Expository essay conclusion examples. Expository Essay Examples: Basic Requirements for Papers 2022-12-10

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An expository essay is a type of writing in which the writer presents a clear and concise explanation of a topic. The main goal of an expository essay is to inform the reader about a specific subject and provide them with a deeper understanding of the topic. The conclusion of an expository essay is the final paragraph where the writer summarizes the main points and restates the thesis.

Here are a few examples of expository essay conclusions:

Example 1:

"In conclusion, it is clear that the role of technology in our lives has greatly increased in recent years. From communication and entertainment to education and employment, technology has made many tasks easier and more efficient. However, it is important to recognize the potential negative effects of excessive technology use and find a balance in our daily lives. By using technology responsibly and in moderation, we can continue to enjoy its benefits while also protecting ourselves from its potential drawbacks."

Example 2:

"To sum up, the benefits of a vegan diet are numerous and varied. From improving personal health and reducing the risk of certain diseases to reducing the environmental impact of animal agriculture, a vegan diet can have a positive impact on both individuals and the planet. While making the switch to a vegan diet may not be easy for everyone, the potential benefits make it worth considering for anyone looking to improve their health and the health of the planet."

Example 3:

"In conclusion, the importance of exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases to boosting mental health and increasing lifespan, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. By incorporating regular physical activity into our daily routines, we can improve our overall quality of life and well-being."

As these examples show, a good expository essay conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a clear and concise manner. It should also provide the reader with a sense of closure and leave a lasting impression on them.

Expository Essays: Types, Characteristics & Examples

expository essay conclusion examples

Lastly, your conclusion should have a summary of your key points and draw a final judgment. The thesis statement is a statement that states the main idea of the paper. An expository essay does exactly what the name implies: it exposes. If your introduction is weak, then the rest of your paper will not be taken seriously. The purpose of this type of essay writing is to provide information, explain a topic, or present an argument. Besides, each body paragraph must dwell on a single idea to follow the rules of. Transition sentences improve the flow of an essay by giving the reader either a recap of important information or by clearly marking the end of one subtopic and connecting it to the next one.


Free Expository Essay Examples for College to Help You Write

expository essay conclusion examples

It does not try to convince the reader about a certain viewpoint or make a persuasive argument. As you write your draft, new ways of expressing the information can come to mind that will make the overall essay more powerful. The expository essay example differs from the argumentative essay due to its pedagogical character; the latter seeks to illustrate a topic through objective facts, while the argumentative essay has as its primary objective to convince the reader about the idea put forward by the author. Remember, the main distinction between expository writing and other forms of writing is that the goal is not to convince or persuade someone, rather just to provide information. Also, they give an accurate explanation of the examples used.


Expository Essay Conclusion

expository essay conclusion examples

It may be an argumentative essay that requires the writer to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, аnd then develop a position on thе topic. Scott Fitzgerald to Ernest Hemingway Lesson Summary An expository essay does exactly what the name implies: it exposes. Don't just go with the first topic idea that pops into your head. Other expository essay tips include ensuring you have a strong hook in your introduction; this will help reel in your readers and keep them there. Looking at expository essay examples can give you a deeper understanding of what is expected as well as how to write an essay that flows well. Each approach has advantages and drawbacks.


ᐅ How To Write An Expository Essay ✍️ Examples & Tips

expository essay conclusion examples

For example, learners should begin by developing attractive titles. Avoid giving irrelevant data or context information that does not directly contribute to your exposed facts. They are written to inform the reader of something rather than to convince them of something. I don't know how to link to it but someone on your side should. Expository Essay Writing Guide The expository essay format is not as difficult to write as many think.


Expository Essay Examples: Basic Requirements for Papers

expository essay conclusion examples

Expository essays are written to provide a clear understanding of a subject. They are also based on the logical flow of ideas, starting from the general context to more specific points. Writing a good introduction can be challenging, but If you follow the outline below you will have an introduction that is clear and engaging. The thesis statement is usually one to two sentences that state what the paper is about. Creativity Students should demonstrate a high level of Conclusion on Expository Essay Examples In conclusion, the expository essay examples communicate a unique idea to the audience. Basically, these papers are different from other scholarly articles since they seek to convince readers to take another perspective.


How to Write an Expository Essay: Topics, Outline, Examples

expository essay conclusion examples

Social media addiction has become rampant, which has negatively influenced the lives of many individuals in society. A definition essay doesn't just give the dictionary definition of the word, rather it provides information that expands the overall idea of the term while explaining it in depth. Do a little bit of research on each topic to figure out whether you can easily find reputable sources and to gain a further understanding of the topic. These texts are based on facts; they do not express a personal opinion but a solid argument on a topic to be taught. For instance, the learner asserts what he or she desires to communicate to the readers or influence them to accept as accurate or appreciate. You need to make sure that there is enough information out there from reputable sources to back up any point you are trying to make. Typically, you should have three body paragraphs, each one talking about a specific issue related to your topic.


How To Write Conclusion For Expository Essay

expository essay conclusion examples

Put simply, an expository essay exposes facts about a subject. And this is because, in school, a lecturer may give a broad subject and expect students to narrow it down by choosing a topic of the student's choice. When writing a comparison essay, you would be sure to address all the similarities between the two subjects. What Is Expository Writing? Next comes the thesis statement. The conclusion іs a chance to restate the main points of the essay, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the main idea. The paragraphs should be written sо that your main argument іs developed аnd supported throughout the essay. Think about what the purpose of each body paragraph is and question whether the information you are presenting fits that purpose or not.


expository essay conclusion examples

Borrowing techniques from descriptive or narrative writing can make the information you convey more real in the reader's mind and when presenting facts and figures for persuasive writing you automatically use techniques from expository writing. Use examples or evidence to back up your points and ensure you have a conclusion with a summary of your arguments. After keeping all these things in mind, you should end up with an expository essay topic that is appropriate, engaging, and high-scoring. Let's take a look at some common categories. The expository essay conclusion should connect your opening statement with your main points. The next few sentences of the introduction paragraph should give background information about the topic you want to discuss. Your instructor will start grading your work as soon as they start reading it, and that is why you need to nail every aspect of your paper.


expository essay conclusion examples

What is an Expository Essay? Let's go through each section of the expository essay structure. It's important to remember that this type of expository essay allows for a lot of artistic freedom. Think about Statement Your thesis must be arguable; it must state a claim or refute a claim about your issue. Your essays should have a thesis statement, too, preferably in the introduction. This type of writing helps them to do this by giving them an opportunity to show how their ideas relate to their industry. Essentially, these types of essays serve as an explanation on why something turned out the way it did, how one particular thing leads to another particular thing. You can always ask us for help.
