Examples of good dialogue in literature. Dialogue: Meaning & Examples, Literature 2023-01-01

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Good dialogue in literature serves a variety of purposes. It can reveal character, advance the plot, create tension, and provide insight into the themes of a story. Below are some examples of good dialogue in literature that effectively accomplish one or more of these goals.

One example of good dialogue in literature is the conversation between Holden Caulfield and his little sister, Phoebe, in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye." This dialogue serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it reveals Holden's character as he confides in Phoebe about his troubles and expresses his desire to be the catcher in the rye, protecting children from the phoniness of the adult world. Secondly, this dialogue advances the plot as Phoebe helps Holden come to a realization about his purpose in life. Finally, the conversation between Holden and Phoebe touches on the theme of innocence and the loss of innocence, which is a central theme of the novel.

Another example of good dialogue in literature is the conversation between the characters of Humbert Humbert and Dolores Haze in Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita." The dialogue in this novel is expertly crafted and serves multiple purposes. It reveals the characters' personalities and motivations, as Humbert's obsession with Dolores is evident in the way he speaks to her. The dialogue also advances the plot as Humbert's inappropriate relationship with Dolores is revealed through their conversations. Additionally, the dialogue in "Lolita" highlights the themes of love and obsession, as Humbert is unable to separate his love for Dolores from his unhealthy obsession with her.

Finally, the dialogue between Atticus Finch and his children in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a great example of good dialogue in literature. This dialogue serves multiple purposes as well. It reveals Atticus's character as a wise and moral man who teaches his children valuable lessons about prejudice and justice. The dialogue also advances the plot as Atticus's discussions with his children about the trial of Tom Robinson help them understand the complexities of the case. The conversations between Atticus and his children also touch on the themes of racism and justice that are central to the novel.

In conclusion, good dialogue in literature serves a variety of purposes and can reveal character, advance the plot, create tension, and provide insight into the themes of a story. The examples of Holden and Phoebe's conversation in "The Catcher in the Rye," Humbert and Dolores's conversation in "Lolita," and Atticus and his children's conversations in "To Kill a Mockingbird" demonstrate the effective use of dialogue in literature.

Dialogue: Meaning & Examples, Literature

examples of good dialogue in literature

If she mine, her name Olivia. He was pretty nice about it. But what drives character, and The answer lies in dialogue: the device used by our characters to communicate with each other. The proportion of blood cannot be more than one in a million. Rules in dialogue writing. And she had destroyed herself, crushed by an insult that had appalled and amazed that childish soul, had smirched that angel purity with unmerited disgrace and torn from her a last scream of despair, unheeded and brutally disregarded, on a dark night in the cold and wet while the wind howled 50 Examples of Dialogue to Inspire Writers Every writer needs to learn dialogue from the great writers preceding them. In his own way maybe, but he loved me.


Dialogue in Literature

examples of good dialogue in literature

Now that we know the misery he's caused you…" He paused, seeming to search for the right words. Sometimes, it is italicized rather than using quotation marks to represent its being spoken internally. It appears that one must sacrifice a bit of grandeur for authenticity in this case, and attempt to mix that enrichening ingredient within the background. Ernest Hemingway, Hills Like White Elephants In this short story, an unnamed man and a young woman discuss whether or not they should terminate a pregnancy, while sitting on a train platform. The fact that Austen manages to imbue her dialogue with so much character-building realism means we hardly notice the amount of crucial plot exposition she has packed in here. The audience learns much about a character through his speech.


Writing dialogue: 7 Examples of Dialogues that Work

examples of good dialogue in literature

It could have happened anyway. Dialogue is the verbal exchange between two or more characters. Dialogue is among the most important literary devices an author can use. In fact, it is one of the four main methods of characterization. In addition to global praise, Carol received six Oscar nominations at the 88th Academy Awards, including a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay. This dialogue is the book itself. But as with all things in writing, make sure that it comes from intention and not from forgetfulness.


15 Examples of Great Dialogue (And Why They Work So Well)

examples of good dialogue in literature

However, you'll find it becomes second nature with practice. Sometimes inner dialogue is said out loud Everyone talks to himself once in a while! Writing a dialogue technically presents two or more characters talking. I have a car. You perceive that the resulting mixture has the appearance of pure water. The floors were strewn with freshly-cut fragrant hay, the windows were open, a fresh, cool, light air came into the room.


Writing Dialogue Expertly: Learn from These Great Dialogue Examples

examples of good dialogue in literature

She picked out words. Want help on your dialogue? This is one of the better known regional dialect examples from American literature. He said he jogged too. In this film, Tony Lip is a currently unemployed bouncer. Eventually, though, they move toward physical intimacy. I did not want cold meat now.


Dialogue in Literature Overview & Importance

examples of good dialogue in literature

Could he be a diabetic? Aint asked you to do nothin. But could this exchange be adequately called a dialogue? I know, Malachy, but they're only children. Furthermore, its authenticity, derived from its short sentences, makes it all the more moving. Even if it goes on through, you still feel like you just got shot in the head. What else would I be doing? This is very true to life — what we say is almost never what we really want to say. Head over to our selection of the 11 best Ernest Hemingway books. Make your written dialogue cut to the chase.


Dialogue Writing

examples of good dialogue in literature

Make Dialogue Match Your Setting Cormac McCarthy, The Road Do you know where we are Papa? Sprinkle action into your dialogue to show intent and emotion in different ways. Florentino Ariza had kept his answer ready for fifty-three years, seven months, and eleven days and nights. You might find it helpful to write down some notes about the way each character speaks so you can refer back to it later. This is because slang is part of our culture, and if you avoid it totally the dialogue might seem too formal or contrived. Will he ever forgive me? She had heard him come through the door a little after three. You've seen at home how true it is. Well, um, you know? July 14, 2014 at 5:38 am Good list but you missed one.


Writing Good Dialogue

examples of good dialogue in literature

Carol 2015 The Price of SaltbyPatricia Highsmith. It is substantial within the work, it conveys the personalities and history of the characters, it evokes emotions within the readers, and it is fluent and authentic. Click To Tweet A Note of Caution: Using action to make your dialogue more interesting is a useful technique, however you must be careful not to overuse it as it can become very distracting for readers. The result of this brief exchange is more than just an introduction to the film. For example, a villainous or malevolent character might overhear a conversation that plays into their hands.


Dialogue Examples (With Writing and Format Tips)

examples of good dialogue in literature

I shall only claim that in comparison with the monologue-style, it is inferior in richness and sophistication. Sure, sometimes he may have acted crazy. One could even argue that cinematic dialogue dates back to the silent film era. Hempel tells us the gist of what the character said, but not the exact words. If your character is an uneducated gangster, make sure he sounds like it.
