. Someone who occupies a status automatically, without any choice or preparation on their part, has had that status ascribed to them by birthright or custom.


What is an example of an ascribed status?

example of an achieved status

If we imagine that others think we're fat, even if they don't, it will still affect the way we feel about ourselves. Workers moved to suburban enclaves, which changed the way that schools and social lives were organized. You see an advertisement on television for a new burger at McDonald's. Often with parents suffering from other ascribed statuses — such as mental illness or disability — homeless children may be forced to provide for their families from an unusually young age. We are affected more by how people react to our behavior than by how we interpret their reactions. These terms are outlined below.


What is an example of an achieved status for an individual?

example of an achieved status

It can be changed according to the situation. . Weber argued that social status was one of three components that contributed to the social stratification system which privileges some people above others. What Is an Achieved Status? Master status is the status that is the dominant social status of a person. For example, the title and responsibilities of the first child in a family are given automatically at birth.


Ascribed and Achieved Status

example of an achieved status

Achieved Status Every culture and society separates people into various categories. European dominance was now challenged by economic competitors from around the world. However, stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination have acted as threatening influences that have prevented them from equal opportunities. A given position for example, the occupation of priest may belong to many individuals. When we're on the phone, we don't want to hurt someone's feelings. All of these rewards show that you have earned a position as being elite in your craft.


Ascribed Status: Definition & Examples

example of an achieved status

As the name says achieved, it means a person had worked hard to achieve a status in a society. This is called fluid ascription. Achieved status, on the other hand, can be changed due to multiple factors, such as failure to continue education, a shift in one's lifestyle or career i. These are all considerations that could benefit you when going for a job, or that a potential employer might hold against you. Some examples ascribed statuses related to Prince Williams include the fact that he was the first-child, he was born male, he was born a prince in a wealthy family and grew up surrounded by wealth. How are ascribed and achieved status similar? These are skills that require 6. Many countries have requirements, for example, that children are enrolled in school until a certain age.


Why is achieved status important?

example of an achieved status

But by his birth, these statuses were prearranged to him. Macmillan International Higher Education. It is by status differentiation that social positions are defined and distinguished from one another by assigning to each a set of rights and responsibilities. Lionel's achieved statuses include being a doctor, husband, and father. Often this can even extend beyond the realm of culture.


11 Master Status Examples in Sociology (2022)

example of an achieved status

Ascribed and Achieved Status and Criminal Conviction Albonetti and Hepburn 1996 investigated the effect of someone's ascribed and achieved status on the likelihood that a prosecutor would choose to convict a drug offender criminally or place them into a treatment program. An example of an ascribed status is that of being the firstborn. Thus, while your parents may be able to make a choice about where within a city or country you are born, you personally did not. Being a prince by birth or being the first of four children in a family are ascribed statuses. Lionel has several statuses, some that he has earned and others that he was born with. They are similar because both have rights, obligations, behaviors, and duties that people of certain positions are expected to perform.
