Example of reaction paper about drugs. Drugs and Alcohol reaction paper, Sample of Essays 2022-12-18

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A reaction paper about drugs is a written document that allows an individual to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about drugs and their impact on society. In this essay, I will provide an example of a reaction paper about drugs by discussing the use of marijuana as a recreational drug.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive drug that is made from the Cannabis plant. It is most commonly used for recreational purposes, but it is also used for medicinal purposes in some parts of the world. The active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for its psychoactive effects.

There are many different opinions about the use of marijuana as a recreational drug. Some people argue that it should be legalized because it has the potential to be used medicinally and could be a source of tax revenue for governments. Others argue that it should remain illegal because it can have negative effects on users, including impaired judgment and coordination, and can lead to addiction.

Personally, I believe that the use of marijuana as a recreational drug should be legalized, but with strict regulations in place. While I recognize the potential negative effects of marijuana use, I believe that these risks can be minimized with proper education and regulation. Legalization would also allow for the drug to be taxed and regulated, which would generate revenue for governments and potentially reduce drug-related crime.

Furthermore, I believe that the medicinal benefits of marijuana should not be overlooked. There is evidence to suggest that marijuana can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. Legalization would allow for further research to be conducted on the potential medicinal uses of marijuana, which could lead to the development of new and more effective treatments for these conditions.

In conclusion, while the use of marijuana as a recreational drug is a controversial topic, I believe that it should be legalized with strict regulations in place. Legalization would allow for the drug to be taxed and regulated, and would also allow for further research on its potential medicinal uses. However, it is important to recognize the potential risks associated with marijuana use and to educate individuals about these risks in order to minimize them.

Drugs and Alcohol reaction paper, Sample of Essays

example of reaction paper about drugs

The misuse of prescription drugs can lead to addiction, affect the health of users in a dramatic way, and even cause death. Need an academic paper without any mistakes or plagiarism? Despite all the concerns about illegal drug use and the attendant lifestyle by young people, it is probably still the case that the lives of most young people are centred on school, home and employment and that most drug use is restricted to the use of tobacco and alcohol. It does reduce drug use somewhat just because students know there is a drug test does not stop them from doing drugs. The persistent use of the substance causes to the user serious physical or psychological problems and dysfunctions in major areas of his or her life. You must also specify the elements that you will talk about in the reaction paper, and what is your point of view and suggestions in these elements, mentioning the elements in which you agree with the writer, and the elements in which you differ with him, and you must explain the reason for the difference or agreement objectively.


Reaction paper example 18 models

example of reaction paper about drugs

Take my younger brother for instance; he has struggled with drug addiction from the time he was a teenager into his early twenties. Third: Give your answer, what is your opinion and why? New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2010. So what about it? Addiction, as it comes along, becomes a way of life. They are being stripped of their personal privileges. One side says there should be drug testing and one side says there should not be any. Due to advances in the medical field and a better understanding of the chemistry of the brain addiction is now viewed as a disease instead of just a lack of morals. My point of view is……… for the following reasons……… 3- The third element: …….


Reaction paper in drugs

example of reaction paper about drugs

Nearly one in 10 high school seniors reported using the prescription painkiller Vicodin without a prescription, while roughly one in 20 said they had used Oxycontin without a prescription. This develops your thinking, understanding and analysis skills and is the most important goal of the reaction paper. They are scorned and questioned of their morale, without cause or evidence. My point of view is……… for the following reasons……… 3- The third element: ……. There are many students who have gone out the night before and tried to detox the night before from getting tested. .


Reaction Paper About Drugs

example of reaction paper about drugs

People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives. For me, it is within ourselves, and that is DISCIPLINE. If we compare the production quantity of a non-technological factory with the production quantity of a factory that includes modern technological machines, we will realize that the difference is enormous. It regulates the manufacture, the destruction as well as the possession and use of drugs. It is believed that the addict will eventually go back to the addiction. David Rosenbloom, director of Join Together, a Boston-based nonprofit research organization. I hope that this reaction paper will be appreciated by you, and that it will be used in future literary works.



example of reaction paper about drugs

With my thanks and appreciation. Girls who smoke while pregnant, increase the possibility of complications, as well as miscarriage and abortion. Positive effects of technology 1- Saving Effort: Technology has had a great impact in saving effort, as the use of machines instead of people has become widespread in all fields, whether industrial, agricultural or military. My focus for this essay is the use of legal prescription medications. With my thanks and appreciation. For some, drugs are a good conversation point, they are interesting to talk about and fascinate everyone.


Drugs in the LGBT Community, Reaction Paper Example

example of reaction paper about drugs

In this reaction paper, I will explain the positive effects of technology and its negative effects, and how our lifestyles have changed according to technological progress. In such communities drug supply and use often thrive as an alternative economy often controlled by powerful criminal groups. The addict suffers withdrawals symptoms and to help them stop using opioids, we supply them with other none dangerous drugs which close to the same effect. REACTION PAPER IN HEALTH II Vianca Marie Adornado II — St. As of right now, long-term residential treatment provides care 24 hours a day, generally in non-hospital settings. AssignBuster Who is Assign Buster for? The third element: the interconnection and sequencing of ideas state your observation on the interconnection and sequencing of ideas.


Reaction Paper About Drug Addiction

example of reaction paper about drugs

The reasons why they might into drugs and became drug dependent are enjoyment or pleasure, environment, and curiosity. Through observation, it has been found out that LGBT members are often given the chance to expand their options; however, due to social pressures, most of the said individuals belonging to the said group often impose a definite course living that makes it easier for them to engage in promiscuous acts often leading to relationships that are usually related to drug use and distribution. . With much desire to be accepted, these individuals become more prone to becoming addicted into the substance thus calling for a sense of distinct control on the situation especially for those who have the desire to make a name in the community accordingly. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome 891 Words 4 Pages Research studies on current addiction treatment show that programs are typically are divided into several general types. Because of the prevalence of wide spread usage of opiods, cocaine, and marijuana in the 60's and 70's more comprehensive research was deemed necessary to not only treat but effectively prevent drug addiction and alcoholism.


Reaction paper in drugs Essay Example

example of reaction paper about drugs

Also, sometimes there are other goals for the reaction paper, such as the writer benefiting from your opinions and amending something in his book or taking into account these recommendations in the following works, or if your opinion is expressive of a segment of readers. It is considered as a brain disease because drugs change the structure of the brain, and how it works. Are there vague words that the reader does not understand. They may adopt the behaviour, fashion and dialect of a particular subculture including the occasional or experimental use of illegal drugs without necessarily adopting the lifestyle. . Addicts can also be seen as people with mental illnesses and moral deficiency.


Free Essay: Reaction Paper on Drug Addiction

example of reaction paper about drugs

To read more related articles, you can click on the following links below the article. Items I agree with the author The first element: ………. Arguments Against Prescription Drug 505 Words 3 Pages What is a drug? Items that I do not agree with the author Then you move to the most important elements of disagreement with the writer and write them from the reality of what the writer wrote, then write your point of view and the reason for the dispute, so that this is in an organized manner. Some young people will use drugs specifically to ease the trauma and pain of bad relationships and the physical and emotional abuse arising from unhappy home lives. Reaction paper introduction sample It is important to know how to write the introduction to the interaction paper because the introduction is a sample of the contents of the paper, and therefore if the introduction is good, it will convince the reader to continue reading to the end of the interaction paper, but if the introduction is not organized, it will be unattractive to the reader and may cause him to become bored and not He continues reading the interaction paper, so I will give you an example of an introduction to the interaction paper that is simple but interesting. Reflection about drug prevention When we do that effectively together it has enormous beneficial consequences not only for our children now, but for the rest of their lives. These authors are from U.


Drug Awareness REFLECTION blog.sigma-systems.com

example of reaction paper about drugs

The subject of the literary work: book — story — film — article …. To recover from an addiction, the cause has to be addressed as well. Other questions raised by the article are; should the expense of drug testing be a factor in whether schools test students? Our government needs to impose a strict compliance for drug stores, so that it will be implemented properly. Therefore, you must be neutral while watching the movie or reading the book, so that your opinion is objective and not biased towards one idea over another. We further enhance this approach by also using the 12 step principles, a trauma Model and functional medicine practices. People who are using large amounts of drugs are increasing their chances in doing illegal things that they will regret later in their lifetime.
