Factors affecting intelligence in psychology. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence 2022-12-11

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Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that is central to the field of psychology. It is typically defined as the mental capacity to learn, understand, and reason, and it plays a crucial role in an individual's ability to adapt to and navigate their environment. Intelligence is also a key predictor of academic and professional success, and it is often used to measure an individual's potential for achievement.

There are many factors that can affect intelligence, including genetics, environmental influences, and individual experiences. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Genetics: Research suggests that intelligence is influenced by genetic factors. Studies have found that intelligence tends to run in families, and that there is a significant heritability of intelligence (meaning that a portion of the differences in intelligence between individuals can be attributed to differences in their genes). However, it is important to note that genetics is just one factor among many, and the influence of genetics on intelligence can be moderated by environmental factors.

  2. Environmental influences: The environment in which an individual grows up and develops can have a significant impact on their intelligence. For example, children who grow up in disadvantaged environments may not have the same opportunities for learning and enrichment as those who grow up in more privileged circumstances. This can lead to differences in intelligence between individuals, even if they have similar genetic predispositions.

  3. Nutrition: Adequate nutrition is important for the proper development and functioning of the brain, and it can have a significant impact on intelligence. Children who do not receive proper nutrition may have lower IQ scores and may be at a disadvantage in terms of learning and academic achievement.

  4. Education: The quality of education an individual receives can also affect their intelligence. Children who attend high-quality schools with well-trained teachers and a rich curriculum tend to perform better on intelligence tests and achieve higher levels of academic success.

  5. Individual experiences: Life experiences can also shape an individual's intelligence. For example, individuals who are exposed to a wide range of experiences and challenges may be more likely to develop their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental influences, nutrition, education, and individual experiences. Understanding these factors is important for researchers and practitioners working in the field of psychology, as it can help inform the development of interventions and strategies to enhance intelligence and promote academic and professional success.

Factors Affecting Human Intelligence Psychology Essay

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Modern psychology classifies intelligence in two categories namely fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. School location, interior design, accommodation, decorations, and the quality of health and sanitary conditions play a major role in the efficiency of learning. But, like Nisbett, he cautions against the simplistic idea that everyone raised in a particular culture will share equally in that culture's style of thinking, or that someone raised in one culture will be unable to learn the cognitive style of another. Psychologists contend that intelligence is genetic, or inherited, and others claim that it is largely influenced by the surrounding environment. It was the first to use standardized normal distribution in scoring and is commonly used today. Crystallized intelligence refers to the use of previously-acquired knowledge, such as specific facts learned in school or specific motor skills or muscle memory Cattell, 1963. Maybe you've asked yourself, how did he get so good at this? As the researchers argued, the twin raised in the United States got a higher verbal IQ score, possibly due to greater emphasis on language and the foster mother being a speech pathologist.


Factors affecting human intelligence psychology essay

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Some environmental factors are either enhanced or suppressed by the genes of the individual. Modern psychology classifies intelligence in two categories namely fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Guilford ventured more into the adulthood intelligence developing a Structure-of-Intellect model SI model. Culture refers to a system of beliefs, attitudes, and values that assed from one generation to the next. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 797-811.


What Factors Influence Intelligence

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Periodic and occasional testing motivates students to be regular in their studies. One important thing to note about the genetics of intelligence is that it is not controlled by a single "intelligence gene. The parents and the society train boys and differently in terms of what to expect from them. The children of such mothers may show permanent physical and mental impairment. There have been few empirical studies that actually test this theory, and this theory does not account for other types of intelligence beyond the ones Gardner lists Sternberg, 2003.


Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Researchers differ in their convictions regarding sex differences. The model had a 3-D cube shaped model with five categories of how the information is presented on a test, six operation categories of what is done on a test and six product categories of the form in which information is processed on a test. The most surprising factor that affects intelligence is that intelligence can change. According to him every different intellectual activity involves a general factor 'g' which is shared with all intellectual activities and a specific 's' which it shares with none. The type of food also matters. Other researchers have come to similar conclusions.


Factor Affecting Learning

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Refinement and test of the theory of fluid and crystallized general intelligences. Moreover, is it desirable--or even possible--to adapt Western tests to non-Western cultures, or should new tests be designed from the ground up to measure skills and abilities valued by the culture in which they are to be used? Intelligence is also affected by the manipulation of existing normal conditions; eugenics is currently being practiced to improve the human species by improving human genes. After analyzing data from 56 different tests of mental abilities, he identified a number of primary mental abilities that comprise intelligence, as opposed to one general factor. Outside of Japan, Buraku children receive scores more in line with other Japanese children. It is known that intelligence related to personality characteristics. Thus, Galton operationalized intelligence as reaction time.


Factors that influence intelligence Flashcards

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Cultural Specificity Cultural Specificity There are issues with intelligence tests beyond looking at them in a vacuum. They found that racial membership significantly influenced both the pattern and level of intellectual sentence. Twin studies demonstrate a genetic aspect in people's IQ. Memory Ability to recall information such as lists or words, mathematical formulas, and definitions. A study by Ha Stevenson revealed that Chinese and Japanese children in the United States show exceptional ability in mathematics, because their parents emphasize achievement orientation in children during their early formative period development.


What Is General Intelligence (G Factor)?

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

This might constitute good argument for children not to go to school hungry; eat their breakfast every morning; to learn better at school. Inductive Reasoning Ability to derive general rules and principles from presented information. Genetic Studies of Genius. Above Image: WISC-IV Sample Test Question The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS , is an IQ test designed to measure cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. He also suggests that these multiple intelligences can help us understand concepts beyond intelligence, such as creativity and And although this theory has widely captured the attention of the psychology community and greater public, it does have its faults.


FEX 311: Factors affecting Intelligence

factors affecting intelligence in psychology

Achievement Test Other tests, such as aptitude and achievement tests, are designed to measure intellectual capability. Different cultures hold different values and even have different perceptions of intelligence, so is it fair to have one universal marker of this increasingly complex concept? Evaluating environmental influences on intelligence is like trying to unravel the Gordian Knot; it is next to impossible to tease apart one factor from another. Intelligence facilitates the gaining of knowledge and consequent wide applications in solving problems. Where the g-factor measures the "general" factor or common function among ability tests and the s-factor measures the "specific" factor unique to a particular ability test. While an IQ score has many benefits in measuring intelligence, it is critical to consider that just because someone has a lower score, does not necessarily mean they are lower in intelligence. Lack of nutrition would have an adverse impact on the mental development of the child. In this way, Monarchic and Anarchic theories hold the two extremes.
