Examples of well written essays. Article Writing Examples 2022-12-30

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The Stranger is a novel written by Albert Camus in 1942. It tells the story of Meursault, a young man living in Algiers who becomes emotionally detached from the world around him after the death of his mother. The novel is often considered an example of absurdist literature, as it explores themes of absurdity, nihilism, and the human condition.

One example of the absurdity present in The Stranger is Meursault's lack of emotional response to the death of his mother. Despite being the protagonist of the novel, Meursault is unable to feel grief or sadness over his mother's death, and instead spends much of the time after her funeral casually chatting with his neighbors and even going to the beach. This detachment from his emotions is a clear example of the absurdity present in the novel, as it is not a typical or expected response to the loss of a loved one.

Another example of absurdity in The Stranger is Meursault's eventual murder of an Arab man on the beach. The murder is completely unprovoked and seems to happen almost by accident, with Meursault later stating that he killed the man because he was "too close" and the sun was in his eyes. The absurdity of this act is further highlighted by the fact that Meursault seems to have no remorse or guilt over the murder, and instead focuses on the practicalities of his impending trial.

In addition to absurdity, The Stranger also explores themes of nihilism and the human condition. Meursault's detachment from emotions and his lack of concern for the consequences of his actions can be seen as a form of nihilism, as he seems to lack any sense of purpose or meaning in life. This is further reflected in his statement that "nothing really mattered" and his belief that life is ultimately meaningless.

Overall, The Stranger is a powerful example of absurdist literature that explores themes of absurdity, nihilism, and the human condition. Through the character of Meursault, Camus presents a thought-provoking critique of modern society and the human experience.

The Patent Amendment Act 2002 was a significant piece of legislation that made significant changes to the patent system in India. The Act was intended to bring the Indian patent system in line with international standards and to encourage innovation and technological development in the country.

One of the main goals of the Act was to provide better protection for intellectual property rights in India. This was achieved through a number of measures, including the introduction of a more robust patent examination process and the establishment of a specialized patent office to handle patent-related matters.

Another key aspect of the Act was the introduction of a provision for the grant of "product patents" for pharmaceutical and chemical products. Previously, only process patents were granted in India, which meant that generic versions of patented drugs could be easily produced and sold in the country. The introduction of product patents was intended to provide stronger protection for innovator pharmaceutical companies and to encourage the development of new and innovative drugs in India.

In addition to these changes, the Act also included provisions related to the licensing of patented technologies, the enforcement of patent rights, and the resolution of disputes related to patents. It also introduced provisions related to the protection of traditional knowledge and biological resources, which was seen as important for preserving the cultural heritage of India.

Overall, the Patent Amendment Act 2002 was a significant piece of legislation that made significant changes to the patent system in India. It was intended to bring the country's patent system in line with international standards and to encourage innovation and technological development. Its provisions related to the protection of intellectual property rights, the grant of product patents, and the licensing and enforcement of patents have had a significant impact on the way patents are handled in India.

Well Written Essays

examples of well written essays

We will be looking at the structure of introductions more specifically in another class. Why did she do it? Example of a well structured essay. You have to read it. They might make your prose boring. Do I not know beforehand that not possibly can he say a new and spontaneous word? That will look fake. Now, you may have a different motivation to peruse these amazing essays. There are all these beautiful memories that live inside of us.


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In one of the greatest essays written in defense of free speech, Christopher Hitchens shares many examples of how modern media kneel to the explicit threats of violence posed by Islamic extremists. Take a part of it and tell it the best you can. You may also check out 10. Just leave it be and let it speak for itself. Try to show people your view of the world.


Article Writing Examples

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Do not inject overly biased opinions Be objective in writing the ideas you have about your topic. Writing essays has always been a struggle for me and they take a lot of time for me to find a final draft that I would turn in for a… miss Before you start writing your essay you MUST write a plan of the essay. Probably the greatest film critic of all time, Roger Ebert, tells us not to rage against the dying of the light. It is one of the most common essays given as an assignment to students of different levels. Gather facts to include in your article Research. No exaggeration, no romanticism — just facts. Personally, I can bear the onus of happiness or joie de vivre for some time.


Example of a Well Structured Essay

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He sees right through the hypocrisy and cruelty behind killing hundreds of thousands of innocent lobsters — by boiling them alive. The more you expose, the more powerful the writing. Write simply and briefly. Feeling lonely, all you must do is hop on Facebook to connect with your thousands of friends. Emerson told me and he will tell you to do something amazing with my life.


Personal Essay

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Often, an organizational sentence is used here to describe the layout of the paper. By reading this little-known essay, you will be transported into the world of the old American South. You just have to read it. It changed you the very moment you read its last line. Your tutor will review the plan and give you feedback. Writers present information in various ways, such as in an Importance of Article Writing Articles deliver information effectively, like other For example, a news article needs to be written without carrying any biased opinion from the writer.


Essay Writing Examples

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Most of the corpses I have seen looked devilish. If you approach it with an open mind, this essay may change the way you think about the Bible and religion. Richard Feynman is clearly one of the most interesting minds of the twentieth century. Researchers have identified physiological differences between sociable and shy babies that show up as Bibliography: BENTON, P. This one touched me because I also lived in New York City for a while. Your life story can also be considered as a great topic in writing your personal essay. Paragraph 1 — covers the genetic causes of shyness Points are well supported by quotes Recent research reveals that some individuals are genetically predisposed to shyness.



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We should like it because it has an instantaneous, emotional effect on us. This can make you feel more isolated and lonelier. This top essay is all about the relationship between human, and art. This piece was written in the form of a The life of Edward Said was a truly fascinating one. This essay is an attempt to answer these questions, but its contents are not only meant for scribblers.


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And the Kookaburra laughs… This is one of the best essays of the lot. His thoughts are clear and free of prejudice. She was American, but her culture was grounded in Mexico. There are many places where you may attempt to find quietude. It has not been a rebellion.


examples of well written essays

But in journalism start from the big news and then give more details. Getting immersed in this essay by Annie Dillard has a similar effect. This is a heartwarming, coming-of-age story about a young girl who waits for her breasts to finally grow. Short sentences often win. The thesis is often linked to a "road map" for the essay, which is basically an embedded outline stating precisely what the three body paragraphs will address and giving the items in the order of the presentation. Watch, as Christopher Hitchens slays one commandment after the other on moral, as well as historical grounds. Read the essay and broaden your perspective on the Bapu of the Indian Nation.


examples of well written essays

Then I write down a few main points I want to be put in my writing. Tell only as much as is required to make your point vivid. The best A dead body at the bottom of the well makes for a beautiful literary device. I wondered about the shock of the disoriented crowd when they saw how their ruler could apparently switch off the light. He was very serious about it and I admire his efforts to slay all unclear sentences including ones written by distinguished professors. You may also see 9.
